SSC Green Lantern 1/6 Figure

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I doubt sideshow wishing not to be associated with freaks is going to hurt sales. Simmer down. If you were sideshow would you want to be associated with a blog like freaks. Common that's business suicide.

Wow. Just shows what little you know. People from sideshow used to and still do post here regularly. They used to post must more often in the past. Given what this place has turned into one can't blame them for not posting more often.
Everyone tried to discuss Green lantern no one that's for this figure wants to hear the argument. It's been pointed out that you should just like the figure or shut up about it.

And taking it to legal why so you can get her fired what's that going to prove other than you really do have a few fries short of a happy meal.
The whole internet makes companies like sideshow and HT suffer when they release shoddily painted figures. Pictures and discussions about this GL figure are all over a plethora of forums and web pages. If we don't like the look of a finished product, then we'll talk about it. Share information.

Who are the lawyers from sideshow going to sue exactly? The entire internet? The woman from SSC is probably just sounding off after a bad day.
Everyone tried to discuss Green lantern no one that's for this figure wants to hear the argument. It's been pointed out that you should just like the figure or shut up about it.

And taking it to legal why so you can get her fired what's that going to prove other than you really do have a few fries short of a happy meal.

Actually the opposite. Try reading again. According to Chung, sideshow is blaming their economic losses on people at this forum. Unless he was just making it up...but no one would joke about such things.
Nope. He said that he spoke to many reps at sideshow who blamed people on this forum for some of their economic problems. That is a serious claim. By both parties. Who at sideshow said this? And who on this forum are causing them to lose money? In this day and age, those are serious claims. Again, by both parties involved. Slander by claiming loss of economic livelihood isn't a joke. Companies and individuals have been sued for much less.

So it seems SSC blame us and don't look to their own failings!?!

I read a post a few pages back which stated that 13yrs ago SSC was the only manufacturer making licenced figures, before HT came along.
But let's consider the quality HT's initial offerings to the figures they release now – the improvements in body quality, costuming and sculpting/paint application is incredible. Can SSC boast the same? Sadly no!
I'm really not after putting SSC down, but if they're gonna pitch themselves as a competitor to HT, and price figures the same then they're gonna have to offer similar quality – especially when smaller, newer companies are already doing so!
It's a real shame because with 13yrs experience behind them SSC should really be the market leader by now not HT!
Wow. Just shows what little you know. People from sideshow used to and still do post here regularly. They used to post must more often in the past. Given what this place has turned into one can't blame them for not posting more often.

They may post here but they don't want to be attached at the hip to freaks. Sideshow collectibles is there website. Sideshow freaks is a blog in which fans talk about products. Get the distinction. They may share the same name which technically sideshow can force freaks to change legally. But never in forced.
They may post here but they don't want to be attached at the hip to freaks. Sideshow collectibles is there website. Sideshow freaks is a blog in which fans talk about products. Get the distinction. They may share the same name which technically sideshow can force freaks to change legally. But never in forced. should do more research. Would hanging out at comic on with beers and grieving/mourning/celebrating be attached to the hip? No one ever forced them as employees to hang and mingle with freaks. They just did because they enjoyed it. It's a shame you lot missed out on it. It might make some of your current opinions a bit different.
A Kyle GL would be great and I agree, the suit texture wouldn't be too bad for him. Hal was who I grew up with as GL but Kyle was also a favorite.

All of Kyle's suits I think would look good textured thinking about it. What I worry about is that suits that don't necessarily have to textured like Hal's and John's will get it and some that it would be bad like Kyle's or maybe even Guy's depending on what they texture won't.

Yup. Alex used to post here regularly, very rarely see her now :(

Well that isn't necessarily tied to the current atmosphere of the boards. It started a while back when SSC spread itself to social media. Chicky used to post here all the time and is now primarily on Twitter. Many of the SSC folks moved there because it reaches a wider audience. They still come here now and then, you can usually find Alex in threads where the same question pops up over and over but the boards aren't the only place in town like it used to be. I remember how sad and some people offended that SSC stopped events on their sites and here to move to a social media almost solely. As people noted the figures are evolving to keep up with companies like HT or Threezero, their business model has to as well.

