STAR WARS: EP. I--The Phantom Menace in 3D: 2/10/12

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Wow,...what is this? A Lucas apologists forum?
This movie sucked more or less and still sucks today.
Lucas is no longer the artist he used to be,...just a capitalist.
Why so many are willing to feed into his money making machine is beyond me.
The prequels had every right to be amazing movie experiences and he floundered that opportunity at every turn.
These films should have been the films the fans who grew up with Star Wars deserved....instead they were kiddie flicks built to further market the Star Wars universe,...not expand it.
Why were there no flashback scenes to the early Jedi Sith battles? Why don't we get any history on how the Jedi and Sith began and the first battle between them?
Can you imagine these films if Lucas had followed his own lore he created in the same fashion of Peter Jackson depicting Tolkiens Lord of the Rings?
Yes,...Lucas created the story and what not...he is very rich because of it.
I don't feel bad in calling him out on this because being so wealthy is what caused these films to suffer....much like KOTCS.
The best thing we can all hope for is that Lucas finds himself again in old age and becomes more Kubrick esque. He could then make a final trilogy which further explores the Force. The midichlorian thing is total crap and its too bad he went there. I think most of us understood there were genetics involved without having it spelled out. But then again, I probably needed to have Darth Vadar yell Noooooooo at the end of Jedi to understand what he was feeling...
Wow,...what is this? A Lucas apologists forum?
This movie sucked more or less and still sucks today.
Lucas is no longer the artist he used to be,...just a capitalist.
Why so many are willing to feed into his money making machine is beyond me.
The prequels had every right to be amazing movie experiences and he floundered that opportunity at every turn.
These films should have been the films the fans who grew up with Star Wars deserved....instead they were kiddie flicks built to further market the Star Wars universe,...not expand it.
Why were there no flashback scenes to the early Jedi Sith battles? Why don't we get any history on how the Jedi and Sith began and the first battle between them?
Can you imagine these films if Lucas had followed his own lore he created in the same fashion of Peter Jackson depicting Tolkiens Lord of the Rings?
Yes,...Lucas created the story and what not...he is very rich because of it.
I don't feel bad in calling him out on this because being so wealthy is what caused these films to suffer....much like KOTCS.
The best thing we can all hope for is that Lucas finds himself again in old age and becomes more Kubrick esque. He could then make a final trilogy which further explores the Force. The midichlorian thing is total crap and its too bad he went there. I think most of us understood there were genetics involved without having it spelled out. But then again, I probably needed to have Darth Vadar yell Noooooooo at the end of Jedi to understand what he was feeling...

I like the prequels. :dunno

They're not the original star wars by any means.
As far as sucking, the word is an opinion. You can't prove suck, ever! Unless its referring to the action of suck:

verb (used with object)
1. to draw into the mouth by producing a partial vacuum by action of the lips and tongue: to suck lemonade through a straw.

2. to draw (water, moisture, air, etc.) by or as if by suction: Plants suck moisture from the earth. The pump sucked water from the basement.

3. to apply the lips or mouth to and draw upon by producing a partial vacuum, especially for extracting fluid contents: to suck an orange.

4. to put into the mouth and draw upon: to suck one's thumb.

5. to take into the mouth and dissolve by the action of the tongue, saliva, etc.: to suck a piece of candy.

Some people loved it, some hated it, and some don't give a crap about Star Wars. So its cool. :peace
Wow,...what is this? A Lucas apologists forum?
This movie sucked more or less and still sucks today.
Lucas is no longer the artist he used to be,...just a capitalist.
Why so many are willing to feed into his money making machine is beyond me.
The prequels had every right to be amazing movie experiences and he floundered that opportunity at every turn.
These films should have been the films the fans who grew up with Star Wars deserved....instead they were kiddie flicks built to further market the Star Wars universe,...not expand it.
Why were there no flashback scenes to the early Jedi Sith battles? Why don't we get any history on how the Jedi and Sith began and the first battle between them?
Can you imagine these films if Lucas had followed his own lore he created in the same fashion of Peter Jackson depicting Tolkiens Lord of the Rings?
Yes,...Lucas created the story and what not...he is very rich because of it.
I don't feel bad in calling him out on this because being so wealthy is what caused these films to suffer....much like KOTCS.
The best thing we can all hope for is that Lucas finds himself again in old age and becomes more Kubrick esque. He could then make a final trilogy which further explores the Force. The midichlorian thing is total crap and its too bad he went there. I think most of us understood there were genetics involved without having it spelled out. But then again, I probably needed to have Darth Vadar yell Noooooooo at the end of Jedi to understand what he was feeling...

Posts like this.....

