SSC Green Lantern 1/6 Figure

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Not a fan of this figure either. I don't care for the green material on the costume and the head sculpt isn't the best. Plus at $220 it seems pricey for what it comes with, I would have thought it would have had a couple options for constructs.
Oh man I can't wait to see what the Flash and Wolverine are gonna go for. Probably be around he same price and they should at least add more muscle to Wolverine. I don't get it why they didn't put a few more degrees of muscularity to GL. He looks weak.
Close the thread?


Many hypocrites chimed in within the thread.

Many responses are of the pot calling the kettle black.

I see posts by hypocrites who are old timers with established reputations who are very dismissive of others they consider beneath them acting/posting like they’re angels. They’re not.

IMHO, Matt Bischof chimed in because he needed to address a few questions about the figure from a public relations perspective, but it sure was not out of love or respect for collectors/customers in any capacity and if he and anyone else posts/says otherwise, then it’s absolute bull. Matt’s primary motivation is to try to address and possibly stop the negativity of the figure from a purely business perspective.

I’ve seen his kind/type of actions elsewhere over the years and it’s purely business driven. Sideshow’s primary goal is to get our money plain and simple. It’s the goal of any/every 1:6 manufacturer. They produce products to get our money. They don’t give a damn as long as they get our money while we’re complaining and criticizing anything/everything they do. As long as they get their money in terms of NRDs and eventual final sales of the figures, then so be it. After they sell through this figure, then they’ll repeat the same process again.

There are a good number of members within this group who have inflated egos where they believe and feel they are better than others and that’s fine. An online discussion group/forum would not exist without that kind/type of members. If anyone/everyone got along within an online discussion group/forum without conflict, then something is obviously wrong.

I don’t blame Darklord Dave for the atmosphere of this thread or the SSF itself. He has a vested interest/stake in the SSF and whatever relationship he maintains with SSC officially or unofficially. We’re his guests and some of us pay “rent” (i.e. premium membership) to be part of the association so to speak.

I’ve seen heated discussions over the years, but it’s been a long time so much discourtesy, disdain, & hypocrisy has been blatantly obviously with members against members.

The figure as presented/seen is not what many of us hoped for. That’s a given.

The price point and NRD idiocy is not helping SSC regardless of their justifications and rationale. I’ve learned enough over the years about the manufacturing side of the 1:6 business in China/Hong Kong and it’s all about the money and in this case it’s about how much more Sideshow wants from us considering how much money we spent in the past on crap quality/flawed offerings they demanded/expected us to buy without questions.

Sideshow is a different company than they were five years ago. Prices have gone up, but the design/quality has not necessarily kept pace with the increased prices by them. Anyone believing and insisting otherwise is delusional.

Maybe Sideshow should give up their endeavors in the 12” product line? Of course, then their ongoing idiocy spread to the PF and statue product line of which there are ongoing inconsistencies, but that’s another discussion.

In the end, Sideshow wins because some of us who posted that we’ll never buy the figure will end up buying it, our criticisms regardless of how logical and rational some may be will be dismissed, the Sideshow defenders will continue to have an ego, we’ll continue to be at one another’s throats from time to time over discussions like this, and Sideshow will still get our money and there is not a damn thing we can do other than complain and get criticized/insulted. Maybe Matt will chime in again? That’ll give some others opportunities to score brown nosing points?
Close the thread?


Many hypocrites chimed in within the thread.

Many responses are of the pot calling the kettle black.

I see posts by hypocrites who are old timers with established reputations who are very dismissive of others they consider beneath them acting/posting like they’re angels. They’re not.

IMHO, Matt Bischof chimed in because he needed to address a few questions about the figure from a public relations perspective, but it sure was not out of love or respect for collectors/customers in any capacity and if he and anyone else posts/says otherwise, then it’s absolute bull. Matt’s primary motivation is to try to address and possibly stop the negativity of the figure from a purely business perspective.

I’ve seen his kind/type of actions elsewhere over the years and it’s purely business driven. Sideshow’s primary goal is to get our money plain and simple. It’s the goal of any/every 1:6 manufacturer. They produce products to get our money. They don’t give a damn as long as they get our money while we’re complaining and criticizing anything/everything they do. As long as they get their money in terms of NRDs and eventual final sales of the figures, then so be it. After they sell through this figure, then they’ll repeat the same process again.

There are a good number of members within this group who have inflated egos where they believe and feel they are better than others and that’s fine. An online discussion group/forum would not exist without that kind/type of members. If anyone/everyone got along within an online discussion group/forum without conflict, then something is obviously wrong.

I don’t blame Darklord Dave for the atmosphere of this thread or the SSF itself. He has a vested interest/stake in the SSF and whatever relationship he maintains with SSC officially or unofficially. We’re his guests and some of us pay “rent” (i.e. premium membership) to be part of the association so to speak.

