SSC Helmeted Cobra Commander

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Whom ever gets this figure first, I expect a full review and tons of pics! And please pose him properly! This I command!
Seems very old looking. Professionally un-futz :monkey4

Seriously, why does Sideshow send out figures to people who don't know what the **** they are doing :duh

That was the most anti climatic reveal in history.

I find it almost insulting that they sent these figures to some **** on a worthless website who obviously knows nothing about them and has no experience with these types of products in an attempt to try and reach new customers who have nothing but contempt for these figures (as evidenced by their posts on that website) and actually harms the perception of their figures.

They really should rethink sending free early figures to websites like this. They should've sent it to someone who would've at least tried to make the figure look better then straight out of the box.
This CC needs a different body, the shoulders are a bit too narrow to work with a helmet like this.
Other then that, I think CC looks good. It's not the classic CC helmet but I like it. Sideshow still should've included two or even three different types of helmets separate from the chrome mask to give us options. I would've preferred that over the hood mask head they did give him, I just don't like the eye cuts in the mask.

I'll pick up mine in a few months when I have the money.
Oh man, great I get to shell out another $25ish bucks for a body swap. After Destro and the Baroness I'm out but then again I think SSC is too.
Things in common with classic arah helmet:
1: Fitted over a chrome mask
2: its blue with a stripe on top

Thing in common with resolute helmet:
1: Fitted over a chrome mask
2: its blue with a stripe on top
3: widows peak
4: flares out on the sides/back

Things in common with Darth Vaders helmet:
1: widows peak
2: flares out on the sides/back

THAT is my reasoning on the helmet... it may not the the bits that come in under the eyes but it has as much in common with Darth Vaders as it does the classic ARAH.

The resolute wraps back in toward centerline on the face, nothing at all like this helmet. Also, how again was this cape like the resolute cape? :lol

Apparently pointing out your piss poor assessment really butt hurt you since you replied to my post, then were so upset that you came back the next day and replied to it again. Get over it, you're not even buying it, so why keep crying and trying to tear it down for others with your stupid BS troll act? Or are you just that obsessed with me for daring to question your opinion? :slap

I await your 4 replies to this post. :lol
I find it almost insulting that they sent these figures to some **** on a worthless website who obviously knows nothing about them and has no experience with these types of products in an attempt to try and reach new customers who have nothing but contempt for these figures (as evidenced by their posts on that website) and actually harms the perception of their figures.

They really should rethink sending free early figures to websites like this. They should've sent it to someone who would've at least tried to make the figure look better then straight out of the box.

Yep, if King had this first and futz'd it for posing, you wouldn't have the random "OMG the sky is falling" that we get every single figure that has a reviewer who can't futz worth a damn.

All these early reviews from random sites does is add bait to the trolls.

I blame King for not running a website for reviews. :cuss
Yep, if King had this first and futz'd it for posing, you wouldn't have the random "OMG the sky is falling" that we get every single figure that has a reviewer who can't futz worth a damn.

All these early reviews from random sites does is add bait to the trolls.

I blame King for not running a website for reviews. :cuss

Not a huge GI Joe fan, but have to say that the Baroness looks fantastic (windswept hair is a nice option on that piece). This bodes very well for other female characters, hopefully.

Reading back a page or two, this is the first time I've seen Cobra Commander's "Resolute" look. That would be a tough one not to buy, if Sideshow ever made it. Really like the design of his helmet and the uniform in general. Thanks for posting that picture, Niltusk.

Not feeling it, top tier Cobra for me. SS does look nice though if you like that aesthetic.

I totally get why some people don't like the look of SS, he really is a perfect example of Sideshow mixing classic ARAH with a real world/modern edge & taking it too far for some people... personally I really like the camo they used... guess im just lucky!
The only thing I could think of to improve SS would be an alt head with the camo pattern, yes, I know that probably an easy fix, but I'd love it "out of box" that way. The pics on SSC he just looks brutal and I'm pretty excited about getting him. never had the v2 when I was a kid, so this will be my first version of him.
When the points for the cc that i order clear up i 100% sure well order the ss so looking forward to this one.
Im really liking all the new Joe's,well i should say Cobras coming out this year; plus given they are cheaper than hot toys its a plus ! :) Cobra Commander is in transit only a few more days left to get the first of the new line yay!!!!!
Fed Ex delivery for CC tomorrow...very excited...been a good week for 1/6th's!!!!