1/6 SSC ROTJ Luke Skywalker Deluxe Sixth Scale Figure

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Are those effn' DOLL DOTS on those eyes? It's 2019 for f's sake! And all SS eyes look a little weepy - even the Mythos Kenobi's eyes are a bit too "wet" when up close. Heck, Dengar looks like he's about to start bawling. Don't know what it is, but SSC gets the eye shine a little over the top every time.

The flash on the simple looking fists is a bit much too. The light saber is appalling. I'd still like to see some talent take on repainting that head.
Have you ever tried the UPS app? You can electronically sign for delivery so that they will leave it. Unless you just don’t want them leaving it which is understandable.

Yeah. I am familiar with app, I just didn't want them to leave it.

This is the first figure I am considering returning. It looks awful. I'll wait until I have it in hand, but geezus...

Seriously, WTF Sideshow?
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If you only want human hero figures and troopers then you’d be fine with only HT doing SW. If you want anyone to deal with background characters and aliens, then well, Sideshow are the only ones giving us that. They just made a fantastic Jabba. So no, if I want my favorite SW figures made, then please ss keep doing sixth scale Star Wars. I can get my human figures from HT anyways.
Yeah, and how many more of those are they really doing? Jabba aside over the last few years or so they've done the Jawas and the ESB bounty hunters (which a coupe were re-releases). Sideshow isn't really outputting a lot of figures in the first place, and when they do its half-assed crap like this more often than not.

They aren't really in the business of releasing unique figures anymore. The heydays of that seem to have passed. They could be doing more Cantina or Jabba's Palace type characters, but instead they do stuff like this or the Mythos figures. I was excited for Skiff Lando but seeing this makes me realize I'd be a fool to plunk down money without seeing the in-hand product.



Yikes, looks like Lurch from the Adams family crossed with Davy Jones of the Monkees
...and this is why I can't ever convince myself to pre-order a Sideshow figure.

At least a “human” figure. I’m done getting burned on figures that are supposed to represent real people. If they put out more SW aliens, I’ll gladly get those.
Really dissapointed, I thought at least the outfit would turn out better than Hot Toys. Well... back to pre-order HT Endor Luke.
I think you are (not purposely) making excuses for Sideshow, with the saber. It clearly looks to be the Luke Hero saber, with just a horrible paint job. The V2 (the one that was used mostly through ROTJ and that the HT upcoming deluxe will have) doesn't have any copper color at all on the neck, so it's definitely not that, and the only other stunt one I'm aware of from ROTJ was the prop R2D2 shot to Luke on the sail barge plank scene, which is actually only shown when R2 first opens his compartment and raises it out a little before launching it...and that version was simply a cheap hero look-alike and if you watch closely, it's missing the emitter nipple on top of the saber, and then by the time it reaches Luke's hand, they switched the prop back to the V2. So it just doesn't fit that the SS sloppy model was meant to be anything but the Hero...they just executed it beyond sloppy and made it look like crap.

I'm in the replica saber building community as well, which is why I have that totally unhealthy and needless amount of detail on the various ROTJ Luke sabers

Don’t get me wrong. I don’t think it’s a good V2 or anything but the quality of the saber is so inexplicable that’s the only thing that came to mind. And they’ve been making a correctly painted ROTJ one with their R2 figures, granted I haven’t seen the recent batches but this is the one that came with R2 when it was released a few years ago. Sideshow has been known to get creative and do interpretations of parts (Scout knee armor, for example).


I think SS has a group of amazingly talented artists that create the prototypes. Where all seems to fail is the in the "minions" they pay to crank the figures out in large volumes.
I bet they are talented as well - but lack the "incentive" to go above and beyond if you feel me. sadly, the original artists vision is lost in translation. I am perplexed as to why they are ok with this?
After all the various instances where Sideshow has foisted garbage upon consumers over the years, why is anyone surprised? With Sideshow, it's always 1 step forward (their new Batman 1/6), 7 steps back (this pitiful goggle-eyed monster Luke).

:rotfl :FREAK: :rotfl
They’ll probably sell more $800 Jabba’s than they will these Luke’s. In that recent video they barely even showed him off while they talked about Jabba for half an hour. They almost acted like he was just some random figure lying around rather than another soon to be released figure. Maybe they’ll do another video for Luke but it would be appropriate if that was their soft sell for him.
I hope they do sell more Jabbas, because that piece deserves the accolades its getting.

In a hobby about details, shoddy craftsmanship is just disappointing.
I've found that the best place to display this new Luke from Sideshow is in the 'horror' section of your collection. A few simple custom additions, and you're good to go!

...and this is why I can't ever convince myself to pre-order a Sideshow figure.

Honestly when was the last time a SSC piece sold out during preorder? I find little reason to not wait for a free shipping or $30 off code months after release.