SSC Green Lantern 1/6 Figure

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But let's consider the quality HT's initial offerings to the figures they release now – the improvements in body quality, costuming and sculpting/paint application is incredible. Can SSC boast the same? Sadly no!

yep! Sideshow should not be charging Hot Toys prices.If the quality was just as good as HT,then the price would be justified (sorta) and fans wouldn't complain as much..Look at what Hot Toys is giving us at 219.99 vs what Sideshow is offering for the same price...why even buy Sideshow any longer? Anymore, the better value is with Hot Toys
Nothing is perfect no matter the price. You can drop 40k on a car and it's going to have problems. You can spend 500k on a house and have a leaky roof. You can have a free life and be diagnosed with cancer. Perspective.

Buuuut.........if you know about it before hand you can go into a forum like this and shake your fist at the makers and rend your garments.

Followed by a period of fasting and mourning.
This is as bad as hoovers list of communist which was basically people not liked. Your trying to link a connection when there isn't one. And your not a sociopath?
She's still very active on the other forum...

What I was saying is the pull away from being boards focused was in play before things turned a bit sour here. Now if she is active there and not here that's a direct link to the board atmosphere then again we've got mods, admins, etc to keep the peace. People get infractions for posting gifs with swear words on it but when people begin to bicker back and forth or even get into huge drop down arguments on threads, nothing seems to occur.

I believe that the boards need to be regulated to the point of creating the atmosphere you want, I don't think it should stuff out personal opinion or make people feel like they can't speak their minds but when people move a bit out of what the boards deems acceptable it is up to the mods and admins to keep everything civil.

:lol :lol :lol
I don't know, to me that sounds more than fair and reasonable for the prices people pay for lets say a premium format, or a $200+ glorified Max Steel.

If people payed $400 for the PF Superman, I completely understand if they'd loose their **** if the left eye was slightly lazy, or it had the slightest imperfection on the fabric suit, you know? And I've seen it, that kind of stuff can drive you crazy, for that kind of money, perfection is expected.


I recollect that exact situation happened with the X-MEN ROGUE PF or statue a few years ago, but it was not going for $400.00 or more like nowadays, but still it was a significant amount of $ and up with a cross eyed head sculpt that affected either the entire production run with a variety of nuances of how bad it came out.

As hesitantly some may admit/say it, Sideshow depends on us and we depend on them. After all, some of us still buy their products. There was a time when the relationship was mutual and they supposedly listened, but that IMHO is no longer the case.

Any business that engages their customers/fans needs to do so with a grain of salt and have a very thick skin for obvious reasons.

Over the years, Sideshow Customer Service has dealt with a variety of issues of which Dave touched upon, but we (generally speaking) sometimes end up causing them head aches and problems and they have to bear the brunt of it right, wrong, or indifferent.
Buuuut.........if you know about it before hand you can go into a forum like this and shake your fist at the makers and rend your garments.

Followed by a period of fasting and mourning.

Realistically, the boards are a small percentage of SSC's revenue. We may be one of the most vocal but definitely one of the smaller minorities. There are dozens of other boards and of course social media. I think that people should voice their dislikes of figures, statues, etc and Sideshow SHOULD know about it but use decorum. If people really voted with their wallets then SSC would get the point. Look how many figures sold out and then had their exclusives pop up available because of less than stellar QC on the final figures, people even had the Mummy Brenden Frasier PF cancelled from not buying it and voicing dislike.

People should do that, vote with their wallets, but once the opinion is out there it isn't necessary to browbeat people with it or convince people to it. You point out your thoughts, don't buy it and wait for the next.

One of the problems is a lot of people complain, rail and then just buy it and ***** about it still but SSC still has their money.
Sadly I fear the worse for flash. Based on this figure I can only fear the worse for flash. That might be another reason people are riled up because it has laid the precedent for what we can expect with flash. It's not just one but two figures down the drain.

Not to mention taking iconic characters and giving them this look.
I'm upset that green lantern looks like a tire salesman
Sadly I fear the worse for flash. Based on this figure I can only fear the worse for flash. That might be another reason people are riled up because it has laid the precedent for what we can expect with flash. It's not just one but two figures down the drain.

I think you're not too off about The Flash in terms of price versus figure. I have a feeling he'll come with a couple of hands, maybe a change of feet but that's it and cost GL's price or slightly higher. The prices are definitely creeping up fast and while I'm not in the 'hate this figure with red hot flames" and definitely will wait to buy it praying it comes out good, I do agree that what you get for the price you pay isn't exactly a deal. I bought Batman with points and while I love it, thought it was kind of expensive and that figure is great. I might wait and see if I can get this with points or a coupon too. Might be the only way to counterbalance the rising cost.
Sadly I fear the worse for flash. Based on this figure I can only fear the worse for flash. That might be another reason people are riled up because it has laid the precedent for what we can expect with flash. It's not just one but two figures down the drain.

Not to mention taking iconic characters and giving them this look.

