SSC Green Lantern 1/6 Figure

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The false assumption is at your end.
Who said I was comparing just HTs Marvel or DC cinematic licenses to SS's?
HT has done numerous licenses that had no cinematic or live actor portrayal.
Stop making excuses for SS 1/6 misadventures, they've fumbled repeatedly across the 1/6 license spectrum and not just in the comics line up.
I'm not myopic in my criticism, they've done wonderful work in other scales and some amazing gems have been produced in the StarWars line.
But why can't HT quality paint ops be applied to Trevor Grove 1/6 scale sculpts?!
We never seem to get clear answers on these types of questions.
What exactly is the stumbling block that SS keeps tripping over when they can't utilize AutoCad?
I appreciate Matt coming on here but I also get the sense that some answers are being hedged a tad as not to step on his employers toes.
I could be wrong but that feeling seems to pervade any of Sideshows representatives appearances on the board.
And I understand why that is but yet the problem remains. Prices keep going up but quality by enlarge is not.

What can collectors do as a matter of recourse?
Simply not buy?
But the truth is we do want to buy, we do want a rockin Green Lantern, even a $220 Green Lantern, but Sideshow isn't meeting the collector halfway with quality and what we know is achievable at that price point.

Very nicely put – what i've been trying... and failing to say in a nutshell!
...Oh, and I have a question fo Matt.
His explanation about costs was very instructive, and I understand that costs keep rising, but tripling over only a few years? Okay, I get that plastic and shipment both require petrol, so when petrol was at its highest, prices were bound to go up...

...but it isn't the case anymore! Petrol is presently at the price it was around 2007, so does it mean we can expect our toys to drop in price too? Now that would be logical! But somehow, I don't see this happening...

This is the main sticking point for me – if the figure were cheaper (regardless of hating the material) I would buy it in a heartbeat, I love Hal Jordan GL.

But in regard to costs and R&D etc. etc., let's look what other companies are doing - as there has to be a yardstick to measure by!

Soldier Story and DAM both producing figures with great headsculpts with amazing paint application, and excellently tailored, intricate uniforms with loads of accessories. Figures cost approx. £110 over here.

Hot Toys - well I need not say anything, we know their quality! A standard figure (Batman Arkham or Batman 1966 for example) selling in UK for approx £150.

Then we have GL here... headsculpt is nice, but slightly oversized (as usual) and paint application is lagging behind every other high-end figure manufacturer. Tailoring is ok, but nothing as intricate as others mentioned, and material choice poor. Accessories nice but could be a lot better... this is GL for god's sake. And only one headsculpt? The new Batman figure will come with three... we could at least have an angry or concentrating grimace option - maybe mask free. and all for £180 here in the UK... £30 more than Arkham Batman... really? Come on guys!

Yeah, we can all appreciate production costs - but when everyone else (big or small companies) are doing it better for cheaper, and improving quality year on year, the SSC really have no excuses!
I don't have a dog in this fight one way or the other. I could see how some may like it. Conversely I can see how some may not. That will always be the case. I think it's pretty nice overall, but I don't plan to collect the line.

What I do see is a lot of disrespect and overt rudeness. Especially towards some SS employees who've taken time out of their day to respond to a bunch of whiners on a forum. Some people come off as so being entitled and so bitter that the figure doesn't match their vision of the character that it's repulsive to be quite frank. Everyone needs to step off their high horse and just let it be what it is. You'll either like it and buy it or dislike it and not buy it. It's very simple.

Sure you can discuss aspects of it and state your opinions. That's what this place is for. But stop whining and show some respect.

I like the Green Lantern figure, but the price is holding me back. While I wish he would have come with a few more accessories, with prices pushing past $200, I have to start becoming more and more picky about what I pick up. The price isn't so much a problem if it is just one figure, but I would want at least 4 or 5 DC figures and that starts to add up quickly. The DC Batman figures from Sideshow are some of my favorite figures, but I was able to get each of those under $200.
that's not counting the FB disapproval. very few want this on fb end.

The facebook posts truly represent the worst of the internet. It's all of three comments before someone complains about Batman Returns figures and then it just goes downhill from there.
I don't have a dog in this fight one way or the other. I could see how some may like it. Conversely I can see how some may not. That will always be the case. I think it's pretty nice overall, but I don't plan to collect the line.

What I do see is a lot of disrespect and overt rudeness. Especially towards some SS employees who've taken time out of their day to respond to a bunch of whiners on a forum. Some people come off as so being entitled and so bitter that the figure doesn't match their vision of the character that it's repulsive to be quite frank. Everyone needs to step off their high horse and just let it be what it is. You'll either like it and buy it or dislike it and not buy it. It's very simple.

Sure you can discuss aspects of it and state your opinions. That's what this place is for. But stop whining and show some respect.


So people are being disrespectful for whinning?
Sorry Darklord - but your defending of this figure and the fact you are a forum administrator seem linked to me...
I don't think Affatorri is being overly critical at all. You say '10' vocal people - i'm sorry but i'd say a good 90% of the people on here – Sideshow's customers – are unhappy with this figure. It really comes across to me, a long time collector but newbie poster, that SSC don't like critism!

As I've said on here already - I have Batman, and love him, I passed on Superman because of his headsculpt.
The Green Lantern figure is an improvement on Supes and is actually a nice figure in my opinion – but I hate the green material and the price.
Price this at about $125 and i'll buy. Change the material, give him extra headsculpts and accessories and i'll buy at the current price. Otherwise, sadly, i'll pass and just hope to pick up a few parted out bits to kitbash my own!

