STAR WARS: EP. I--The Phantom Menace in 3D: 2/10/12

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Perhaps but for me
I just cant see these people fighting too often - one slip and you have lost your head. Look at rots anakin makes one error and loses both legs and his arm!!!
I would rather they never met between. I understand that you and loads of other people really like tcw but it just hasn't hit the spot for me.
It was good to see this one the big screen again. The 3d was ok for not originally being formatted for 3d. I’m looking forward to seeing the rest on the big screen too.
Perhaps but for me
I just cant see these people fighting too often - one slip and you have lost your head. Look at rots anakin makes one error and loses both legs and his arm!!!
I would rather they never met between. I understand that you and loads of other people really like tcw but it just hasn't hit the spot for me.

The Clone Wars is utterly contrived. It's never been more than officially released fanfic. Just more EU.
Nothing wrong with the EU man. I'm personally glad there's not just twelve hours of Star Wars, or six, for the OT snobs out there :wink1:

hey love the eu
but the clone wars- some great stories but just cr*p when it features anakin

back to the movie......

i watched tpm on dvd the other day with my son as i didnt think he would sit through it at the cinema and i actually enjoy it more with the passing of time
but just so much of it could be edited away and still not hurt the saga:slap

That doesn't even make sense. :lol

6 hours, 17 minutes. :lecture

:lol :duff

contrived : obviously planned or lacking in spontaneity;

you are like a broken record with your distain for all things not OT… it gets tiring having to hear your constant predictable jabs. cognitive distortions can be tough to live with, but they are treatable.
I saw this in theaters and LOVED it. I hadn't seen it in 7 years. Not since before RotS came out. I think it's my favorite of the prequels. The nostalgia of seeing it, hunting down the toys the day they were released, seeing it individually in theaters with every single one of my closest friends and my dad, borrowing a bootleg VHS with Asian subtitles to hold me over a bit awaiting the VHS release....

I was 11 when it came out. It wasn't until AotC came out I realized it wasn't right. Something was off. Then it became cool to bash the PT. Yeah, I'll be the first to continue out it's flaws. But it's a FUN movie. And Liam Neeson? He's the best actor in a starring role in the whole saga. Don't deny it! Harrison Ford was iffy in ANH, he was awesome in ESB, but he's such a goody goody and boring in RotJ that I prefer Luke...

I actually loathe AotC. I like the action well enough and love Christopher Lee as a villain, but the whole story, dialogue, and structure just bug the crap out of me! RotS would have been the best had George taken the time to develop these characters more so it would actually be a moving tragedy, not just a geekgasm of Darth Vader's origin and the birth of the twins.
How could you say that? Those are the worst thing about TCW. George changes the whole character by putting him in TCW. For instance take Greedo. In ANH he talked in an alien languages. But in TCW he speaks basics :gah: How can Lucas do that? Greedo shouldn't speak basics, otherwise the conversation with Han in ANH could have been in English...

Let's not forget this show airs on a network for kids and those type of shows tend to not use subtitles.
I am pretty sure that his "living hell" has more to do with an entire generation of people worldwide (and the culture surrounding it) who won't take anything he does seriously. Sounds like hell to me.
This guy wouldn't even be known...good or bad..without that movie. And honestly, he's not the worst part of the movie. The script is.
This guy wouldn't even be known...good or bad..without that movie. And honestly, he's not the worst part of the movie. The script is.

Well in your opinion. Who knows? Maybe in some alternate universe out there Jake Lloyd just earned his 4th oscar. :lol
Apparently Lucas never saw Jingle All The Way before casting Jake, cause he couldn't act in that movie either. It's sad that I saw Jingle All The Way when it first came out and that was my reaction back then, I knew it wouldn't end up well for Star Wars. I don't blame Jake as much as George for going with him.

As far as kids picking on him, well, kids do that no matter what, and if you aren't strong enough to defend yourself, then you get picked on. I know this from experience.
I am pretty sure that his "living hell" has more to do with an entire generation of people worldwide (and the culture surrounding it) who won't take anything he does seriously. Sounds like hell to me.

Then why wasn't Hayden Christensen's life ruined? He played Anakin in an even worse SW movie. A lot of child actors have trouble making the transition to success as an adult and I don't see how TPM is to blame for that in Lloyd's case.

Obviously if he was subjected to daily beatings due to his dialogue in the movie that would be one thing but kids being kids and making SW noises sounds like a pretty weak excuse to blame George for failing to continue his career.

I wonder if from now on he'll sign autographs as "Jake Lloyd IS Anakin Skywalker." :monkey1
Then why wasn't Hayden Christensen's life ruined? He played Anakin in an even worse SW movie. A lot of child actors have trouble making the transition to success as an adult and I don't see how TPM is to blame for that in Lloyd's case.

What can I say? Either you merely being argumentative or deliberately obtuse if you can't see the difference such a thing would have on an 8 year old compared to an 18 year old. Plus I would argue that TPM is the most heavily scrutinized movie ever made which makes Jake Lloyd's circumstances rather unique compared to your average failed child star.
I'm just going by his words:

"Kids made lightsaber sounds when they saw me."

"I did up to 60 interviews a day."

Those are his only examples of living in "hell." Why didn't his mother simply say no to the interviews if it was ruining her son?
See the impression I got was that those things were just the tip of the iceberg. I'm sure it extended well beyond a few interviews and some school yard taunts.
Marge: Kids can be so cruel.
Bart: They can? Thanks Mom! [sound of Bart's footsteps as he runs down hallway]
Lisa: Owwww! Bart, cut it out!