STAR WARS: EP. I--The Phantom Menace in 3D: 2/10/12

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I personally hate computer animated R2-D2. I hate his booster rockets. I hate his run-in with the Super Battle Droids in episode 3.

I also feel bad for whoever was in the tower that got demolished when Obi-Wan crash landed half the ship. "another happy landing".... but not for those poor innocent people!

I actually hate that type of thing too--where there's something crazy that happens in a movie and like a building gets destroyed and abviously people die because of whatever battle they're having or whatever. Like in the musical episode of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Xander accidentally caused everything which made people dance and sing so much they'd spontaneously combust, and yet at the end no one brings up the point that he basically killed a bunch of people
According to what Expanded Universe gibberish?


I can't recall what EU source I read that from, but if you look around this scene in the film, the entire area is desolate - nothing and no one there. Plus it wasn't air traffic controllers telling Anakin, "We'll take you in," it was the firefighter pilots, because this was an abandoned airstrip and there was no one to help Anakin land the ship.
Great, just like in the commentary of AOTC where Lucas says that now we're supposed to assume that the DS II was filled with Geonosis bug workers so no innocents died when the Rebels blew it up. :slap

"Another happy Death Star attack..." :monkey1
oh comeon, they barely hinted at his anger/fear the whole series, only when his mother died did he showed any true rage, but then he was back to normal with padame. The minute before he walked through the door to confront palpatine he was still a jedi and believed in good. A jedi does not turn to the dark side like that in 5 min, especially someone as key to the movie as vader. I think the transformation was badly done and the reason was ridiculus, if the sith told him the jedi killed your wife padame and he turned on the spot like that then at least it will be somewhat believable.

As to the jedi temple, that's up to everyone's opinion, i preferred a large epic battle there in their HQ to show the fall of the jedi which is an essential part of the story.

Well, you and I interpreted the movies and Anakin's arc differently, so all's good. :duff
oh comeon, they barely hinted at his anger/fear the whole series, only when his mother died did he showed any true rage, but then he was back to normal with padame. The minute before he walked through the door to confront palpatine he was still a jedi and believed in good. A jedi does not turn to the dark side like that in 5 min, especially someone as key to the movie as vader. I think the transformation was badly done and the reason was ridiculus, if the sith told him the jedi killed your wife padame and he turned on the spot like that then at least it will be somewhat believable.

As to the jedi temple, that's up to everyone's opinion, i preferred a large epic battle there in their HQ to show the fall of the jedi which is an essential part of the story.

I'd agree with you if I didn't watch The Clone Wars series. That series really shows how Anakin made the change. He has problems with the Jedi way of doing things and their treatment towards him and other cultures. It's much better done in the EU. Hell, this season alone the entire Jedi order lies to him about Obi Wan dying.
I'd agree with you if I didn't watch The Clone Wars series. That series really shows how Anakin made the change. He has problems with the Jedi way of doing things and their treatment towards him and other cultures. It's much better done in the EU. Hell, this season alone the entire Jedi order lies to him about Obi Wan dying.

i never watched the clone war..maybe that's where the gap is. Is it really worth the time to watch through 5+ seasons of this...a cartoon on cartoon network? :confused:
Posts like this.....

Tell me, have you ever written a movie? No.
Have you ever actually put your hands on camera? No.
Are you a movie maker? No.
Do you know anything that goes into making a movie? No.

Does George Lucas know how to do all that and even more? Yes.
Conclusion: George Lucas is an artist and your not.

People need to stop criticizing things they can't understand.

Where's your hollywood movies? Don't have any? Oh, well you can't talk about them.

Stupidest rebuttle. You don't have to know jack ____ about film to tell when a movie sucks. You really don't.

If a movie fails to connect with the audience in a organic way, like say....A New Hope, it's hailed as a classic. If it fails to connect with an audience, you end up with movies like Transformers and the Star Wars prequels.

The prequels, to stay on topic, fail because there is no character we can relate to. Now, that doesn't mean every film needs to have a character we can relate too 100%, but their stuggles and problems have to feel real, and even if we can't relate to flying spaceships, or killing people, we can feel for the character, and understand his stuggles.

