SSC Green Lantern 1/6 Figure

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We had several SSC VIP's and Adam FREAKING Hughes was a regular poster here for crying out loud. Hughes would give insight into the poses he designed for statues, we'd shoot the **** about which order you should watch SW films in, he'd post his custom figures, it was great. And then the idiocy of some absolute morons drove them away. Jerry Vanderstelt had to leave for a while but lucky for us he came back.

We're damn lucky that Sideshow Alex still hangs around.

Trolling is a norm, hell I've even seen mods abused and targeted and the posters seem to usually survive awhile and practically have to go nuclear before getting banned. Although it can be fun to have such latitude in posting, unfortunately its going to probably turn off alot of industry professionals who probably view posting here akin to jumping in to take a swim in a tank labeled "shark habitat".
Trolling is a norm, hell I've even seen mods abused and targeted and the posters seem to usually survive awhile and practically have to go nuclear before getting banned. Although it can be fun to have such latitude in posting, unfortunately its going to probably turn off alot of industry professionals who probably view posting here akin to jumping in to take a swim in a tank labeled "shark habitat".

Yes it's usually a trade-off; a lightly modded and casual environment which can cater to jerks and drive away VIP's or more strict enforcement that might have people second guessing everything they say wondering whether it will be edited or deleted but that allows for more participation from the industry. I didn't really "get it" with this site (I didn't think we were worse than any other) until I personally spoke to a well known artist face to face at Celebration VI who said he just had to stop reading and posting here because the inconsiderate criticisms of his work was truly cutting him deep.

That's when it hit me that we've got some real asshats here and even if the culture did change I don't know that those who left would ever be inclined to return.
We had several SSC VIP's and Adam FREAKING Hughes was a regular poster here for crying out loud. Hughes would give insight into the poses he designed for statues, we'd shoot the **** about which order you should watch SW films in, he'd post his custom figures, it was great. And then the idiocy of some absolute morons drove them away. Jerry Vanderstelt had to leave for a while but lucky for us he came back.

We're damn lucky that Sideshow Alex still hangs around.

Yup. Those were the days.

I can understand some being upset, but dang, have some restraint.

As for Lantern, I would like the classic style suit, but this is a modern styled one. I like the texture. The lantern lighting up will be nice.

But yea, about $40 overpriced compared to the rest of the line.

Will be ordering when a $20 coupon hits.
We had several SSC VIP's and Adam FREAKING Hughes was a regular poster here for crying out loud. Hughes would give insight into the poses he designed for statues, we'd shoot the **** about which order you should watch SW films in, he'd post his custom figures, it was great. And then the idiocy of some absolute morons drove them away. Jerry Vanderstelt had to leave for a while but lucky for us he came back.

We're damn lucky that Sideshow Alex still hangs around.

I remember the last few days when Allison was here, the way some members (so called "adults") treated her. It's sad that a few pathetic keyboard commandos make the community look bad.

Trolling is a norm, hell I've even seen mods abused and targeted and the posters seem to usually survive awhile and practically have to go nuclear before getting banned. Although it can be fun to have such latitude in posting, unfortunately its going to probably turn off alot of industry professionals who probably view posting here akin to jumping in to take a swim in a tank labeled "shark habitat".

Unfortunately it has become the norm.

I'll never understand cowards who are only brave enough to talk smack to someone while hiding behind their keyboard & the cloak of internet anonymity.
Im not a mod or anything, but whats absolutley unacceptable to me are personal attacks. Ex- person x has no talent, x is stupid, etc.

I havent read anything like that. The posts ive seen focus on the product itself, the price, and a not so flattering reputation that many feel is continuing to build. Maybe the language was colorful in places, but i think those topics are fair. And ive seen those same concerns applied to other manufactuers as well. But again, im no moderator.
Thanks again Matt, for visiting and clarifying the light-up lantern.

Such a waste of an opportunity. A SSC representative comes onto the forum, and instead of suggesting improvements, people fire opinionated complaints at him. Personally, I'm fine with the high-gloss look of the outfit, because it helps differentiate him on the shelf, and as he works in space, I think it looks pretty good. To me, the only issue is that the material used is so stiff, that the outfit hides any musculature, and wrinkles and folds when he is posed. It's the wrinkles and folds that make the figure look cheap.

