SSC Green Lantern 1/6 Figure

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Can't say I'm impressed. Looks like an ok figure. Nothing impressive. Does the job by being a representation of Green Lantern.

That being said, the figure can be improved on so many aspects to make it look better.

For one, the body does not really fill the suit, the eyes on the mask are too wide, no expression. The constructs have good sculpting, but I prefer a more transparent plastic to actually see, if only barely, his fist.

The material for the green parts of the suit are is not of my liking. They should have used a plain material.

Again, those ugly SSC faces, old looking woith weird proportions.

Maybe on the next one....
Ask yourselves this: If Hot Toys were to release a Green Lantern at SS's price point does anyone with an honest bone in their body doubt that it would be a superior looking figure, not perfect, but markedly better?
If the answer is yes then the next and most important question is this: Why?

That's what's not being addressed and is the elephant in the room.
What does HT have access to that SS doesn't?
Better sculptors?
Better materials?
SS is as big if not bigger company..

How do smaller companies such as StarAce who also has to contend with licensing fees come out with such superior quality
figures like what is being offered in the Harry Potter line?

False assumption. You're comparing movie figures that are supposed to look a certain way to figures based on comics with a unique design not seen before.
I am glad you are smart enough to see my point of the poll unlike hockeyflows. That was my point, SSC needs to see that a lot of people are not happy with the figure quality and stupid price nearing 250.00 price point with crap for accessories. If he does not want to see my post or others then buy the figure if your happy with it. People like hockeyflow make coming to this forum not pleasant some times. Kids trying to act tough behind a key board. I have been supportive of SSC and have 11 flex pays currently going and have over 250 1/6 figures and just because I can afford to buy a sub standard figure for 220.00 plus dollars does not mean I should be happy with it or not voice my opinion about it. Maybe SSC will get the message, but I doubt it. At this rate the market will crash as many will not buy many figures or get out all together.

You are the one being overly opinionated - the fact that you and 10 other vocal people don't like it doesn't make it a "mistake."
You are the one being overly opinionated - the fact that you and 10 other vocal people don't like it doesn't make it a "mistake."

Sorry Darklord - but your defending of this figure and the fact you are a forum administrator seem linked to me...
I don't think Affatorri is being overly critical at all. You say '10' vocal people - i'm sorry but i'd say a good 90% of the people on here – Sideshow's customers – are unhappy with this figure. It really comes across to me, a long time collector but newbie poster, that SSC don't like critism!

As I've said on here already - I have Batman, and love him, I passed on Superman because of his headsculpt.
The Green Lantern figure is an improvement on Supes and is actually a nice figure in my opinion – but I hate the green material and the price.
Price this at about $125 and i'll buy. Change the material, give him extra headsculpts and accessories and i'll buy at the current price. Otherwise, sadly, i'll pass and just hope to pick up a few parted out bits to kitbash my own!
False assumption. You're comparing movie figures that are supposed to look a certain way to figures based on comics with a unique design not seen before.

The false assumption is at your end.
Who said I was comparing just HTs Marvel or DC cinematic licenses to SS's?
HT has done numerous licenses that had no cinematic or live actor portrayal.
Stop making excuses for SS 1/6 misadventures, they've fumbled repeatedly across the 1/6 license spectrum and not just in the comics line up.
I'm not myopic in my criticism, they've done wonderful work in other scales and some amazing gems have been produced in the StarWars line.
But why can't HT quality paint ops be applied to Trevor Grove 1/6 scale sculpts?!
We never seem to get clear answers on these types of questions.
What exactly is the stumbling block that SS keeps tripping over when they can't utilize AutoCad?
I appreciate Matt coming on here but I also get the sense that some answers are being hedged a tad as not to step on his employers toes.
I could be wrong but that feeling seems to pervade any of Sideshows representatives appearances on the board.
And I understand why that is but yet the problem remains. Prices keep going up but quality by enlarge is not.