I’ve seen heated discussions over the years, but it’s been a long time so much discourtesy, disdain, & hypocrisy has been blatantly obviously with members against members.

The figure as presented/seen is not what many of us hoped for. That’s a given.

The price point and NRD idiocy is not helping SSC regardless of their justifications and rationale. I’ve learned enough over the years about the manufacturing side of the 1:6 business in China/Hong Kong and it’s all about the money and in this case it’s about how much more Sideshow wants from us considering how much money we spent in the past on crap quality/flawed offerings they demanded/expected us to buy without questions.

Sideshow is a different company than they were five years ago. Prices have gone up, but the design/quality has not necessarily kept pace with the increased prices by them. Anyone believing and insisting otherwise is delusional.

Maybe Sideshow should give up their endeavors in the 12” product line? Of course, then their ongoing idiocy spread to the PF and statue product line of which there are ongoing inconsistencies, but that’s another discussion.

In the end, Sideshow wins because some of us who posted that we’ll never buy the figure will end up buying it, our criticisms regardless of how logical and rational some may be will be dismissed, the Sideshow defenders will continue to have an ego, we’ll continue to be at one another’s throats from time to time over discussions like this, and Sideshow will still get our money and there is not a damn thing we can do other than complain and get criticized/insulted. Maybe Matt will chime in again? That’ll give some others opportunities to score brown nosing points?

This post sums up perfectly what has gone wrong with this forum. It's gone from laughable to sad pretty fast. This post might be the most disrespectful I've seen in almost 10 years on this forum.

You expect Matt to post again after you call his company idiotic numerous times? And anyone who likes a sideshow product is a brown noser?

If sideshow is such an awful company, I suggest you email the family of one of their former employees who died of cancer. They raise money every year to support the children she left behind. Is that idiotic? Are we brown nosers for helping put her kids through college?
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Please see statement from Matt's post re: "those that claim to be in the know" and how they really aren't.

I may close this thread to let things die down a bit, but not because people are mercilessly bashing Sideshow. Whether it's Sideshow, Hot Toys or Hasbro - part of these forums is voicing criticism. The utter negativity and inability to see other sides of a position are disheartening, but we've had that here before too. I've always tried to make this a friendly place for manufacturers reps to come and interact in a polite way - but I don't see that continuing given the extreme hostility in this thread.

The hobby is changing - I've said this before, but Hot Toys discovering that collectors WILL pay premium prices for extremely detailed figures has upped the game and this coupled with the changing economics of China (NOT the high price of gas) have priced many people out of the hobby.

Thirteen years ago Sideshow was the ONLY game in town for licensed 1:6 figures. They paved the way for Hot Toys, threezero, Star Ace, Asmus, Big Chief and everyone else. Whether you agree or not, there is no denying that they are a major player and a industry trend setter. They should be applauded for trying to innovate within the parameters of the hobby. As Matt said they ARE trying to please collectors but cannot bow down to every disgruntled collector out there, otherwise nothing would ever get released.

Calling people who support Sideshow's decisions for this particular figure "brown nosers" and "sell outs" isn't helping the conversation. I had problems with Superman which I voiced here, the fact that I like this interpretation of Green Lantern doesn't mean I'll like everything they do.

I think the vocal ones that are not pleased with this release have made their positions known - no need to keep expressing the same personal opinion over and over again.

As for the pricing - I'm not happy about the pricing, just like I'm not happy when my cable TV bill goes up or with the price of concert tickets today. But these are luxury items and can demand luxury prices. I know many would argue that Sideshow's quality isn't up to HT quality and thus doesn't warrant HT prices. But their costs aren't less than HTs for licenses, manufacturing or shipping and even a little more given the different geography.

I just ask that people look at how they express themselves and their opinions, think about how you'd react if you were on the other end of what you're posting. Do you go on Facebook and tell your friends you think their baby is ugly? Well, I'm sure some of you do - but you wouldn't be friends for very long.
I wonder if the rest of the GL's suits will look like this for uniformity. If this is the look they've chosen, the rest should follow suit. This suit might look really good with this texture, make it look a bit different.


I love Hal, but Kyle was my GL growing up so I want him done sooner than later and matching Hal hopefully.

A Kyle GL would be great and I agree, the suit texture wouldn't be too bad for him. Hal was who I grew up with as GL but Kyle was also a favorite.
Close the thread?


Many hypocrites chimed in within the thread.

Many responses are of the pot calling the kettle black.

I see posts by hypocrites who are old timers with established reputations who are very dismissive of others they consider beneath them acting/posting like they’re angels. They’re not.

IMHO, Matt Bischof chimed in because he needed to address a few questions about the figure from a public relations perspective, but it sure was not out of love or respect for collectors/customers in any capacity and if he and anyone else posts/says otherwise, then it’s absolute bull. Matt’s primary motivation is to try to address and possibly stop the negativity of the figure from a purely business perspective.