None of the characters in the PT are really likable. You may like them because they're badass, or cool, or whatever. But from a character stand point, they're all very off.

So no, you don't, in any way need to know jack ____ about film to enjoy movies. It doesn't even help if you do. If you enjoy the movie, you enjoy the movie. If you didn't like, you did not like it!

Even if you love all these movies, there IS a reason why people don't like them. And it's not fanboy issues. There are actual problems in this series.
i never watched the clone war..maybe that's where the gap is. Is it really worth the time to watch through 5+ seasons of this...a cartoon on cartoon network? :confused:

It is man and I actually enjoy it more than the PT. It's darker and the characters are awesome. You get so much more info on Dooku, Grevious, etc. Grevious is a monster and was another letdown with how he was portrayed in the PT. Dooku is also badass. And we're getting cool cameos now: Admiral Ackbar, Chewbacca, Bossk, IG-88, etc. The first season is slow but it does find it's groove.
Where's your hollywood movies? Don't have any? Oh, well you can't talk about them.

Stupidest rebuttle. You don't have to know jack ____ about film to tell when a movie sucks. You really don't.

If a movie fails to connect with the audience in a organic way, like say....A New Hope, it's hailed as a classic. If it fails to connect with an audience, you end up with movies like Transformers and the Star Wars prequels.

The prequels, to stay on topic, fail because there is no character we can relate to. Now, that doesn't mean every film needs to have a character we can relate too 100%, but their stuggles and problems have to feel real, and even if we can't relate to flying spaceships, or killing people, we can feel for the character, and understand his stuggles.

None of the characters in the PT are really likable. You may like them because they're badass, or cool, or whatever. But from a character stand point, they're all very off.

So no, you don't, in any way need to know jack ____ about film to enjoy movies. It doesn't even help if you do. If you enjoy the movie, you enjoy the movie. If you didn't like, you did not like it!

Even if you love all these movies, there IS a reason why people don't like them. And it's not fanboy issues. There are actual problems in this series.

I must say I agree on this point, those PTs really never fokussed ONE figure, not even Anakin like everyone was expecting.
Too many sideshow bobs, too many distractions from the main plot. :exactly:
We aren't suppose to care for Anakin and Padme because one gets burnt to a crisp and the other dies. Imagine if these things would have happened to Luke, Leia, Han, Chewie. Kids would still be having nightmares.
And we're getting cool cameos now: Admiral Ackbar, Chewbacca, Bossk, IG-88, etc.

How could you say that? Those are the worst thing about TCW. George changes the whole character by putting him in TCW. For instance take Greedo. In ANH he talked in an alien languages. But in TCW he speaks basics :gah: How can Lucas do that? Greedo shouldn't speak basics, otherwise the conversation with Han in ANH could have been in English...

I liked the clone wars, but I can't watch it anymore since after the clone story-arc with "The Dark Jedi". THAT was a really good story without any important characters we see in the movies. It was all about how the Clones feel. And "from my point of view" that is what the Clone Wars should be about. I've seen enough stories about Obi-Wan, Anakin and his pet (or how he calls her "His apprentice"). Give me stories about how the people and clones feel about the war. Not some plot where it ends up that Grievous/Dooku/Ventress will fight Obi-Wan/Anakin/Ashoka.

What bothers me about the Dooku v.s. Anakin & Obi-Wan fights is the line that Anakin say's in ROTS just before the battle with Dooku "My powers have doubled count since the last time we met"... When Lucas wrote this the last time they "met" was in AOTC and Anakin failed in that battle. So the line maked sence when ROTS was released. But know if we have to take TCW as canon it's doesn't make sence...:dunno

Sorry for my English some times but just had to say this. :monkey3
It is man and I actually enjoy it more than the PT. It's darker and the characters are awesome. You get so much more info on Dooku, Grevious, etc. Grevious is a monster and was another letdown with how he was portrayed in the PT. Dooku is also badass. And we're getting cool cameos now: Admiral Ackbar, Chewbacca, Bossk, IG-88, etc. The first season is slow but it does find it's groove.

guess i should, will get them from netflix thanks :)


I think there is a very good movie to be made taking place after ep 3 before new hope, showing the rise of darth vader & the empire.

