SSC Luke Skywalker Snowspeeder Pilot Sixth Scale Figure

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This is why I really don't understand why they reveal the price with the blog announcement. They kill the talk about the figure. I thought they would have learned the lesson from Luke X-Wing. That figure looked great but everyone just talked about the stupid price, and having now seen that figure in person today for the first time, I think the production figure (with the helmet on at least) held up nicely.

I think this figure looks nice and since I had been on the fence for the longest time about Luke X-Wing I've decided to get off that fence completely and get up on the fence for this figure. Having also seen Indy today, which I thought looked pretty nice and might be a purchase for me, if this Snowspeeder Luke comes out nice with paint apps the level of the Indy figure, I'll probably order either direct for the exclusive (and pay in full with rewards) or find a decent deal somewhere.

Also good call on the creepy thumb, lamtsunfung. Noticed that last night. :horror

You pulled the trigger on the $180 deal!:yess::clap

"Skywalker is fully equipped with lit and unlit lightsabers, his trusty blaster, signal flares, and a plan to take down the mighty Imperial AT-AT walkers."

Unfortunatley, he is not fully equipped. He is missing the grappling hook and detonator to take down the mighty Imperial AT-AT walker.

Also, I literally laughed out loud at the price. At least the figure looks very good. I wanted to buy it too...

The pictures don't even show a display stand - at all - so it's possible there might be more pieces added once it's closer to release. Seems really weird to do Luke Snowspeeder and not include the most recognizable weapon/device he uses in that outfit... and, you know - still charge $270.:lol

You are #2.

You pulled the trigger on the $180 deal!:yess::clap

The opposite. Went back to the no-buy side of the fence to consider this one instead. :lol

But it did look very nice in store. A more interesting figure than the Farmboy Luke, so I think Snowspeeder Luke might be the most interesting of the Empire bunch as well. I have Hoth Luke still, so maybe the spare head sculpt could be modded to improve on the hatted Hoth sculpt too.
Count me in as #3. I'll be getting it. Luke is my childhood hero and this rendition of him is my favorite. The sculpt is good, looks better than the blank stare of the latest HT Luke. This will go great with my DX Luke. My only 1/6 figure.
Can I get some ice for my Kool Aid? I'm lucky number 4.

Using copious amounts of points to ease the pain. Not sure what I would do if that wasn't an option.

This is a grail figure for me but it sure is spendy!
4 buyers! Jackpot!

If Jack's getting this, that means no HT Luke pilot. Oh no.....

Truth is, if I can squirrel away enough points at Spooktacular I'd be inclined to get this one too, assuming it looks reasonably enough like this proto. If Sideshow could just close that gap...
4 buyers! Jackpot!

If Jack's getting this, that means no HT Luke pilot. Oh no.....

Yep I have seen nothing indicating SS and HT will simultaneously release the same figures or that HT is doing a pilot Luke. Jedi Luke yes, pilot no. ;)
I would love to get this figure. Looks great even giving latitude for production downgrade. I got the X-Wing figure for $125 with points. I'll be getting 3PO for about the same. I might have enough by the time he ships, but I'm definitely not pre-ordering.
Okay, okay... that's 5.

I have seen nothing indicating... HT is doing a pilot Luke. Jedi Luke yes, pilot no. ;)

Dang it. I really was hoping HT would do the Hoth Pilot... but now clearly this is going to be THE Hoth Pilot Luke to have for the next several years. At least it makes decision making easier.
Pending a bad production head, I'll be grabbing this.

I have over $50 in rewards points and that brings it all the way back down to only... $220.:horror:dunno:(

It's not like you can get a fully loaded Hot Toys Luke for that.:lol
I'm in two minds about this release. I mean Luke Snowspeeder is and has always been a definite "need" for me and the outfit looks great, but the lack of extras and questionable head sculpt, plus the price is putting me off. But then will Hot toys ever make a version of Luke Snowspeeder?? AAARRRGGHH #rockandahardplace!
Going back to the head sculpt, what's with the moles again SS?! I mean we all know that Mark Hamill has moles but they're not as prominent as this! This guy
looks like he's had a squeezy bottle chocolate sauce accident!
Yep I have seen nothing indicating SS and HT will simultaneously release the same figures or that HT is doing a pilot Luke. Jedi Luke yes, pilot no. ;)

Jack, thanks for stopping by here again. Do you happen to know if the Yoda / Luke 2 pack is still coming?
Yep I have seen nothing indicating SS and HT will simultaneously release the same figures or that HT is doing a pilot Luke. Jedi Luke yes, pilot no. ;)

Such a shame that the jealous idiots on this board spoilt your fun! Do you happen to know if the Yoda/Luke 2-pack had a full "Bespin" outfit?
Is it too late to get on the ‘price hate’ train? I was hoping to get all the Hoth-related figures, but wow. Not sure if I should use my reward points on the Jawa set and hope that I can find this figure discounted from another seller later, or use them on Luke
Damn, and I blew all my reward points just last week on Rey and BB-8 which was only $15 more than this.

With the now usual $40 shipping to Australia this figure looks to be around $410AUD plus conversion fees at todays exchange. But hey, with a $20 SS coupon I could get it as low as $385 plus conversion which would make it just shy of $400. Bargain.

I'd be curious to know what proportion of sales sideshow makes to foreign collectors. Couple the price increases with the greenbacks recovery and many international collectors are looking at a doubling of prices in the last 12 months. I can see many either cutting back substantially or quitting altogether.

It's a shame we are seeing some of these great looking and long desired figures being overshadowed by pricing concerns.
It's three and a half years ago I know, but you could buy TWO Sideshow Tusken figures ($135) for the price of this Luke.


Yeah, it's four years ago, but this DX Sandie was also HALF the price of this Luke...


Just trying to get my head around the idea of a pretty standard Sideshow figure that's nearly $300.:horror