SSC Green Lantern 1/6 Figure

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Fb represents the worst on the internet, really how long have you been on freaks? trust me if your a newb you will see just how bad it really get's here, welcome to the underworld. the facebook,twitter,instagram,dc forums all hate this figure. FB was a small percentage. I did separate posts on FB all over the 1/6 world there not just see whats said on sideshows page. I wanted to see if the people haggling me was wrote that i am in the minority on this. There dead wrong. there actually in the minority on this particular figure.

I'm not going to talk about the figure anymore im sure the sales results will speak for itself but only sideshow will see it.
The outfit looks like cheap Barbie clothes to me. Should come with more energy parts too, or at least offer a deluxe with extra parts.
I think we are seeing the razor edge here. Collector falling on collector because of one inevitable conclusion. The price points on figures in general are hitting the point where we are no longer getting what we want for the price we are willing to pay. The bubble is getting ready to burst and the 1/6th market is getting read to collapse. With companies will step in like ACI or Pangea....filling the void for a time....but we are mad at Sideshow because they have to go cheaper....we buy less...Sideshow commisions fewer figures....they take losses......the market begins to dry.....
Hot Toys keeps charging more.....they sell fewer figures....the market continues to dry.....the beginning of the end is here. It may take 3-4 years....but mark my words.....the die has been cast.

As to the hatred and vitriol can express your opinions without being condesending. Consider acting like an adult. If you cant....Darklord Dave.....maybe its time to shut this kiddycare playground down.
the results you found is quite similar to the way people already feel about it. I did look back and there is more people on just this forum that out weigh the likes only 4 people pulled the trigger from the last time i looked and everyone else is either waiting until release reviews,to lower price markdown to a coupon, there still less than the people who truly decided not to buy this. there are people on here who when you don't side with there beliefs the pages get yanked, you get harassed to the point they follow you from forum to forum or wait until you post something to jump in and just try to rip you to shreds. Trust me I have been there so many times that i know some of my hecklers by heart to the point I am learning to just shut my eyes to there post like it's invisible.

I hate to say drop this but take it from someone who get's harassed on this all the time, Just let them win, it's the only thing that matters to there tiny existence to win an argument. since the mods wont and some mods jump in and participate in harassment. You need to just sit back and let the fan boys run the show, sit back and have a drink and just laugh, I know i do. Some of them after defending something so hard get product in hand and changes there opinion. telling someone you told them so especially them just makes them follow you more.

I have the same people who troll me for the past 4 yrs it's like they make a list to troll people because there is nothing more to do with there life. and shocker they have lemmings who join in. It's half the reason im on other forums outside of freaks, freaks is the forum where everyone rips on each-other and claim to be diplomatic etc etc whatever excuse they use.

I wanted to do a poll on here but I know how it would end, after 4 yrs here you know the score with these individuals. Im just saying with them It's just not worth it. I realize now i shouldn't have said anything about the GL figure because even if im right, it's because it came from me that it's automatically wrong. your opinion only matters if you have been on here since the Buffy figures was released. you have to be a sideshow freak lifer.

I have no feelings about this figure anymore, I voiced what i felt was wrong, and what could have made it sell. it either sets in or it doesn't right now all the clicks have there dander up, and you won't get much out of them accept lashing out.

Great advice my friend its hard being a 44 year old navy veteran dealing with Children. I will just end posting on this topic and enjoy my retirement and have fun being able to have the income to buy any figure I want :) and not worry about an allowance or minimum wage job to buy my figures.
Fb represents the worst on the internet, really how long have you been on freaks? trust me if your a newb you will see just how bad it really get's here, welcome to the underworld. the facebook,twitter,instagram,dc forums all hate this figure. FB was a small percentage. I did separate posts on FB all over the 1/6 world there not just see whats said on sideshows page. I wanted to see if the people haggling me was right that i am in the minority on this. There dead wrong. there actually in the minority on this particular figure.

I'm not going to talk about the figure anymore im sure the sales results will speak for itself but only sideshow will see it.

