Premium Format SSC Thor PF and Destroyer Maquette

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...just wait till after its left nut tells me it will go down in price.

I have thought before too but there is a small window for some of these and if you dont get on it it can easily dissapear. My advice, if you like it and really want it than dont mess around, just get it.
I also just like the idea of a huge destroyer statue right or wrong scale they will look good together

And more importantly fit on the same shelf!
OMG i dont care if all the lil girly statues get delayed but this is serious bizness messing with these statues, say it aint so!!!
Just saw they were delayed. Probably a good thing as the end of the year is heavy but then again so is the first of next year. :lol
Has anyone seen the maquette featured in the Thor bluray extras? The whole body lights up not just the eyes, it looks frigging awesome, I'm assuming that was just a prototype :(
Has anyone seen the maquette featured in the Thor bluray extras? The whole body lights up not just the eyes, it looks frigging awesome, I'm assuming that was just a prototype :(

Whoah, did not know that, gonna go throw it on now.