Media Star Wars BattleFront

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Exactly, if they gave us maps, factions, gear, weapons and all sorts of goodies on DLC once the game gets stale then I'm not so again st the price, but 50 bucks for just maps? I'm sorry, but no......maybe there will end up being a lot more in the DC besides just maps.

I think there will be. Altho its its own game , I think it will follow in the footsteps of Battlefield. And lets be honest, this will sell a bucket load. I think dice will support it well.
ok.. so a year of PS Plus is $50 ... the reg. game is $60 .. if you want the other expansions as well.. its another $50 ... thats $160 correct ? holly smokes..

if you go wight the ultimate edition what is $120 plus the $50 PS Plus ... $170 .... maaaaaannn

Most of this list in inaccurate and wrong.

There are 8 multiplayer maps sure but there are 15 training maps and 45 scenario maps in addition to those. Those 45 are also co-op.

PC will always find a way to mod things, give it time.

The maps span Classic era AND Force Awakens era. The preoder early-access map is Jakku where the Star Destroyer wreckage is from the Force Awakens Trailer.

Loadouts only sure, but they are customizable with tons of weapons and perks (the beta only had 5 weapons because it was a beta).
There are 2 heroes if you think Rebel VS Imperial but there will different skinning options for your character. I'm sure you can pick from different trooper skins or colors.

There ARE vehicles to pilot. The Beta had AT-ST's, TIE Fighters, TIE Interceptors, X-Wings and A-Wings. You can see Speeder Bikes in another video and I'm sure there will be lots of others. A full list hasn't been given.

I'm stoked for this game and being able to preorder for $46 made it even better.
I love me some Star Wars but I won't be picking up that bar of soap that Jar Jar just dropped in the shower, I'm still sore from that bar that Destiny dropped.
Good freaking grief. I can see bleeding an extra 15 or even 20 bucks for new maps, but 50? Forget it.

Dice did this with Battlefield 4 and let me tell ya man, $50 does go a long way in the end. $50 premium gets you more emblem layers, extra emblem stuff, maps when released instant free ($10 on there own which atm on BF4 there's 4 dlcs), new weapons achievements from those dlcs, camo unlocks from achievements on dlc, kit gear from achievements on dlc, etc.

With how I heard Battlefront is from friend it may be hell on earth with that game. As a Battlefield Veterean (No Jest to Brazilians *cough*junglenetlaggingsobs*cough*) when in battle with Brazilians it is ****ing chaos with their netcoding, now with Battlefront cooldown with blaster (no clip like original) and unlimited thermal detonators from my buds word your talking about spamming mother****ers... I've played BF2 on PSN on Multi you get in a bridge firefight on DeathStar map it rocket launcher, sniper, thermal detonating death trap!!! Ntm with this new Battlefront your talking about a even worse thing. I've been spawn trapped before on BF4, but can turn it around if we hold the bastards out taking out support ammo boxing douches and wait for assault and engineers to unload their clips. But with Battlefront, oh gawd... I'd hate to be cooldown trapped, hell when I played BF2 with cooldown weapons, single tap keeps it from overheating and if the *cough*junglenet*cough* suppress you with counting shots on single fire... oh gawd...
Also there are space battles. There's specifically a mode for space battles and you can earn slave 1 and the millennium falcon as hero ships.

This is dice we're talking about though. I don't think they're going to just give us the maps, pat us on the ass and say go play. We'll probably get new modes, New weapons, appearance customization options for our characters, etc. And I'll bet money that there will be at least one force awakens pack with all new characters, heroes, weapons, vehicles, etc.

I've bought premium for BF3 and BF4 but skipped on hardline. I think I might just have to pick up battlefronts season pass.
It's not really space battles, it's vehicles but not in space.

The DLC is to be expected and people can choose if they want it or not just like the other hundreds of games that do the very same thing. I'll probably get it since I can't avoid Star Wars stuff
Thanks Parma..

Hey KitFisto... I played last night again and it got better.. finally picked up vehicles and also played as Vader for a little while.. still need more knowledge about the controls ... but overall the more I play the better it all gets and the fun factor rises as well..
Thanks Parma..

Hey KitFisto... I played last night again and it got better.. finally picked up vehicles and also played as Vader for a little while.. still need more knowledge about the controls ... but overall the more I play the better it all gets and the fun factor rises as well..

Cool......still don't know if I'll keep My PO at this point.
The beta has ended, I personally won't miss playing it but I imagine it will make a fortune despite its many short comings. I'll be interested to see what the dlc will be since they promised they weren't holding any content back from the main game..
is the ultimate edition only as digital download available ?

Currently, there are only disc versions for PS4 and Xbox One for the standard edition. PC has either download or buy a code.

Deluxe Edition is available on disc for Xbox One and PS4, for PC it is digital only

Ultimate Edition is digital only for all platforms, includes Deluxe Edition plus season pass, it's the exact same price as Deluxe+Season Pass separately

Deluxe Edition is crap--it only unlocks some items beforehand that you'll be able to get otherwise, not worth the $10 extra
Currently, there are only disc versions for PS4 and Xbox One for the standard edition. PC has either download or buy a code.

Deluxe Edition is available on disc for Xbox One and PS4, for PC it is digital only

Ultimate Edition is digital only for all platforms, includes Deluxe Edition plus season pass, it's the exact same price as Deluxe+Season Pass separately

Deluxe Edition is crap--it only unlocks some items beforehand that you'll be able to get otherwise, not worth the $10 extra

Thanks for the clarification :)
Yeah I'm not supporting a game that will be using a season pass to try and justify their terrible timing in making the game.

So much missing from the overall game, it honestly could have been a reskinned expansion pack to any of their EA titles. People may not have liked the Prequel films, but that doesn't really dismiss how great the maps were.

I'm gonna cancel my order, might as well just wait one more week til Fallout 4 comes out, it's not like I was gonna play both.

I'm sure a Premium Edition will come out, I'll wait til then, for a fraction of the cost.
Yeah I'm not supporting a game that will be using a season pass to try and justify their terrible timing in making the game.

So much missing from the overall game, it honestly could have been a reskinned expansion pack to any of their EA titles. People may not have liked the Prequel films, but that doesn't really dismiss how great the maps were.

I'm gonna cancel my order, might as well just wait one more week til Fallout 4 comes out, it's not like I was gonna play both.

I'm sure a Premium Edition will come out, I'll wait til then, for a fraction of the cost.

This exactly. Overall a step back in the Battlefront series. Damn shame, was looking so forward to this.
From most anticipated to an easy pass.
Damn, thought I had another day with the beta. But Ill probably pick this up down the line when the price drops to around $30. Nothing really impressed me too much other than the atmosphere and sound effects, the rest was all too "meh".
guess Im the one of those foolish star wars fans that just geeking out about the graphics and having the feeling being part of the movies somehow .. I love the atmosphere... I will get this game for sure.. :lol
I imagine this game will sell like hot cakes even though it isn't that good. It is Star Wars, I just hope it doesn't mean we keep getting stuck with the same kind of thing in another endless annual cycle. I guess that will depend on whether or not this stands the test of time or not. If it goes the way of Hardline, they may have to listen to the complaints in future...