SSC Superman 1/6th Scale figure

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that clark looks great. I'm looking at doing something similar but want the classic pulling the shirt apart look. anybody know where i could look for a S shield on a blue t-shirt for under his work clothes?
that clark looks great. I'm looking at doing something similar but want the classic pulling the shirt apart look. anybody know where i could look for a S shield on a blue t-shirt for under his work clothes?

Tony can probably do that for you. I once asked him about doing it for me, but i found a cheap DCD suit for the same custom and went with that.

In other news, i took apart three heads today.
Bad news for lighting the laser vision angry(Easily, but can still be done).
The red laser tendrils are only on the front, and don't extend back. It can still be done, but will need dremel work done.
Another cool thing might be to remove the red parts and add eyes. He would look pretty angry, but without the red laser parts.











see thats what i love about you Barry ,always doing the stuff i think about doing and showing every body how it works out with super clear pics ,thanks again mate ,very interesting might have to think along these lines with my damaged heat vision head if the seller doesn't come through with a replacement,just have to find away to remove the broken bits of the red part from his eye
see thats what i love about you Barry ,always doing the stuff i think about doing and showing every body how it works out with super clear pics ,thanks again mate ,very interesting might have to think along these lines with my damaged heat vision head if the seller doesn't come through with a replacement,just have to find away to remove the broken bits of the red part from his eye

No worries Chris.
The red parts will come out easily. Stick the head in boiling water and after a couple of minutes, use side cutters or pliers to gently remove the parts.
If your seller doesn't make good.
Awesome stuff, Barr! Lots of potential for customs.

that clark looks great. I'm looking at doing something similar but want the classic pulling the shirt apart look. anybody know where i could look for a S shield on a blue t-shirt for under his work clothes?

I saw a Mattel suit and a SS suit on eBay yesterday for under $25.
Yeah. I am thinking if someone cast the eyeball plate, we could have custom eye directions. A plate for left, one for right, etc.

Now there's an idea. Just like the EB Bats. I'd love to see someone put some red plastic eyes in there and light them too.
Now there's an idea. Just like the EB Bats. I'd love to see someone put some red plastic eyes in there and light them too.

Yeah. It would really add to the possibilities of the figure.
Captain action is supposed to come out with their costumes.

Excellent. When is that meant to be happening?
Got me. I think their mockups were just cutouts of DC Direct figures.

There is supposed to be a recent of the Superman, but I can't locate it.
Yea that cap action dc set has been delayed now almost 2 years. It would make for nice figures with the right bodies.
Great pics!
What the hell are those things with the big hands??? I'm going to have nightmares tonight...

On the customising front, i popped up to work and picked up some white 6mm BBs.
The good news is that they are a PERFECT replacement for the SS eyes. With a set of eye decals, it will be possible to replace the eyes and have yourself a PERS-like setup where you can reposition them yourself.
I just drew the iris on with a sharpie, but with good decals and maybe three coats of clear lacquer, this will look grand. I'm going to see if i can do it on the angry/laser face tomorrow.





