STAR WARS: EP. I--The Phantom Menace in 3D: 2/10/12

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:lol I just noticed how the angle of Maul's lightsaber doesn't match. Look at both ends of the hilt...the perspective is totally off.

It matches the movie then, watch when he first ignites his saber before the big battle with Obi-Jin, the handle does some weird ____ :lol

I've always wanted to see Jake Lloyd in 3D, can't wait.
You mean 'definitely' the worst....I think.

And TPM is definitely the worst. Worst design, worst story, worst characters (except for Maul), worst kid actor, and worst sidekick.

No I don't mean that.

Worst design? Not very accurate. This is a visit into a new world of Star Wars and I think the worlds are amazing. Naboo and it's ships including Gungans and Otoh Gunga (yes, the characters are annoying but has nothing to do with design). Droidekas, control ships, battle droids, AATs, Sith Infiltrator, Darth Maul, Podracers, etc.

Worst story? It's actually not if you think about it. It's all part of the overall story of discovering Anakin all while introducing us to this new time period. It does need to be edited that's for sure but I don't see anything particularly wrong with the story. Things happen that lead to the next event until it resolves itself. That doesn't happen in Attack of the Clones. After Ep1 concluded, the story landscape was still WIDE OPEN. Ep2 and Ep3 is where the mess continued to happen.

Worst characters.... hmm.. It was a bad execution choice of some of them (Boss Nass, Jar Jar, Neimoidians, announcer, Anakin), but Darth Maul, Qui-Gon Jinn, Watto, Queen Amidala, Sio Bibble, Sebulba, Shmi Skywalker, Chancellor Valorum, Senator Palpatine, Obi-Wan Kenobi, etc were all strong.

Worst Characters in Ep2? Where do I start? Anakin, Captain Typho, Jocasta Nu, Zam Wesell, Dexter Jettster, Waitress Droid, Younglings, Kaminoans, Boba Fett, San Hill, Wat Tambor, C-3PO...

Worst kid actors in TPM... yes. Especially "let's go play ball" kid. AOTC only had younglings and Boba Fett and ROTS had that sad little one who gets killed off screen.

Worst Sidekick... kind of a non category if we have a characters. But if we want to do a Ep1 Jar Jar vs Ep2 C-3PO battle, I found C-3PO to be more insulting to the intelligence.
Wouldn't that make it "easily" the worst? Difficultly would imply that it's hard aka "difficult" for you to find reasons as to why it's the worst. :lol
AOTC is definitely the "worst" and actually pretty terrible by OT standards. However bad SW is still better than most other things. I'll take AOTC over 2009's critically acclaimed Star Trek reboot (which I saw once and have been in no hurry to see again) any day of the week. :lol
AOTC is definitely the "worst" and actually pretty terrible by OT standards. However bad SW is still better than most other things. I'll take AOTC over 2009's critically acclaimed Star Trek reboot (which I saw once and have been in no hurry to see again) any day of the week. :lol

Well... guess its time to put Khev on ignore: :ignore:

While I agree bad Star Wars is better than most things, horrid SW is still ____. And AOTC is pretty horrid... a few good parts, but mostly a steaming pile.
Me preferring AOTC to "better" movies is no different than all the 1989 Batman fans clamoring day in day out over that very mediocre movie. :lol

And I usually fast foward through the "steaming pile" parts of AOTC and skip right to Geonosis. :rock
Me preferring AOTC to "better" movies is no different than all the 1989 Batman fans clamoring day in day out over that very mediocre movie. :lol

And I usually fast foward through the "steaming pile" parts of AOTC and skip right to Geonosis. :rock

Damn, my ignore button hitting was not fast enough for me to avoid the heresy of comparing AOTC to '89 Batman :panic:

Khev, you have truly gone to the darkside :lecture
AOTC is definitely the "worst" and actually pretty terrible by OT standards. However bad SW is still better than most other things. I'll take AOTC over 2009's critically acclaimed Star Trek reboot (which I saw once and have been in no hurry to see again) any day of the week. :lol

Ya, I hated the new Trek...

I will see Ep1 in 3D for sure, best of the prequels. The first and last 30 minutes rock!
As much as I would love to see Maul fighting in 3-D, I don't think that's enough for me to sit through this film again.
Wouldn't that make it "easily" the worst? Difficultly would imply that it's hard aka "difficult" for you to find reasons as to why it's the worst. :lol

Yes, it's both haha. There are easy ways to see that AOTC is horrid. But if you dig deeper and you'll find even more reasons it fails on all levels.

But while I'm on it, here are things about AOTC that bother me the most on a basic "hey, what?" level.

-Jango Fett is hired by Count Dooku to assasinate Padme. But he hires Zam Wesell to do it. She fails. And then he gives her another chance. But he gives her bugs to do the job. Zam gives the bugs to a droid to do it because she's a crappy bounty hunter. Couldn't Jango have put it in a droid from the get go? ALL OF THIS to get to the Kamino dart?? Dumb.

-Obi-Wan vs Jango Fett battle shouldn't have taken place. Obi-Wan was communicating with the Jedi Council who instructed him to bring Jango in for further questioning. So Obi-Wan goes out to the platform where Jango and Boba are already trying to get away. Now, you'd think Obi-Wan would just try to reason or talk to the guy.... nope, he ignites his lightsaber immediately. Never does he attempt to calm Jango or reason with him. It was a dumb fight anyway.

-Anakin surfing on that dumb animal and other awkward moments.

-Anakin meets his stepdad who explains how Shmi has gone missing. He's hopeful that she's still alive and says he'd still be out there searching for her... but he needs to heal his MISSING LEG. Anakin says he's gonna go find her. Cliegg, after a beat says: "She's dead, son. Accept it." Uhhh WTF? Way to be a flip flopper, Cliegg.

-Padme wears white to a funeral and steals C-3PO. So they're having a little funeral for Shmi. R2-D2 rolls up and Natalie Portman over-acts in this scene saying "What the F are you doing here, R2, this is a human funeral." They go into the ship and plan to rescue Obi-Wan. They don't say good bye to the good people that have given them shelter and food the past few days... and they steal their protocol droid. Poor Owen has to buy him back decades later.

There's a whole lot more but I don't think I need to.

and WHAT?? the Star Trek reboot is a good movie. I don't care about Tim Burton's Batman movies though. They were fun at the time but really aren't good.
:lol :lol :lol :lol

That's why Owen bristled when Luke mentioned Obi-Wan Kenobi in ANH. Probably figured the old hermit was after his droids again! :rotfl

But that was before he met Obi-Wan. As far as we know, Obi-Wan gave them the kids and that was it. The whole "crazy old man" stuff must mean there's more story that we have been shown. Stalker Obi-Wan!
Oh, another WTF moment was that one Neimoidian that says "WE MUST GET THE STARSHIPS BACK INTO SPACE."

My eyes went wide when that happened... I was expecting mock Asian/French accent... but we got BLACK.
But that was before he met Obi-Wan. As far as we know, Obi-Wan gave them the kids and that was it. The whole "crazy old man" stuff must mean there's more story that we have been shown. Stalker Obi-Wan!

Actually when they were all at the funeral 3PO announced that they have a transmission from "Obi-Wan Kenobi" and then everyone bailed with their droids. So Owen had every right to be apprehensive when Kenobi's name came up shortly after finally getting the droids back. :D