SSC Helmeted Cobra Commander

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Ugh...another body swap.

I very rarely chicken little a new figure, but the pics just have me so underwhelmed. Anticipation is low.
You guys must have different Resolute cartoons, left breast emblem is ARAH 80s cartoon. His symbol was a cloak clasp in resolute that we got in the states. :lecture

And how is the helmet anything like Resolute? It doesn't have those goggle looking extensions going in where his eyes would be under the faceplate.


Pretty clear to me.


His helmet has a widows peak & flares out, it may not have the extensions by the eyes but it still resembles/has more in common with the resolute helmet, the pic YOU posted shows that!
Im sorry to have offended you dude but that looks more like darth vaders helmet than classic CC!
I didnt say the emblem made him look resolute did I... but its still terribly placed.
Nice pic from the cartoon, but its not ARAH card art is it or even how he appeared in the early cartoons.
I don't see what all the fuss is about. The helmeted head looks great IMO. And the cobra emblem should be off to the side. It could stand to be a tad lower, but being in the middle would just look goofy. And too skinny? Not a chance. CC has always been kinda scrawny. I know he was drawn buff sometimes in the comic, but I always preferred the skinny look to him. He's all talk, no bite. The skinny physique was a great representation of that. I guess it all comes down to preference on him from either the comic or toon. :dunno

The hooded head does look kinda bad in those pics, but it has never really impressed me from the get go. I mean it was based on the old 12" figure with the removable hood after all - same triangle eyes and everything. I think with some futzing he'll end up looking great except for perhaps the hooded head, which really none of us should be buying this figure for that head anyway. Its always been about the chrome dome.

And really, who puts the stand into a figure's armpits? :lol
I don't see what all the fuss is about. The helmeted head looks great IMO. And the cobra emblem should be off to the side. It could stand to be a tad lower, but being in the middle would just look goofy. And too skinny? Not a chance. CC has always been kinda scrawny. I know he was drawn buff sometimes in the comic, but I always preferred the skinny look to him. He's all talk, no bite. The skinny physique was a great representation of that. I guess it all comes down to preference on him from either the comic or toon. :dunno

The hooded head does look kinda bad in those pics, but it has never really impressed me from the get go. I mean it was based on the old 12" figure with the removable hood after all - same triangle eyes and everything. I think with some futzing he'll end up looking great except for perhaps the hooded head, which really none of us should be buying this figure for that head anyway. Its always been about the chrome dome.

And really, who puts the stand into a figure's armpits? :lol

I'd say there is a difference between thin, which Cobra Commander is usually depicted. And out right scrawny.

Like a 5'10" 160lbs man and a 5'10" 135lbs man. His uniform looks too baggy on an already thin body.
Getting mine on Wednesday. I guess I'm not too picky but so far I haven't seen anything about the figure that is as bad as what some people are complaining about. I plan on plopping his *** down on his throne anyway. Is it an exact recreation of the 80's cartoon version? No, but it's close enough for me. I hope the people that aren't satisfied with it can find a way to customize it to their liking though. I definitely would have liked to have gotten the pistol with it--anyone know where I can find one?
I don't see what all the fuss is about. The helmeted head looks great IMO. And the cobra emblem should be off to the side. It could stand to be a tad lower, but being in the middle would just look goofy. And too skinny? Not a chance. CC has always been kinda scrawny. I know he was drawn buff sometimes in the comic, but I always preferred the skinny look to him. He's all talk, no bite. The skinny physique was a great representation of that.
I can see your point about not being buff... but its not really true is it... he didnt just stay home in the cartoon on his thrown. he certainly shouldnt look like he's a kid dressed up in grown up clothes...
I love how many people jumped on the "lets slate destro" bandwagon but apparently its not ok to dislike CC?
I'd say there is a difference between thin, which Cobra Commander is usually depicted. And out right scrawny.

Like a 5'10" 160lbs man and a 5'10" 135lbs man. His uniform looks too baggy on an already thin body.
Didnt someone ask for a Billy figure? Here he is, playing dress-up in his dads clothes.
I'd say there is a difference between thin, which Cobra Commander is usually depicted. And out right scrawny.

Like a 5'10" 160lbs man and a 5'10" 135lbs man. His uniform looks too baggy on an already thin body.

The pants are the only thing that look baggy to me, and that's probably just do to a lack of futzing. I get what you are saying though. I guess CC really only looks scrawny in comparison to everyone else around him. I mean you had Destro and Zartan trying to out flamboyant each other while showing off their chests and arms and abs :lol

The one thing I really did like about Resolute was that it made Cobra Commander a real bad @$$. He wasn't the cowardly 80's toon version. Sure he still wasn't physically imposing, but he did more than just screech.
The arms and legs seem the worst. Just a little fuller would have been nice, but that's more a failing on the body Sideshow went with, not the tailoring.

Futzing can go a long way though, so have to wait till its in hand to make a final judgement.
His helmet has a widows peak & flares out, it may not have the extensions by the eyes but it still resembles/has more in common with the resolute helmet, the pic YOU posted shows that!
Im sorry to have offended you dude but that looks more like darth vaders helmet than classic CC!
I didnt say the emblem made him look resolute did I... but its still terribly placed.
Nice pic from the cartoon, but its not ARAH card art is it or even how he appeared in the early cartoons.

It looks waaaay more like the cartoon than your Stevie Wonder'd assessment of being based off Resolute. and you said the cape looked resolute, really? Looks straight off that cartoon pic I posted to me.

You love the Destro figure though, so.... :lol :lol :lol
I agree he does look closer to ARAH than anything else but from those first pictures i'm not impressed. Really hope with some futzing he can be made to look better.

Last time i buy a SSC figure without seeing it first.
It looks waaaay more like the cartoon than your Stevie Wonder'd assessment of being based off Resolute. and you said the cape looked resolute, really? Looks straight off that cartoon pic I posted to me.

You love the Destro figure though, so.... :lol :lol :lol

That cartoon pic isn't what i would call a "classic arah look" & that helmet is a mix of resolute & darth vader, its no way near the one in the cartoon pic.
Destro is a great looking figure with a fair amount with it which looks worth the asking price, this doesnt, it looks cheap & goofy... maybe its futzing will show its not totally f###ed... we will see.
Yeah this is the first figure I have ever bought without seeing a review first. I just need to get it in first, but Ross is bumming me out!!!!
Sorry Firefly, hope he is cool inhand & you are happy... im not the one saying its so bad im selling all my joes & will never buy another!
It looks waaaay more like the cartoon than your Stevie Wonder'd assessment of being based off Resolute.

Things in common with classic arah helmet:
1: Fitted over a chrome mask
2: its blue with a stripe on top

Thing in common with resolute helmet:
1: Fitted over a chrome mask
2: its blue with a stripe on top
3: widows peak
4: flares out on the sides/back

Things in common with Darth Vaders helmet:
1: widows peak
2: flares out on the sides/back

THAT is my reasoning on the helmet... it may not the the bits that come in under the eyes but it has as much in common with Darth Vaders as it does the classic ARAH.
Things in common with classic arah helmet:
1: Fitted over a chrome mask
2: its blue with a stripe on top

Thing in common with resolute helmet:
1: Fitted over a chrome mask
2: its blue with a stripe on top
3: widows peak
4: flares out on the sides/back

Things in common with Darth Vaders helmet:
1: widows peak
2: flares out on the sides/back

THAT is my reasoning on the helmet... it may not the the bits that come in under the eyes but it has as much in common with Darth Vaders as it does the classic ARAH.
Duke.......I'm your father....