What can collectors do as a matter of recourse?
Simply not buy?
But the truth is we do want to buy, we do want a rockin Green Lantern, even a $220 Green Lantern, but Sideshow isn't meeting the collector halfway with quality and what we know is achievable at that price point.
You can't have the positive feedback without the negative feedback. Both are important to any company and there really isn't any intimidation from people on the board. People are going to say dumb things, people will say nice things, people will say straight mis-informed thing and people will say straight up mean things - but isn't that what a forum board is?

I jumped in yesterday because there seemed to be a couple questions on whether the lantern would illuminate so I wanted to let those who like the figure and were concerned know that we do intend for it to illuminate. Maybe those who were on the fence might be able to make a better decision. I'm certainly not trying to convince anyone to buy - that is your money and your choice. Fortunately I was able to answer some recurring questions about the costume, hopefully it described why we made the decision we did.

I don't have much to do with the product price other than to advise those who make the decision what the development costs are, what we need to pay to produce the figure. They then have to factor in licensing, spreading the tooling and development cost across the unit pricing, transportation, etc. There are actually a lot of costs that go into producing a figure that you wouldn't believe. I work here and sometimes I get surprised at all the hidden costs that have to be paid before Sideshow can turn a profit.

Now I can say this with all honesty in simple black and white terms - from one collector to a group of fellow collectors, and immediately afterwards for the next few days, I'm told I'm full of BS, that's not what these cost to make, Sideshow is lying, they steal peoples babies at night, they caused the port issue, there is a collaboration with other companies to screw the collector. No matter what I say, or how I say it - there are just some folks who either refuse to believe it, or don't want to believe it, they know someone 'in the know' (FYI - please take these people with a HUGE grain of salt) or are just pissed because costs go up. I get pissed too when I go to get a 3.75 Star Wars or Marvel figure and they are $11 now, but knowing what it takes to make these things and produce overseas - I get it. Doesn't mean I like it - but I get.

So, I can understand why collectors, who may not work in this industry and may not have this info will question the pricing. Totally valid but there really isn't any conspiracy to screw anyone over. You can choose to believe me or not.

So the NRD - $20 - sure it's $20 you may have not had to pay a year ago or 6 months ago, but for this figure, the NRD was implemented. So, if down the road you decide to cancel before receiving the product, yes, you are out $20 bucks. But if you hold onto your purchase and get the product and decide when you get it that you don't like it, you can return and you get your NRD and and full refund back. Yes - it sucks to have to pay to ship it back, but that's just how it operates. Why is GL more than Batman? - because he is. He costs more to make. It may not seem like it - but how many pieces make up the construct? How many pieces make up the lantern? What is the process to print the material? Don't just look at piece count - look at the pieces. Why can other companies sell comparable product for cheaper? Any number of reasons- low overhead, they have their OWN factory, they are 30 minutes away from their factory via train, they are making a product that doesn't have a license attached, isn't licensed..etc. I don't expect anyone to understand and I'm not justifying - I'm informing.

In the end it's up to you - if you don't like it, don't buy it. We are not going to win everyone over, especially when we go with our interpretations of characters, which you will likely see more of. Our aesthetic preference isn't going to match everyone else's, especially the diehard fans of the character who like their specific version. We can't please everyone and we release every figure knowing there will be post after post of people who hate it - totally cool. But there will be those who do like it, which is also cool. For those that don't, hopefully there will be another figure that does resonate with you.

Please also understand that each figure involves multiple artists. I know that a majority of people on these boards are also artists so you know the effort it takes to create art. You may not like the end result but I think from one artist to another, you have to at least respect the process. I also think it's a bit unfair to single out artists and try and publicly shame them because of an aspect of the figure they worked on. I think some forum members get frustrated because they can't understand how or why decisions get made. Well, thats because you aren't in the multitude of meetings and discussions and restless late night thoughts on how to make the multiple aspects of these figures work. Each figure is a collaboration of artists so to single one person out - it's unfair and not cool. "How the hell can they sign off on this" - well we did and we know that not everyone will like it. Sensing a recurring theme?

