SSC Indy PF vs CM Indy

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That CM does look more life-like than the PF so that's something else that can be chalked up in their column. If I could afford a CM it would probably be a ahrd choice for me.
Despite the nameplate, the CM hat sculpt, jacket color and web belt color all scream TLC not RotLA.
Well even the sculpt on him looks a tad older than Raiders... I would say the skin texture is a very nice feature of the CRMs, but still on Indy SSCs (to me) is better in all other aspects.
Those pictures are of the very first version of the Cinemaquette. Sadly, it doesn't look even close to that anymore.
Sorry to those who actually spent money on that Cinemaquette, but it seriously looks like some random dude cosplaying as Indy. That's horrible. :eek:
Estel is right Lord Aykrod, those are the prototype pictures from SDCC, the production is the worse of the 2. Long facial hair.

The eye color is also all wrong on the CMQ. The Sideshow PF, however, nails it. And that's quite rare with Ford.
I guess its kinda a moot point until we get to see production pics of SS's Indy PF. We are all very familiar with SSs production paint issues. We will just have to wait and see. SS Indy may have lipstick, blue eyes and red hair by the time he reaches production.
On the web site the jacket looks much better and darker and the web belt looks to be the correct color.

I agree that the face sculpt is not 100% but it's much better than many are saying and is very close. All in all it's looking better than it did IMO and will likely be a very nice piece in a collection. The in hand pics of course will be the most telling.
Our fears over the Indy PF getting through production have already been well noted, so you are not alone. But that doesn't mean we should downplay the perfection that is the prototype.
I guess its kinda a moot point until we get to see production pics of SS's Indy PF. We are all very familiar with SSs production paint issues. We will just have to wait and see. SS Indy may have lipstick, blue eyes and red hair by the time he reaches production.

This is a very true statement.:D
I'm not a huge fan of the expression on the production CMQ sculpt, either. IMHO, he looks too pissed off.
The only time Indy looks that sinister is at the very beginning of Raiders and I guess when he becomes evil Indy in TOD. They're replicating the Amsel poster, I wonder why they didn't go for that expression as well.