But padme was already on the ship and hooked up to life support by that point. I think its more or less he snapped her neck when chocking her but George thought it was too dark so he created that ******** "lost the will to live reason" or that second reason "he funneled her life force but again Anakin was a sith at that point, it would break all continuity" sith cannot heal they are unwilling to give up their life force to save someone else, and if he had that power he would have used it on obi wan not padme or to revive padme by stealing obi wans life force. sith cannot do force healing because it requires a selfless act. He had not yet learned the power of darth Plageus the wise vamping and leaching the life force from others, that's how he avoided death. He would willingly sacrifice another human being by stealing its life force, jedi wouldn't do that an Anakin hadnt yet learned this power, this is the power Palpatine was hoping that him and Anakin (the chosen one) could unlock together. Palps never did learn it before he died so he came up with plan b then plan c then plan f (the Sequel trilogy)