I stick to mostly a few areas and I find it hard to believe that the Marvel area is so different than this one in that it stays positive the majority of the time. Personally I don't need to poll other areas to decide whether or not I like something. And yes, whether it's the Hot Toys fb page, OSR's fb page, etc, the comments posted make yahoo page commenters seem like Rhodes Scholars.
To bad SSC did not work on Flash first. With the TV show and all (I know, different, but still) I figured they would. Flash would have been a lot better than this was...
I stick to mostly a few areas and I find it hard to believe that the Marvel area is so different than this one in that it stays positive the majority of the time. Personally I don't need to poll other areas to decide whether or not I like something. And yes, whether it's the Hot Toys fb page, OSR's fb page, etc, the comments posted make yahoo page commenters seem like Rhodes Scholars.

Because Sideshow hasn't put out any figures yet. Plus the only figure they POd, Deadpool, looks pretty cool. Most of the Marvel figures are from HT. Wait until they make something the majority does not like, it will the same.

Because Sideshow hasn't put out any figures yet. Plus the only figure they POd, Deadpool, looks pretty cool. Most of the Marvel figures are from HT. Wait until they make something the majority does not like, it will the same.


Dashing Cody Rhodes and the intellectual savior of the masses Damian Sandow.
I don't have a dog in this fight one way or the other. I could see how some may like it. Conversely I can see how some may not. That will always be the case. I think it's pretty nice overall, but I don't plan to collect the line.

What I do see is a lot of disrespect and overt rudeness. Especially towards some SS employees who've taken time out of their day to respond to a bunch of whiners on a forum. Some people come off as so being entitled and so bitter that the figure doesn't match their vision of the character that it's repulsive to be quite frank. Everyone needs to step off their high horse and just let it be what it is. You'll either like it and buy it or dislike it and not buy it. It's very simple.

Sure you can discuss aspects of it and state your opinions. That's what this place is for. But stop whining and show some respect.


I'm with you about the don't be rude part, but I've always been one of those who think respect doesn't come with the function but needs to be earned.

And given Sideshow's recent track record regarding QC issues, I don't really think they've earned that!

That said, I think we should all be civil and polite when voicing our discontent!
Wow, this thread exploded since I last checked it. I think it's awesome that Matt got on here and provided some insight about the process of developing and producing one of these figures. It's a shame that some people don't like the answers so they're taking their toys and going home in a huff.

I'm not blown away by the figure and wish it came with more constructs. The price is gutting compared to past releases, especially for the lack of accessories included. I may pick it up if it goes on sale but can't rationalize paying the price SS is asking. However, this isn't going to be the figure that sinks SS. People will order it. In fact, the people that can't stand it will still buy pieces from it (if not the whole figure) so they can make their own Green Lantern. People need to stop acting like SS is purposely trying to produce figures that won't sell. What kind of business model is that? It's been said before--just because you don't like it doesn't mean it's a terrible figure. Get over it. This whole thread is filled with

I want to like this figure so bad because we deserve a really good GL after HT did naff all with the movie license but he's just so sub par it's not even funny.

To me everything is off on it & the price is just silly, can't believe that they have the nerve to ask over $150 for it.

Looks like the wait continues


You are not the only one mate :rotfl
Great advice my friend its hard being a 44 year old navy veteran dealing with Children. I will just end posting on this topic and enjoy my retirement and have fun being able to have the income to buy any figure I want :) and not worry about an allowance or minimum wage job to buy my figures.

Funny how the people who proclaim to be the more mature adults are the ones who resort to name calling and tying to put others down.
I remember the last few days when Allison was here, the way some members (so called "adults") treated her. It's sad that a few pathetic keyboard commandos make the community look bad.

Unfortunately it has become the norm.

I'll never understand cowards who are only brave enough to talk smack to someone while hiding behind their keyboard & the cloak of internet anonymity.

This forum has become a joke over the past 15 months. It is nowhere close to what it was 5 years ago.
Great advice my friend its hard being a 44 year old navy veteran dealing with Children. I will just end posting on this topic and enjoy my retirement and have fun being able to have the income to buy any figure I want :) and not worry about an allowance or minimum wage job to buy my figures.

Great advice my friend its hard being a 44 year old navy veteran dealing with Children. I will just end posting on this topic and enjoy my retirement and have fun being able to have the income to buy any figure I want :) and not worry about an allowance or minimum wage job to buy my figures.

This is the kind of comment that irritates me on this forum. What does being a navy veteran have to do with you not liking this figure? Who cares if you can afford any figure you want? You think you're the only one that's doing well financially here? Insulting other forum members isn't cool--especially over a difference of opinion on a figure. You get the obligatory "Thanks for your service" but you've lost my respect with that post.