If i were to direct it, i will call it The Fall of the Jedi, and the open scene will be jar jar yapping around, then all of sudden he goes silent & you see a red light saber coming out of him and he's ripped in half, with a new sith emerging from the shadow behind his corpse. The story will be about darth vader and his siths/empire hunting down & killing the remaining jedi. Can introduce many new sith, vader can take on an apprentice too, a sexy female darth talon style, and the apprentice can fall in love with vader but he doesnt care for it as a substory. Also can tell the creation of the stormtroopers from clonetroopers. Also the beginning of the organized rebel resistance. Then the final battle will be yoda fighting multiple sith and vader, killing all of them except vader and escape with his life.

Man i should be a director! need to call lucas to get on that asap! :D
How could you say that? Those are the worst thing about TCW. George changes the whole character by putting him in TCW. For instance take Greedo. In ANH he talked in an alien languages. But in TCW he speaks basics :gah: How can Lucas do that? Greedo shouldn't speak basics, otherwise the conversation with Han in ANH could have been in English...

I liked the clone wars, but I can't watch it anymore since after the clone story-arc with "The Dark Jedi". THAT was a really good story without any important characters we see in the movies. It was all about how the Clones feel. And "from my point of view" that is what the Clone Wars should be about. I've seen enough stories about Obi-Wan, Anakin and his pet (or how he calls her "His apprentice"). Give me stories about how the people and clones feel about the war. Not some plot where it ends up that Grievous/Dooku/Ventress will fight Obi-Wan/Anakin/Ashoka.

What bothers me about the Dooku v.s. Anakin & Obi-Wan fights is the line that Anakin say's in ROTS just before the battle with Dooku "My powers have doubled count since the last time we met"... When Lucas wrote this the last time they "met" was in AOTC and Anakin failed in that battle. So the line maked sence when ROTS was released. But know if we have to take TCW as canon it's doesn't make sence...:dunno

Sorry for my English some times but just had to say this. :monkey3

We'll have to agree to disagree since I think TCW is badass. I don't really care about the Greedo dialogue things. I love the cameos because these are awesome OT characters and we get to see a little more from them.

You'll have to take TCW as cannon now I think because Dooku and Anakin have fought, a lot, and each time Anakin gets a little better against him, but still never 'wins'. Another point I like is that throughout TCW we see the Troopers slowly having problems with the Jedi. It's more believable now when Order 66 is put into motion. It's not just a 'flip of the switch' that happened in the movie when the Troopers betray the Jedi. In TCW it's been brewing for a while now.

I love it!! :exactly:
We'll have to agree to disagree since I think TCW is badass. I don't really care about the Greedo dialogue things. I love the cameos because these are awesome OT characters and we get to see a little more from them.

You'll have to take TCW as cannon now I think because Dooku and Anakin have fought, a lot, and each time Anakin gets a little better against him, but still never 'wins'. Another point I like is that throughout TCW we see the Troopers slowly having problems with the Jedi. It's more believable now when Order 66 is put into motion. It's not just a 'flip of the switch' that happened in the movie when the Troopers betray the Jedi. In TCW it's been brewing for a while now.

I love it!! :exactly:
Sorry dude. Im with the other guy.
When tcw focuses on secondary characters it's great and I can live with slips like greedo dialogue and frankly ig88s backstory was terrible.

But like legacy of the Jedi book series the more often people fight with no result the more it becomes 60s batman for me

Frankly I could have lived with it never existing. Although who doesn't love Rex !!!
Sorry dude. Im with the other guy.
When tcw focuses on secondary characters it's great and I can live with slips like greedo dialogue and frankly ig88s backstory was terrible.

But like legacy of the Jedi book series the more often people fight with no result the more it becomes 60s batman for me

Frankly I could have lived with it never existing. Although who doesn't love Rex !!!

But there is a result. Anakin learns a little more each time and improves. He's used different tactics and you can see the learning process right before your eyes. If it was always Anakin charging into battle and getting his ass kicked I'd agree with you. But, as for what I recall, they all end in different ways. The most recent example was epic and Anakin almost slipped to the dark side and killed Dooku (which of course we know he eventually does) but Obi Wan showed up in time.