Thanks dario. I was not being overly critical. 65% of my poll said they would not buy gl at retail price. Only 19% said they would and another 19% were not sure. Funny my poll was closed after a very shirt time by an administrator and not by ME! There is an overwhelming negative response to this figure. I am a consumer and feel as many we are NOT getting our moneys worth. If gl was 149.99 I would have him preoredered even with a 20.00 nrd. So do not call me overly critical. I am a collector and a fan, but not a blind fan boy. If you do not see a price point climbing to the point of a future crash in the market and pushing collectors out, then keep being a SSC lacky. I do not hate every figure, and I have all SSC DC line thus far. Have I seen some flaws, yes. But the response since sdcc 2014 has been luke warm at best. So please do not close a poll because the results are not what you want it or SSC wants. That's a form of censorship BTW.
Your 'Poll' was just another excuse to whine, there's enough of that here.

OK, so getting peoples opinion that goes contrary to what you think is whinning , then what ever. I asked if people will buy at retail price, will not or not sure. How's is that whinning? You sound like a SSC fan boy whinning about the whinning. My poll was not about if you like or hate the figure BTW!
You sound like a SSC fan boy whinning about the whinning.
:mwaha You obviously haven't read my views on recent Q.C then.

If something I've ordered, and waited for, arrives either broken, flawed or vastly different from the prototype that convinced me to order I'll make my views known.
If something goes up for pre-order that I don't like the look of or think is overpriced I will say 'Pass' and move on.
wow i am suprised for a company that making a "limited edition" figures for Hobbyist/collectors told a (potential/longtime) customers "In the end it's up to you - if you don't like it, don't buy it. " i wish i can do that to my customers.(even though in my heart i want to do that=D)...instead listening to the positive input they choose to tell their CUSTOMERS TO not buy their artisitic interpretation. alright i get it..... you guys cant take criticism (bad nor good) . from now on i only buy your product if Ii see it good when it come out and plus what general consensus say.
Thanks dario. I was not being overly critical. 65% of my poll said they would not buy gl at retail price. Only 19% said they would and another 19% were not sure. Funny my poll was closed after a very shirt time by an administrator and not by ME! There is an overwhelming negative response to this figure. I am a consumer and feel as many we are NOT getting our moneys worth. If gl was 149.99 I would have him preoredered even with a 20.00 nrd. So do not call me overly critical. I am a collector and a fan, but not a blind fan boy. If you do not see a price point climbing to the point of a future crash in the market and pushing collectors out, then keep being a SSC lacky. I do not hate every figure, and I have all SSC DC line thus far. Have I seen some flaws, yes. But the response since sdcc 2014 has been luke warm at best. So please do not close a poll because the results are not what you want it or SSC wants. That's a form of censorship BTW.

the results you found is quite similar to the way people already feel about it. I did look back and there is more people on just this forum that out weigh the likes only 4 people pulled the trigger from the last time i looked and everyone else is either waiting until release reviews,to lower price markdown to a coupon, there still less than the people who truly decided not to buy this. there are people on here who when you don't side with there beliefs the pages get yanked, you get harassed to the point they follow you from forum to forum or wait until you post something to jump in and just try to rip you to shreds. Trust me I have been there so many times that i know some of my hecklers by heart to the point I am learning to just shut my eyes to there post like it's invisible.

I hate to say drop this but take it from someone who get's harassed on this all the time, Just let them win, it's the only thing that matters to there tiny existence to win an argument. since the mods wont and some mods jump in and participate in harassment. You need to just sit back and let the fan boys run the show, sit back and have a drink and just laugh, I know i do. Some of them after defending something so hard get product in hand and changes there opinion. telling someone you told them so especially them just makes them follow you more.

I have the same people who troll me for the past 4 yrs it's like they make a list to troll people because there is nothing more to do with there life. and shocker they have lemmings who join in. It's half the reason im on other forums outside of freaks, freaks is the forum where everyone rips on each-other and claim to be diplomatic etc etc whatever excuse they use.

I wanted to do a poll on here but I know how it would end, after 4 yrs here you know the score with these individuals. Im just saying with them It's just not worth it. I realize now i shouldn't have said anything about the GL figure because even if im right, it's because it came from me that it's automatically wrong. your opinion only matters if you have been on here since the Buffy figures was released. you have to be a sideshow freak lifer.

I have no feelings about this figure anymore, I voiced what i felt was wrong, and what could have made it sell. it either sets in or it doesn't right now all the clicks have there dander up, and you won't get much out of them accept lashing out.
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The facebook posts truly represent the worst of the internet. It's all of three comments before someone complains about Batman Returns figures and then it just goes downhill from there.

Fb represents the worst on the internet, really how long have you been on freaks? trust me if your a newb you will see just how bad it really get's here, welcome to the underworld. the facebook,twitter,instagram,dc forums all hate this figure. FB was a small percentage. I did separate posts on FB all over the 1/6 world there not just see whats said on sideshows page. I wanted to see if the people haggling me was right that i am in the minority on this. There dead wrong. there actually in the minority on this particular figure.

I'm not going to talk about the figure anymore im sure the sales results will speak for itself but only sideshow will see it.
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