I might as well give my review on this guy.
Forget about all obstacles, be they cost, chance of getting a figure with defects (like mine) and SS customer service issues and BUY HIM ASAP!
If you're a Wolverine fan (like who isn't) he is an absolute must own, SSC has delivered the best 1/6 Wolverine action figure!
He's functional, you can move him and not stress out, he can take it, his costume can take it!
I promise you that you will not put him down, he is a blast to mess with.
Sturdy and freaking insane bad ass looking in hand.
When we think Wolverine we immediately think claws right.
Never in a million years did I think I would ever want to long term pose Wolverine without both of his claws attached but now that i've played with his sword I think he actually looks best while holding it!
What a great accesory that turned out to be, great job there SSC!
His unmasked head is ferociously bad ass as well!
His masked head, gorgeous!
His boots, tough and cool looking!
His costume, gorgeous!
The way his costume hugs his body and allows muscle definition to show thru while also being flexible enough for posing, awesome!
His V shaped lats, wide and powerful looking, sick!
The way his arms attach, amazing!
The amount of arm choices for posing is great, I liked the articulated arms more than I expected even though the left one is loose at the elbow.
His head articulation, incredible!
Open claw hands are cool looking!
Sword fits into hands very easy!
The only thing you absolutely need to be careful with is making sure his claw hands are attached good or else they will fall off and more than likely break the blades when they do.
The other thing is being careful not to put pressure on the blades when putting those hands on.
I almost wish that the blades were a seperate unit from the hands and they just snapped on after the hands are put on and also that there was a locking mechanism on his wrist pegs for extra protection.
Also a little better ankle pivot.
Other than that, superb job by SSC on him, he absolutely blows away their Punisher, which I like.
Wolverine I love!