Threads like this though certainly won't endear them to return or keep posting though. The atmosphere of the board is a bit toxic with people creating small offshoots to discuss with friends or even taking people from the boards to social media and staying there. It doesn't mean we shouldn't have a discussion on the figure or company in general because that's what this is for. It shouldn't all be pro SSC or anti SSC but it should be civil.
I'm curious. What were the names of the sideshow reps who said that? Who said they don't like SSF I mean. If you are going to post something like that, in print, which can be sent to Sideshow you better have names. If not, some might consider it a clear case of libel.

No, this is kind of true although presented here in the worst light possible. I've heard it too from some SSCers outside of customer service. It can be frustrating if one very picky client's perceived imperfection, all of a sudden, becomes a problem for 10s of people because they saw it on this forum. Most people are happy with typical factory QC. Most people don't take magnifying glasses to their statues to seek out flaws. But if one person does that and posts about it, it then becomes a thing and more people that never would have noticed are calling customer service about trying to get $50 off their statue because one patch of skin is slightly darker than the other.

What he doesn't mention is what I've ALSO heard from the very top of SSC - they are grateful for this forum and the interaction and feedback (although not always positive) that it gives, and the sense of community it instills in the fans of their product. After all, as Matt said, we wouldn't be here if we didn't care deeply about this stuff.
Sorry vassith old timer that was before my time. I'm only interested. Everyone displeased with the QC issues etc and steadily increased price without even to bother fixing the problems.

This figure struck a nerve for everyone who has been fed up with sideshow thinking we are suckers. Tired of the public relations responses. We want things done.

Why not fix the problems with the body. How many pages upon pages on freaks about the poor quality bodies. This is the bloody foundation of the figure. Without this the figure is already garbage.

2nd. The face paint is not nearly up to what ht is doing. I'm sorry but people do rank Hot Toys above sideshow. So in order to ask for hot toys price you might want to make sure the eyes aren't wondering or cross eyed.

3rd is costumes. If your doing a collection you want to use fabric that correlates with the rest so there is symmetry. To be cohesive. And most of the time the costumes are nice but sideshow rarely deviates from a collection.

People and myself are upset. You can't put this figure next to sups or bats in the series they visually don't go. Plus the fabric hides any definition in the body. The visual texture hides to much. It's ok for Spider-Man he was on a slim ht TrueType not much muscle there.

People are tired of the Ho hum responses or the appearance of a lack of trying. That's literally they way we feel. Like were asked to flip the bill on this black hole and put a smile on are face.

There is more people who do not like this figure. And see the price as an insult like sideshow is flipping us off as say f you buy it.

How can we when they can't be bothered to fix the quality. And be consistent with it. Everyone just expects to have to swap out bodies because the figure becomes a rag doll. Now imagine years of buying these flawed figures over and over as the price goes up and people are getting increasingly pissed off. They see that price , what's offered and a NRD. Did they not expect a retaliation or was it a dare.
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All of Kyle's suits I think would look good textured thinking about it. What I worry about is that suits that don't necessarily have to textured like Hal's and John's will get it and some that it would be bad like Kyle's or maybe even Guy's depending on what they texture won't.

I think Kyle's suit would take an even wider departure from the comic version to be done as a figure. I did a custom of Kyle at one point and couldn't figure out what the white thing on the suit was for. But I could see interpreting that as body armor and doing something different like that. Certain elements like the shape of the mask, the bulkier gloves and boots are iconic of Kyle so they would probably want to keep those elements in some form - but otherwise I say redesign that sucker.

Now Guy's suit would translate perfectly to 1:6 - They shouldn't change a thing - that outfit hasn't changed since the 80s for a reason.
Sorry old timer that was before my time. I'm only interested. Everyone displeased with the QC issues etc and steadily increased price without even to bother fixing the problems.

This figure struck a nerve for everyone who has been fed up with sideshow thinking we are suckers. Tired of the public relations responses. We want things done.

Why not fix the problems with the body. How many pages upon pages on freaks about the poor quality bodies. This is the bloody foundation of the figure. Without this the figure is already garbage.

2nd. The face paint is not nearly up to what ht is doing. I'm sorry but people do rank Hot Toys above sideshow. So in order to ask for hot toys price you might want to make sure the eyes aren't wondering or cross eyed.

3rd is costumes. If your doing a collection you want to use fabric that correlates with the rest so there is symmetry. To be cohesive. And most of the time the costumes are nice but sideshow rarely deviates from a collection.