The theme is - it's cool not to like something. You aren't offending myself or anyone else. All I ask is to just consider that all things are done for a reason. I don't expect you to know the reason because you don't work at Sideshow, but know it's never with the intent to offend the fans of character. We will never, ever offer anything that will get 100% approval from the public - we know that going into each product. Thats just not how this industry works. People are passionate about things and that passion is also shared by us.

You don't have to believe me, but I do thank you for reading as well as your comments, be it positive or negative on anything we do. Everyone on here because they are passionate about collecting - so thanks for your passion.

The false assumption is at your end.
Who said I was comparing just HTs Marvel or DC cinematic licenses to SS's?
HT has done numerous licenses that had no cinematic or live actor portrayal.
Stop making excuses for SS 1/6 misadventures, they've fumbled repeatedly across the 1/6 license spectrum and not just in the comics line up.
I'm not myopic in my criticism, they've done wonderful work in other scales and some amazing gems have been produced in the StarWars line.
But why can't HT quality paint ops be applied to Trevor Grove 1/6 scale sculpts?!
We never seem to get clear answers on these types of questions.
What exactly is the stumbling block that SS keeps tripping over when they can't utilize AutoCad?
I appreciate Matt coming on here but I also get the sense that some answers are being hedged a tad as not to step on his employers toes.
I could be wrong but that feeling seems to pervade any of Sideshows representatives appearances on the board.
And I understand why that is but yet the problem remains. Prices keep going up but quality by enlarge is not.

What can collectors do as a matter of recourse?
Simply not buy?
But the truth is we do want to buy, we do want a rockin Green Lantern, even a $220 Green Lantern, but Sideshow isn't meeting the collector halfway with
quality and what we know is achievable at that price point.

Maybe you should read the above
Matt's input is highly appreciated, but to me the lantern issue is still not 100% clear. Light-up is 'intended' and the product page simply states 'power battery'.

As a RAH fan - I appreciate your support for the Joe line. I certainly had fun being a part of it. i get even more enjoyment from seeing people like Steel Brigade make some great customs which fit in perfectly alongside the figures we did. Who knows - maybe Joe will come back around.

Two part boots - I'm a fan as well. A lot of implementing them depends on the sculpt of the boot and if we can engineer it to conceal the joint properly.

In the case of GL, we realized on Superman that we did not achieve the desired angle to get the toes to point downward enough for a hover or launch posing on the extended base pole (please note - the extended base pole is meant to use both the groin AND waist wire holders to suspend the figure).

In hind site on Superman, in order to do so using a two part boot, we would have had to expose more of the joint which we want to avoid or provide a fully sculpted boot to showcase that angle and have it retain the aesthetics of the boot. Since GL needed this more severe downward toe angle to showcase 'flight' and 'hover' better, we chose a full sculpted boot so the customer has both standing and flight options without a seam exposing a ball joint.

Hope that answers your question. Thanks for asking.

Thanks again Matt!

Not to be a greedy pig, but one more request for another possible construct accessory (shield, giant hammer, etc.) would be hugely appreciated!
Thanks again Matt!

Not to be a greedy pig, but one more request for another possible construct accessory (shield, giant hammer, etc.) would be hugely appreciated!

A power shield would be awesome, especially if they formed it to interlock with a future Sinestro powerblast, so that it looked like his blast was coming around the sides of the shield.... Soooooo many possibilities on this figure that could be explored.
Man, this thread got running. :lol

Did we get a Flash answer? I'm too lazy to read through the lengthy back and forth. For the record, alternative heads of other Lantern members would have been awesome. I bought 4 of the DCD GLC figures just to have my own little Corps. It would have been tempting to do that here too.
Math wise 26 people on here wouldn't get this figure at all. 4-5 pre-ordered (one is waiting for a coupon). 15 would buy it when heavily discounted most in there would just use parts. That is the current list so far. all in all for that many people on fense or only wanting parts that isn't a good sign.
you can go through the 60 pages to check my math if you want to, I know I did

that's not counting the FB disapproval. very few want this on fb end.
tony mei probably might buy to make his customs and companies will buy to break down to sell for fodder. but I dont see many sales here.
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I appreciate Matt intervening on this matter. That was pretty straightforward and understandable on SSC's point of view, but I can't help thinking that many bad choices were made here...