Instead of bitching about the material, or even worse, bitching about the fact that SSC isn't listening to the "fans", it probably would have been much more productive asking about or asking for accessories...
Yes it's usually a trade-off; a lightly modded and casual environment which can cater to jerks and drive away VIP's or more strict enforcement that might have people second guessing everything they say wondering whether it will be edited or deleted but that allows for more participation from the industry. I didn't really "get it" with this site (I didn't think we were worse than any other) until I personally spoke to a well known artist face to face at Celebration VI who said he just had to stop reading and posting here because the inconsiderate criticisms of his work was truly cutting him deep.

That's when it hit me that we've got some real asshats here and even if the culture did change I don't know that those who left would ever be inclined to return.

It would be nice to see them return but I understand why they wouldn't.

Yup. Those were the days.

I can understand some being upset, but dang, have some restraint.

As for Lantern, I would like the classic style suit, but this is a modern styled one. I like the texture. The lantern lighting up will be nice.

But yea, about $40 overpriced compared to the rest of the line.

Will be ordering when a $20 coupon hits.

Agreed. People can voice their displeasure in a constructive way without being an asshat.
Personally for me. The problem I have that others have also voiced.
The costume
Lack of constructs
The price tag and NRD
And those stands don't do dynamic flight posing the stem should be clear resin.
Finally with a huge lantern corp this getting 2 other heads would have made a better exclusive.

I didn't care it was modern because I know people don't always like classic like I do. But I did care about symmetry and when you put him next to sups he won't mesh well as he would costume wise to mos.

Sure we were crass about it but that comes from paying high prices and turning around and fixing stuff. In this instance. If this was $150. No NRD it would sell faster. The price is to high with what's offered and expected to swallow.

Customers are angry we feel taken for suckers. That price is a slap in the face. Not slap more like beat down. When you do that the customers can and will turn rabid.
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You can't have the positive feedback without the negative feedback. Both are important to any company and there really isn't any intimidation from people on the board. People are going to say dumb things, people will say nice things, people will say straight mis-informed thing and people will say straight up mean things - but isn't that what a forum board is?

I jumped in yesterday because there seemed to be a couple questions on whether the lantern would illuminate so I wanted to let those who like the figure and were concerned know that we do intend for it to illuminate. Maybe those who were on the fence might be able to make a better decision. I'm certainly not trying to convince anyone to buy - that is your money and your choice. Fortunately I was able to answer some recurring questions about the costume, hopefully it described why we made the decision we did.

I don't have much to do with the product price other than to advise those who make the decision what the development costs are, what we need to pay to produce the figure. They then have to factor in licensing, spreading the tooling and development cost across the unit pricing, transportation, etc. There are actually a lot of costs that go into producing a figure that you wouldn't believe. I work here and sometimes I get surprised at all the hidden costs that have to be paid before Sideshow can turn a profit.

Now I can say this with all honesty in simple black and white terms - from one collector to a group of fellow collectors, and immediately afterwards for the next few days, I'm told I'm full of BS, that's not what these cost to make, Sideshow is lying, they steal peoples babies at night, they caused the port issue, there is a collaboration with other companies to screw the collector. No matter what I say, or how I say it - there are just some folks who either refuse to believe it, or don't want to believe it, they know someone 'in the know' (FYI - please take these people with a HUGE grain of salt) or are just pissed because costs go up. I get pissed too when I go to get a 3.75 Star Wars or Marvel figure and they are $11 now, but knowing what it takes to make these things and produce overseas - I get it. Doesn't mean I like it - but I get.

So, I can understand why collectors, who may not work in this industry and may not have this info will question the pricing. Totally valid but there really isn't any conspiracy to screw anyone over. You can choose to believe me or not.

