SSC Helmeted Cobra Commander

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It's crazy how much better he looks with a bit of futzing compared to those IGN pictures. They always put **** pictures up just like with Vader. I guess because of how popular the website is Sideshow send them figures anyway.

Not a perfect RAH figure but close enough. Looks much better with the pants over the boots.

Yeah man, they totally didn't know what they were doing.
i get my commander wednesday, and it does look amazing from the pics so far! he'll definitely look great next to major bludd and baroness(which i get thursday).
Nice pics Lord Piper! The commander looks good. I'm short on money right now because of all the stuff sideshow decided to release at once but, I'll pick him up later though.
You Freaks and your rave reviews just gave me the final push to re-order my cancelled Vader. can't wait to get him! Thanks!
He's up at Toy Anxiety! :yess:
Dammit, youre a really bad influence Mando!
just ordered nude, uniform, chrome head, boots & pointing hand & globe hand (would have prefered claw hands but all they had left) for $103
all i really need now are the top parts of his gloves (out of stock by the time i'd processed my order!) & im ok... not too keen on the belt/shoulder strap combo & never liked the light blue shirt... will use one of the black ninja neck collars i have or a black collared shirt instead (more in line with original ARAH figure) & i can live without his cloak... for now!
still wish his helmet was less vader-ish but beggers cant be choosers & its never going to get better than this i guess...
my missus is going to kill me... only reason i went thru with it is we had an argument & i was in a bad mood... this will not help matters!
The only thing that kept me from ordering CC is the blue Vader bucket he's wearing. I prefer that helmet on a Sith Lord.

But other than that, CC looks great.
The only thing that kept me from ordering CC is the blue Vader bucket he's wearing. I prefer that helmet on a Sith Lord.

But other than that, CC looks great.

Looking at the new in hand pics, I think as soon as you switch the pro body with the slim TT..He's a keeper.
The only thing that kept me from ordering CC is the blue Vader bucket he's wearing. I prefer that helmet on a Sith Lord.

But other than that, CC looks great.

im glad its not just me that cant help but see that! went for it anyways... got just enough to put him on my shelf for $103... no way was i spending $175 + shipping then getting hit with a $50 tax bill for him!
shipping on this one was $18 & they ship as second hand toy parts so wont get a tax bill.

Looking at the new in hand pics, I think as soon as you switch the pro body with the slim TT..He's a keeper.
i dont see a problem with his body, doesnt look as scrawny as i thought it was going too... at $15 with neck i figured it would do.
Yeah, that helmet is definitely coming off.

You're the go to man on this, is this easy or would this be hard?

Putty in the indention.
File off the widows peak.
touch up or repaint as needed.

Doable or more trouble than it looks?
You're the go to man on this, is this easy or would this be hard?

Putty in the indention.
File off the widows peak.
touch up or repaint as needed.

Doable or more trouble than it looks?

I would take the helmet off first, but no what you're talking about isn't that hard.
Dammit, youre a really bad influence Mando!
just ordered nude, uniform, chrome head, boots & pointing hand & globe hand (would have prefered claw hands but all they had left) for $103
all i really need now are the top parts of his gloves (out of stock by the time i'd processed my order!) & im ok... not too keen on the belt/shoulder strap combo & never liked the light blue shirt... will use one of the black ninja neck collars i have or a black collared shirt instead (more in line with original ARAH figure) & i can live without his cloak... for now!
still wish his helmet was less vader-ish but beggers cant be choosers & its never going to get better than this i guess...
my missus is going to kill me... only reason i went thru with it is we had an argument & i was in a bad mood... this will not help matters!
And for that u well sleep on the floor for the next two days my friend.