I actualy liked the prototype Flash figure, so fingers crossed for that one!
What I was saying is the pull away from being boards focused was in play before things turned a bit sour here. Now if she is active there and not here that's a direct link to the board atmosphere then again we've got mods, admins, etc to keep the peace. People get infractions for posting gifs with swear words on it but when people begin to bicker back and forth or even get into huge drop down arguments on threads, nothing seems to occur.

I believe that the boards need to be regulated to the point of creating the atmosphere you want, I don't think it should stuff out personal opinion or make people feel like they can't speak their minds but when people move a bit out of what the boards deems acceptable it is up to the mods and admins to keep everything civil.

:lol :lol :lol


What's next?

Nothing critical/negative can be posted by anyone?

Only established premium freak and/or long time members with a certain level of reputation can post/say what they want to?

This is Dave's "house" and he sets the rules that we all agreed to and for the most part most of us abide by asides from those who throw their weight around. For the most part, everyone accepts that as being a member of this discussion group.

I've witnessed some really bad discussions/threads lately, but this thread shows how bad/toxic a discussion can be for many reasons. No one purposely wants to piss all over a figure and find any/every conceivable way to hate on it. The figure more or less speaks for itself.

I still believe that the atmosphere of this thread 70+ pages and counting is due to the pent up frustration of what came before and where we're headed now in addition to the smart aleck and inane comments. I'm guilty of that as well.

Maybe if the figure didn't have a NRD, then some of the vitriol would not have come up?

If the figure was priced at say $189.99, then a good number of us would have begrudingly accepted it as is?

If there was indeed a bonus non-masked head sculpt included?

We don't know for certainty.

If members can't post their opinions honestly, then what use is it? Apparently there are already those who favor such a direction?

Not every post in this thread has been stellar to say the least, but frustration is quite evident and we haven't seen that amount of frustration in a long time with regards to a figure.

It's starting to sink in for many and myself included. Many of us hope/wish something can change or improve upon the figure. Doubtful, but who knows at this point?

If any of the predictions some of us made come to fruition, then so be it. Maybe Sideshow will get the message and then again blame us generally for the poor sales of the figure and up ceasing the 12" product line (not likely given the amount of $ and licensing agreement involved)?
Sadly I fear the worse for flash. Based on this figure I can only fear the worse for flash. That might be another reason people are riled up because it has laid the precedent for what we can expect with flash. It's not just one but two figures down the drain.

Not to mention taking iconic characters and giving them this look.
I'm upset that green lantern looks like a tire salesman


Let's complain/gripe about The Flash when he is announced and pre-production pictures are posted.

Who knows?

The vitriol for The Flash may end up making this discussion thread look pale in comparison?

Then again . . . we should wait until the 12" Wonder Woman figure is announced and shown.
100% correcto.

Have you seen the thread of the SS PF Superman? Everybody's puking rainbows over there because the statue is literally THAT good.



I'm character specific when it comes PF offerings from Sideshow.

It's a been a long time since I purchased a Sideshow PF. The last one I purchased was the Crimson Baroness from the GI JOE line.

I will say I'm sympathetic to the PF collectors when their stuff gets screwed.
I will break down and cry and beg that Hecate takes them in there sleep if the F up Wonder Woman. It will literally be war then. Sideshow will literally see an army of pissed of people in the parking lot if they mess her up


I'm character specific when it comes PF offerings from Sideshow.

It's a been a long time since I purchased a Sideshow PF. The last one I purchased was the Crimson Baroness from the GI JOE line.

I will say I'm sympathetic to the PF collectors when their stuff gets screwed.

Well, I can honestly say I don't remember seeing one single complaint about the figure itself, not one, outside the very few and expected QC issues.
I'm not kidding they mess WW up I'll summon up Hecate I'm not playing. I'll even use my viking blood to call forth the Valkyries.

What's next? Nothing critical/negative can be posted by anyone?

Maybe if the figure didn't have a NRD, then some of the vitriol would not have come up?

If the figure was priced at say $189.99, then a good number of us would have begrudingly accepted it as is?

If there was indeed a bonus non-masked head sculpt included?

We don't know for certainty.

If members can't post their opinions honestly, then what use is it? Apparently there are already those who favor such a direction?

Absolutely not, I think people need to post their opinions, we know SSC watches these boards, they've admitted to lurking over posting in the past. I think people need to post how they feel but people needs to realize a couple of things. 1: Their opinions once out there are out there, people have/can read them and it isn't necessary to post over and over and over, it isn't a debate but a conversation. 2: That people needs to have a little tact. When people have a disagreement which happens a lot all over, they can disagree and converse without it being uncivil. Name calling, and hyperbole isn't really helping much and usually just degrades the conversation further and actually loses some excellent points made because people focus on the negative way it was delivered. There are a lot of good points and observations made by people who dislike the figure but they are being overshadowed just like there are people who want the "rose colored glasses" and not engage in conversation for whatever reasons.

I'm interested in reading both sides but I will admit when it gets to just a shouting match between two or three folks I usually check out. Everyone needs to deliver their thoughts because a lot of them are good ones but they need to be delivered in a way that will breed conversation not in fighting IMHO.

These are just my two pennies though, maybe I'm completely off the mark here, I am an "old timer" (I don't take offense to that either, think it's kind of funny) and maybe that's not how the boards are now.