Tell me, have you ever written a movie? No.
Have you ever actually put your hands on camera? No.
Are you a movie maker? No.
Do you know anything that goes into making a movie? No.

Does George Lucas know how to do all that and even more? Yes.
Conclusion: George Lucas is an artist and your not.

People need to stop criticizing things they can't understand.
Tell me, have you ever written a movie?

Have you ever actually put your hands on camera?

Are you a movie maker?

Do you know anything that goes into making a movie?
Of course I do thank to Wikipedia I know everything.

Does George Lucas know how to do all that and even more?
At one time he did. I don't know about the more stuff that's like asking about the "Beyond" section of Bed, Bath & Beyond.

Conclusion: George Lucas is an artist and you're not.

Debatable on all fronts.

People need to stop criticizing things they can't understand.

The irony is that with technology advances some that even Lucas himself pioneered anyone who owns a cell phone can be a moviemaker/artist. In fact some films shot and edited on an iPhone are winning awards without really blinking an eye. I think Kevin Smith said it best when he said that "Anyone who rolls out of bed can be the kind of filmmaker that we once had to sell the majority of our possessions to be." Art is subjective, I don't hate Lucas with the fires of Hades but I'm not the biggest fan of his later works and I wouldn't begrudge anyone in detailing their reasons why they aren't either or even are.

I've taken fancy film classes, I've held the actual film cameras and played around, been in independent films that played at minor festivals, many would say that is more noir and in line with actual filmmaking than any big budget filmmaker today but I'm not going to stand on a soapbox and claim I'm better than Lucas, I am going to voice my opinions and I think all should as well both positive and negative and we shouldn't use out of date absolutes to try and keep an ordinary guy (abeit a rich ordinary guy) in some sort of grand echleon of filmmaking above anything that us normal, mortal folks could ever possibly understand.



Of course I do thank to Wikipedia I know everything.

At one time he did. I don't know about the more stuff that's like asking about the "Beyond" section of Bed, Bath & Beyond.

Debatable on all fronts.

The irony is that with technology advances some that even Lucas himself pioneered anyone who owns a cell phone can be a moviemaker/artist. In fact some films shot and edited on an iPhone are winning awards without really blinking an eye. I think Kevin Smith said it best when he said that "Anyone who rolls out of bed can be the kind of filmmaker that we once had to sell the majority of our possessions to be." Art is subjective, I don't hate Lucas with the fires of Hades but I'm not the biggest fan of his later works and I wouldn't begrudge anyone in detailing their reasons why they aren't either or even are.

I've taken fancy film classes, I've held the actual film cameras and played around, been in independent films that played at minor festivals, many would say that is more noir and in line with actual filmmaking than any big budget filmmaker today but I'm not going to stand on a soapbox and claim I'm better than Lucas, I am going to voice my opinions and I think all should as well both positive and negative and we shouldn't use out of date absolutes to try and keep an ordinary guy (abeit a rich ordinary guy) in some sort of grand echleon of filmmaking above anything that us normal, mortal folks could ever possibly understand.

Don't worry Mike, that post wasn't directed towards you. Just the people who criticize something or someone when they actually haven't ever been involved in it at all. Like most self-proclaimed "movie buffs."

What school did you attend? Or was it just a class for some extra credits? I've been accepted into A&I for the fall semester, but it's gonna cost me a ____load of cash. Looking forward to it though.

Don't worry Mike, that post wasn't directed towards you. Just the people who criticize something or someone when they actually haven't ever been involved in it at all. Like most self-proclaimed "movie buffs."

What school did you attend? Or was it just a class for some extra credits? I've been accepted into A&I for the fall semester, but it's gonna cost me a ____load of cash. Looking forward to it though.

Look sir,....first who are you to presuppose anything about me?
I hardly need to "qualify" myself or my points of view to you son.
I was in college and in the marine corps when you were just being spit out of your mom.

Clearly your intellectual expectation of the films you enjoy isn't too high if you are willing to step up and to debate my "knowledge" concerning moviemaking and films.

Well, enjoy that and good luck in school.

Top 5:
Raiders of the Lost Ark
The Empire Strikes Back
Seven Samurai
The Big Lebowski
Look sir,....first who are you to presuppose anything about me?
I hardly need to "qualify" myself or my points of view to you son.
I was in college and in the marine corps when you were just being spit out of your mom.
Cool story :dunno
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What school did you attend? Or was it just a class for some extra credits? I've been accepted into A&I for the fall semester, but it's gonna cost me a ____load of cash. Looking forward to it though.

It was a class at CSUH for extra credits, three of them actually. Then I assisted for three semesters (voluntarily for credit) with a few friends at The Academy of Art in San Francisco. Most of it was mock but a few of the shorter clips went through a couple of festivals
I just rewatched the prequels in 1 sitting - all 3 episodes. The story arc/plot was actually quite good and well developed, but the execution was piss poor.