People and myself are upset. You can't put this figure next to sups or bats in the series they visually don't go. Plus the fabric hides any definition in the body. The visual texture hides to much. It's ok for Spider-Man he was on a slim ht TrueType not much muscle there.

People are tired of the Ho hum responses or the appearance of a lack of trying. That's literally they way we feel. Like were asked to flip the bill on this black hole and put a smile on are face.

There is more people who do not like this figure. And see the price as an insult like sideshow is flipping us off as say f you buy it.

How can we when they can't be bothered to fix the quality. And be consistent with it. Everyone just expects to have to swap out bodies because the figure becomes a rag doll. Now imagine years of buying these flawed figures over and over as the price goes up and people are getting increasingly pissed off. They see that price , what's offered and a NRD. Did they not expect a retaliation or was it a dare.

"Old timer" quaint.

If you don't like it, don't buy it. Calling a company and the people who work for them idiots won't change anything. It just makes you look childish.

If you hate it, and sideshow products so much you might want to post on another forum. I hate neo nazis. You don't see me wasting my time on pro nazi websites.
Beautifully put :clap:

The difference between a good and a bad figure.
-Superman PF, even the regular already sold out.
-Superman 1/6, the exclusive is still available.


No, this is kind of true although presented here in the worst light possible. I've heard it too from some SSCers outside of customer service. It can be frustrating if one very picky client's perceived imperfection, all of a sudden, becomes a problem for 10s of people because they saw it on this forum. Most people are happy with typical factory QC. Most people don't take magnifying glasses to their statues to seek out flaws. But if one person does that and posts about it, it then becomes a thing and more people that never would have noticed are calling customer service about trying to get $50 off their statue because one patch of skin is slightly darker than the other.
I don't know, to me that sounds more than fair and reasonable for the prices people pay for lets say a premium format, or a $200+ glorified Max Steel.

If people payed $400 for the PF Superman, I completely understand if they'd loose their **** if the left eye was slightly lazy, or it had the slightest imperfection on the fabric suit, you know? And I've seen it, that kind of stuff can drive you crazy, for that kind of money, perfection is expected.
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I don't know, to me that sounds more than fair and reasonable for the prices people pay for lets say a premium format, or a $200+ glorified Max Steel.

If people payed $400 for the PF Superman, I completely understand if they'd loose their **** if the left eye was slightly lazy, or it had the slightest imperfection on the fabric suit, you know? And I've seen it, that kind of stuff can drive you crazy, for that kind of money, perfection is expected.

Nothing is perfect no matter the price. You can drop 40k on a car and it's going to have problems. You can spend 500k on a house and have a leaky roof. You can have a free life and be diagnosed with cancer. Perspective.
What is this WWII. I didn't say they were idiots. I addressed the problems people have with sideshow that has never been addressed or fixed for years. I even mentioned each thing that people complain about most.

If there is a figure that could cause lack of sales it's this one. This might actually be the worst figure ever made. That's largely due to cost. If it was $150 it's perfectly reasonable.
I think Kyle's suit would take an even wider departure from the comic version to be done as a figure. I did a custom of Kyle at one point and couldn't figure out what the white thing on the suit was for. But I could see interpreting that as body armor and doing something different like that. Certain elements like the shape of the mask, the bulkier gloves and boots are iconic of Kyle so they would probably want to keep those elements in some form - but otherwise I say redesign that sucker.

Now Guy's suit would translate perfectly to 1:6 - They shouldn't change a thing - that outfit hasn't changed since the 80s for a reason.

I agree with Guy's suit although the undersuit might be textured to keep uniformity. For Kyle I think this suit:


The white should be hard armor like since its usually done with a shine. I don't think it'd be reimagining anything really, just bringing something that makes logical sense.

This suit:


Should mimic Hal's almost entirely. I think where you get some license is the offshoot looks like one of my favorites Jim Lee's redesign or his Ion look:



So many looks for Kyle:


Unfortunately I would bet he'll get one figure and most likely it'll be the newest incarnation of the suit.
What is this WWII. I didn't say they were idiots. I addressed the problems people have with sideshow that has never been addressed or fixed for years. I even mentioned each thing that people complain about most.

If there is a figure that could cause lack of sales it's this one. This might actually be the worst figure ever made. That's largely due to cost. If it was $150 it's perfectly reasonable.

I was referring to chungs statement. And indirectly to yours supporting his post.