I’ve seen his kind/type of actions elsewhere over the years and it’s purely business driven. Sideshow’s primary goal is to get our money plain and simple. It’s the goal of any/every 1:6 manufacturer. They produce products to get our money. They don’t give a damn as long as they get our money while we’re complaining and criticizing anything/everything they do. As long as they get their money in terms of NRDs and eventual final sales of the figures, then so be it. After they sell through this figure, then they’ll repeat the same process again.

There are a good number of members within this group who have inflated egos where they believe and feel they are better than others and that’s fine. An online discussion group/forum would not exist without that kind/type of members. If anyone/everyone got along within an online discussion group/forum without conflict, then something is obviously wrong.

I don’t blame Darklord Dave for the atmosphere of this thread or the SSF itself. He has a vested interest/stake in the SSF and whatever relationship he maintains with SSC officially or unofficially. We’re his guests and some of us pay “rent” (i.e. premium membership) to be part of the association so to speak.

I’ve seen heated discussions over the years, but it’s been a long time so much discourtesy, disdain, & hypocrisy has been blatantly obviously with members against members.

The figure as presented/seen is not what many of us hoped for. That’s a given.

The price point and NRD idiocy is not helping SSC regardless of their justifications and rationale. I’ve learned enough over the years about the manufacturing side of the 1:6 business in China/Hong Kong and it’s all about the money and in this case it’s about how much more Sideshow wants from us considering how much money we spent in the past on crap quality/flawed offerings they demanded/expected us to buy without questions.

Sideshow is a different company than they were five years ago. Prices have gone up, but the design/quality has not necessarily kept pace with the increased prices by them. Anyone believing and insisting otherwise is delusional.

Maybe Sideshow should give up their endeavors in the 12” product line? Of course, then their ongoing idiocy spread to the PF and statue product line of which there are ongoing inconsistencies, but that’s another discussion.

In the end, Sideshow wins because some of us who posted that we’ll never buy the figure will end up buying it, our criticisms regardless of how logical and rational some may be will be dismissed, the Sideshow defenders will continue to have an ego, we’ll continue to be at one another’s throats from time to time over discussions like this, and Sideshow will still get our money and there is not a damn thing we can do other than complain and get criticized/insulted. Maybe Matt will chime in again? That’ll give some others opportunities to score brown nosing points?

This is spot on
I realy appreciate the sideshow in the kno step into a thread and kno other's step in once in a while to discuss figure's or project's is pretty cool to have in the forum and feels it's fun because they are fans just like us. I''m sure thats why some do what they do because chose that career. Also he did step into to tell us the lantern fx on the release so it's just again , nice to know more. I hope more in the industry share the forum.
The thing I find interesting not sure anyone caught it that Matt said they would want the lantern to be illuminated. Not the for a matter of fact it will be accomplished. Which would explain why there is no mention of it on GL pre order page. Just something to remember that it might not happen and since it's not listed on the order page doesn't mean it will happen. Call it a catch 22
Im pretty damn sure sideshow can light up a lamp not too diff to put in a wire and tiny battery. I just bought a 1/6 light up lamp couple months ago from damn dollar store for my joker desk set up.
Please see statement from Matt's post re: "those that claim to be in the know" and how they really aren't.

I may close this thread to let things die down a bit, but not because people are mercilessly bashing Sideshow. Whether it's Sideshow, Hot Toys or Hasbro - part of these forums is voicing criticism. The utter negativity and inability to see other sides of a position are disheartening, but we've had that here before too. I've always tried to make this a friendly place for manufacturers reps to come and interact in a polite way - but I don't see that continuing given the extreme hostility in this thread.

The hobby is changing - I've said this before, but Hot Toys discovering that collectors WILL pay premium prices for extremely detailed figures has upped the game and this coupled with the changing economics of China (NOT the high price of gas) have priced many people out of the hobby.

Thirteen years ago Sideshow was the ONLY game in town for licensed 1:6 figures. They paved the way for Hot Toys, threezero, Star Ace, Asmus, Big Chief and everyone else. Whether you agree or not, there is no denying that they are a major player and a industry trend setter. They should be applauded for trying to innovate within the parameters of the hobby. As Matt said they ARE trying to please collectors but cannot bow down to every disgruntled collector out there, otherwise nothing would ever get released.

Calling people who support Sideshow's decisions for this particular figure "brown nosers" and "sell outs" isn't helping the conversation. I had problems with Superman which I voiced here, the fact that I like this interpretation of Green Lantern doesn't mean I'll like everything they do.

I think the vocal ones that are not pleased with this release have made their positions known - no need to keep expressing the same personal opinion over and over again.