So the NRD - $20 - sure it's $20 you may have not had to pay a year ago or 6 months ago, but for this figure, the NRD was implemented. So, if down the road you decide to cancel before receiving the product, yes, you are out $20 bucks. But if you hold onto your purchase and get the product and decide when you get it that you don't like it, you can return and you get your NRD and and full refund back. Yes - it sucks to have to pay to ship it back, but that's just how it operates. Why is GL more than Batman? - because he is. He costs more to make. It may not seem like it - but how many pieces make up the construct? How many pieces make up the lantern? What is the process to print the material? Don't just look at piece count - look at the pieces. Why can other companies sell comparable product for cheaper? Any number of reasons- low overhead, they have their OWN factory, they are 30 minutes away from their factory via train, they are making a product that doesn't have a license attached, isn't licensed..etc. I don't expect anyone to understand and I'm not justifying - I'm informing.

In the end it's up to you - if you don't like it, don't buy it. We are not going to win everyone over, especially when we go with our interpretations of characters, which you will likely see more of. Our aesthetic preference isn't going to match everyone else's, especially the diehard fans of the character who like their specific version. We can't please everyone and we release every figure knowing there will be post after post of people who hate it - totally cool. But there will be those who do like it, which is also cool. For those that don't, hopefully there will be another figure that does resonate with you.

Please also understand that each figure involves multiple artists. I know that a majority of people on these boards are also artists so you know the effort it takes to create art. You may not like the end result but I think from one artist to another, you have to at least respect the process. I also think it's a bit unfair to single out artists and try and publicly shame them because of an aspect of the figure they worked on. I think some forum members get frustrated because they can't understand how or why decisions get made. Well, thats because you aren't in the multitude of meetings and discussions and restless late night thoughts on how to make the multiple aspects of these figures work. Each figure is a collaboration of artists so to single one person out - it's unfair and not cool. "How the hell can they sign off on this" - well we did and we know that not everyone will like it. Sensing a recurring theme?

The theme is - it's cool not to like something. You aren't offending myself or anyone else. All I ask is to just consider that all things are done for a reason. I don't expect you to know the reason because you don't work at Sideshow, but know it's never with the intent to offend the fans of character. We will never, ever offer anything that will get 100% approval from the public - we know that going into each product. Thats just not how this industry works. People are passionate about things and that passion is also shared by us.

You don't have to believe me, but I do thank you for reading as well as your comments, be it positive or negative on anything we do. Everyone on here because they are passionate about collecting - so thanks for your passion.
I don't think this was asked, I was wondering why did Sideshow abandon the articulated boots that Batman and Superman had? I thought these worked great. Two separate pairs of boots seems like a step back.
Thanks Matt!
I also 2nd the request for more GI JOes.... particularly Scarlett!
Also, if you know the answer, I would also inquire to the boot question posed. I personally love the SSC Bats and Supes, and the boot design for them works great!
It would be nice if SSC add more "power" accessories at this price point, which may happen, I think we've been surprised before with extras added in after reveals.

A big thank you to the SSC staff sounding off in here.
Oh yeah, and I'll third EF and Sardo;s sentiments....
Hey Matt put the word in that we'd like some more villains that aren't just Bat-verse baddies, Luthor, Bizarro, Braniac, Reverse Flash, Sinestro etc.....
Also hoping to see more than just whats already been shown at this years SDCC (WW and Aquaman would be nice)
Thanks Matt!
I also 2nd the request for more GI JOes.... particularly Scarlett!
Also, if you know the answer, I would also inquire to the boot question posed. I personally love the SSC Bats and Supes, and the boot design for them works great!

As a RAH fan - I appreciate your support for the Joe line. I certainly had fun being a part of it. i get even more enjoyment from seeing people like Steel Brigade make some great customs which fit in perfectly alongside the figures we did. Who knows - maybe Joe will come back around.

Two part boots - I'm a fan as well. A lot of implementing them depends on the sculpt of the boot and if we can engineer it to conceal the joint properly.

In the case of GL, we realized on Superman that we did not achieve the desired angle to get the toes to point downward enough for a hover or launch posing on the extended base pole (please note - the extended base pole is meant to use both the groin AND waist wire holders to suspend the figure).

In hind site on Superman, in order to do so using a two part boot, we would have had to expose more of the joint which we want to avoid or provide a fully sculpted boot to showcase that angle and have it retain the aesthetics of the boot. Since GL needed this more severe downward toe angle to showcase 'flight' and 'hover' better, we chose a full sculpted boot so the customer has both standing and flight options without a seam exposing a ball joint.

Hope that answers your question. Thanks for asking.