Cant help but feel angry about the TREMENDOUS missed opportunity, and what could have been. All the dialogs were on the same level as straight to dvd B pictures and destroyed the bulk of the movie, if i remember correctly lucas was trying to make it "kid friendly" as the reason.

Some of the most crucial moments of the movie was never developed at all. For example anakin turned from jedi to sith in FIVE MINUTES by help killing windu then dropped to his kneels and accepted his new master with no question, all because he's afraid padame may die due to a dream he had and the off chance sith may actually have a way to revive her? SERIOUSLY? It could've been so much more, for example jedi could caused padame's death due to a decision they made which feeds into anakin's rage and eventually turned him as it builds up with sith's help.

Then right next scene, he marches into jedi's temple - their HQ, with a bunch troopers in the front door and kills all the little kids with no remorse. First off there should be an epic battle at the jedi temple to show the fall of the jedi not just a 5 sec clip showing jedis getting slaughtered by troopers, even with bulk of the force away elsewhere. Hell even the librarian could probably kicked major ass against those troopers and this is their HQ! It should showed anakin killing the jedis and mass trooper casualty in the process, not him killing a bunch little kids. Instead luca cut this out too and chose to show an extended underwater chase scene with some cgi fish + jar jar, wtf does that have to do with STAR wars!?

Jar jar, completely unnecessary and cheapened the whole movie.

The list goes on and i remember why i dont watch those prequels much. It's just sad, even more so considering how great the story was, if they only executed and developed it properly.

The only thing they got it right imo is r2d2, all its scenes were done well and shows the r2d2 we came to love.
I think the decision of not having Vader kill the other Jedis was a good one, so as not to steal the thunder of the duel with Obi Wan.
As for Anakin turning quickly to the dark side, I think you missed the entire arc from Ep.1 to Ep.3... throughout the entire prequel you see how Anakin's fear and rage slowly turn him to the dark side. His fear for Padme's life and Palpatine's vague promise were only the last push he needed to fully commit to the dark side. It was far from a 5-minute decision.

But that's just my opinion.
The only thing they got it right imo is r2d2, all its scenes were done well and shows the r2d2 we came to love.

I personally hate computer animated R2-D2. I hate his booster rockets. I hate his run-in with the Super Battle Droids in episode 3.

I also feel bad for whoever was in the tower that got demolished when Obi-Wan crash landed half the ship. "another happy landing".... but not for those poor innocent people!
Look sir,....first who are you to presuppose anything about me?
I hardly need to "qualify" myself or my points of view to you son.
I was in college and in the marine corps when you were just being spit out of your mom.

Clearly your intellectual expectation of the films you enjoy isn't too high if you are willing to step up and to debate my "knowledge" concerning moviemaking and films.

Well, enjoy that and good luck in school.

Top 5:
Raiders of the Lost Ark
The Empire Strikes Back
Seven Samurai
The Big Lebowski

You are a knewb. But you have a good grasp on punctuation and your favorite movie (Amadeus) is also my favorite movie. Therefore you do not suck.

It was a class at CSUH for extra credits, three of them actually. Then I assisted for three semesters (voluntarily for credit) with a few friends at The Academy of Art in San Francisco. Most of it was mock but a few of the shorter clips went through a couple of festivals
Cool. :D What did you end up going into?

You are a knewb. But you have a good grasp on punctuation and your favorite movie (Amadeus) is also my favorite movie. Therefore you do not suck.


I'm not sure why he calls me "son" and "sir" at the same time. Amadeus is a good movie though. :lol
I think the decision of not having Vader kill the other Jedis was a good one, so as not to steal the thunder of the duel with Obi Wan.
As for Anakin turning quickly to the dark side, I think you missed the entire arc from Ep.1 to Ep.3... throughout the entire prequel you see how Anakin's fear and rage slowly turn him to the dark side. His fear for Padme's life and Palpatine's vague promise were only the last push he needed to fully commit to the dark side. It was far from a 5-minute decision.

But that's just my opinion.

oh comeon, they barely hinted at his anger/fear the whole series, only when his mother died did he showed any true rage, but then he was back to normal with padame. The minute before he walked through the door to confront palpatine he was still a jedi and believed in good. A jedi does not turn to the dark side like that in 5 min, especially someone as key to the movie as vader. I think the transformation was badly done and the reason was ridiculus, if the sith told him the jedi killed your wife padame and he turned on the spot like that then at least it will be somewhat believable.

As to the jedi temple, that's up to everyone's opinion, i preferred a large epic battle there in their HQ to show the fall of the jedi which is an essential part of the story.
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