As for the pricing - I'm not happy about the pricing, just like I'm not happy when my cable TV bill goes up or with the price of concert tickets today. But these are luxury items and can demand luxury prices. I know many would argue that Sideshow's quality isn't up to HT quality and thus doesn't warrant HT prices. But their costs aren't less than HTs for licenses, manufacturing or shipping and even a little more given the different geography.

I just ask that people look at how they express themselves and their opinions, think about how you'd react if you were on the other end of what you're posting. Do you go on Facebook and tell your friends you think their baby is ugly? Well, I'm sure some of you do - but you wouldn't be friends for very long.


You are ever the diplomat Dave.

I don't believe that anyone here expects Sideshow to immediately change the GL figure, but the intensity and volume of the frustration has built up due to the ongoing past problems with the 12" DC line since its inception and how flawed the previous releases were (i.e. Batman & Superman in particular) and how Sideshow has not addressed let alone apologized to their customers/collectors about the shortcomings of those releases and how they're continuing what many view as stupid decisions.

Defdending them is becoming a joke and the snide attitudes and remarks among members are not helping either.

Yes. I'm venting, but I don't necessarily post actively in terms of criticisms or venting too often unlike others. I do my fair share when the situation warrants it.

Matt's posts are driven primarily due to public relations. No more. No less. Anyone believing/thinking otherwise is naive IMHO. I've discussed similar activities with representatives from a variety of companies over the years in the 1:6 hobby and non-1:6 hobbies and it's a damned if you and damned if you don't situation.

I don't recollect other Sideshow representatives necessarily chiming in with previous 12" DC figures (i.e. Batman & Superman) unless something was so amiss and very vocal such as GREEN LANTERN where it obviously showed up on Sideshow's radar to warrant Matt to post in the discussion.

I've had past Sideshow Customer Service Representatives tell me (by phone) they don't think too kindly of the SSF and blame the SSF for a vareity of customer service inquiries/problems with regards to customers cancelling pre-orders left and right due to in hand pictures, etc.

In the grand scheme, I do believe some of us lost and/or missed "context" of our displeasure with GL and the ongoing previous flaws evident on previous figures leading up to GL. Moreover, Sideshow's money driven policies and their inability of any type of mea culpa and overzealous defense evidenced by many members. The same thing is occuring with HOT TOYS as well, but that's antoher discussion.
Well, I think that with all the backlash, they will make that lantern work:)


If they do, I wonder if they're going to decide to charge more?

I wouldn't put it anything past them at this point. The final production head sculpt and paint application could be a piece of crap and their reply simply will be to return it at your expense for a refund. We don't see too many others cancelling and some believe and feel it's great!

You are ever the diplomat Dave.

I don't believe that anyone here expects Sideshow to immediately change the GL figure, but the intensity and volume of the frustration has built up due to the ongoing past problems with the 12" DC line since its inception and how flawed the previous releases were (i.e. Batman & Superman in particular) and how Sideshow has not addressed let alone apologized to their customers/collectors about the shortcomings of those releases and how they're continuing what many view as stupid decisions.

Defdending them is becoming a joke and the snide attitudes and remarks among members are not helping either.

Yes. I'm venting, but I don't necessarily post actively in terms of criticisms or venting too often unlike others. I do my fair share when the situation warrants it.

Matt's posts are driven primarily due to public relations. No more. No less. Anyone believing/thinking otherwise is naive IMHO. I've discussed similar activities with representatives from a variety of companies over the years in the 1:6 hobby and non-1:6 hobbies and it's a damned if you and damned if you don't situation.

I don't recollect other Sideshow representatives necessarily chiming in with previous 12" DC figures (i.e. Batman & Superman) unless something was so amiss and very vocal such as GREEN LANTERN where it obviously showed up on Sideshow's radar to warrant Matt to post in the discussion.

I've had past Sideshow Customer Service Representatives tell me (by phone) they don't think too kindly of the SSF and blame the SSF for a vareity of customer service inquiries/problems with regards to customers cancelling pre-orders left and right due to in hand pictures, etc.

In the grand scheme, I do believe some of us lost and/or missed "context" of our displeasure with GL and the ongoing previous flaws evident on previous figures leading up to GL. Moreover, Sideshow's money driven policies and their inability of any type of mea culpa and overzealous defense evidenced by many members. The same thing is occuring with HOT TOYS as well, but that's antoher discussion.

I'm curious. What were the names of the sideshow reps who said that? Who said they don't like SSF I mean. If you are going to post something like that, in print, which can be sent to Sideshow you better have names. If not, some might consider it a clear case of libel.
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Do you go on Facebook and tell your friends you think their baby is ugly? Well, I'm sure some of you do - but you wouldn't be friends for very long.

Well if they're trying to sell me said baby at premium asian orphanage prices and said baby isn't as good looking as premium asian orphanage babies then yeah I'm probably going to bring them down to earth.

Does that make me a bad prospective dad, shallow yes, but bad?