I don't dislike the pattern on the outfit. I don't really care if it's comics accurate or not. I don't mind the body being not enough muscular either. In a way, it's a clever choice because it will make the figures different from one another.

The real problem, I think, is that they had only two ways to achieve this pattern and it involves aesthetics over durability.
They could have done it the HT way, that is a stretchy material with a rubbery pattern on it. This way, the outfit would have been shape fitting but, let's face it, we all know that this type of outfit has a short lifespan. I don't see our MOS figures last a very long time. The rubber part will eventually dry and turn to dust.

... So they chose durability. A fabric with a fabric (as opposed to rubber) pattern that looks a bit like the MOS pattern. And this is where things went wrong. This kind of material isn't stretchy at all, so they have to make a choice. Form fitting at the cost of articulation (see Medicom Dark Knight Returns to understand what I mean) or a great range of articulation but a loose fitting costume.

That's what we got in the end... Not the best of choice IMHO. When it would have been so easy to stick to the comics and use green and black spandex... Poor choices indeed...

Oh, and I have a question fo Matt.
His explanation about costs was very instructive, and I understand that costs keep rising, but tripling over only a few years? Okay, I get that plastic and shipment both require petrol, so when petrol was at its highest, prices were bound to go up...

...but it isn't the case anymore! Petrol is presently at the price it was around 2007, so does it mean we can expect our toys to drop in price too? Now that would be logical! But somehow, I don't see this happening...
I like the figure personally. I was disappointed in the lack of extra head sculpts or accessories for the price. I hoped the ring would light up with the battery also. But I will pick him up with a coupon code.

My question would be if there is any talk about adding extra accesories?
My question to Matt is, if he's taking anymore questions regarding this figure. Why go with something some people might hate and not buy? As stated, you can't please everybody and that's true, but let's be honest, people that like this GL would have bought a more classic one anyways, and that's a fact. Even Dave with him wanting SS to take more chances view, would have bought a one. Now, the ones that hate it are not buying it. So wouldn't is stand to reason to make it more classic so more people would buy the figure? Or am I missing something.
My question to Matt is, if he's taking anymore questions regarding this figure. Why go with something some people might hate and not buy? As stated, you can't please everybody and that's true, but let's be honest, people that like this GL would have bought a more classic one anyways, and that's a fact. Even Dave with him wanting SS to take more chances view, would have bought a one. Now, the ones that hate it are not buying it. So wouldn't is stand to reason to make it more classic so more people would buy the figure? Or am I missing something.

Your only going to get a public relations type response it's the best way of answering without answering. Maybe they will do a variant like they did batman with better fabric less MOS style. which might lower cost to make more constructs.right now that's the only glimmer of hope i can offer
I don't think the prices went up solely because of the cost of Petrol; I imagine Sideshow believes their product is at that level. A lot of people will tell you that is the case, the SSC product is catching up to or on the level of Hot Toys. Me, I'm not ready to cross that bridge yet. When I can go into a Toys R Us and find an 8" Snake Plissken by Neca that has a better face sculpt than the 12" figure I just received in the mail from Sideshow I think they have a ways to go but I guess that's a story for the Snake thread.

As for GL I will not be preordering this figure. I have been disappointed with the last few figures I purchased; 2 Snakes and 2 Superman figures. Now if I won one in a contest I wouldn't turn it down.
Sideshow hit a wall with Nathan Drake and has been stumbling ever since. That's not to say they haven't put out some truly outstanding figures (the SW Snowtrooper being a personal favorite) but lately what they show you for the preorder and what you actually receive tend to be two seperate things. I said it earlier in this thread but I personally will no longer preorder ANY Sideshow figures and will wait for in-hand pics of the final product. That's not me trying to give Sideshow an "F you" that's just me being a cautious consumer after seeing too many large headed wonky eyed sculpts as of late. That said I DO think this GL head sculpt looks great and is the best so far in the DC line.