How did Poe know Maz?
How did Rey get back on the falcon with Chewie after fighting with Kylo?
Why did Holdo act in such an incredulous way with Poe who just saved them all from Starkiller base?
Why did Luke leave a map to the island in R2 and WTF was the entire plot line in TFA about a missing piece of the map?
Why did DJ act like he was stealing the stupid necklace from Rose (to the point of an argument) if he only wanted it as a conductor - you know you could just say?
Why did Hux not just send an armada of ships out to destroy the tiny resistance fleet? He wanted to wait until they ran out of fuel?

How did Luke repair his x-wing wing door almost immediately after it was ripped of it's hinges by chewy?
Who was Snoke and what was he doing?
He was powerful enough to meld the minds of Rey and Kylo but he couldn't tell that Kylo was about to kill him?
Force ghosts can summon lighting now?
Leia can float in space - should have told Vader at the end of Rogue One and this entire mess would have been cleared up and the OT would never have been required.
Why did the cooked Porgs have comedy plastic feet?
How did BB8 get 6 coins inserted into his slot then fire hundreds at the guards.
How did the Farthiers jump through stone walls? Very unhorse like.
Why did Rose a resistance fighter have a ridiculous hidden resistance logo in a giant eternity ring.
And why on earth would several small (Michael Jackson "Smooth Criminal) kids know about the Resistance or the First Order - Given that Finn and ex Resistance proper had never heard of Canto Bite.
Why did Rian Johnson waste so much money building the most incredible sets and creatures for Canto Bite (check the deleted scenes) then use none of them in the movie and instead do a Mary Poppins horse ride through the city instead.
Why did Holdo act so bizarrely and not tell one of the main resistance leaders (POE) what was happening? Leia obviously wasn't that pissed with him as she gave him permission to go an blow stuff up again mere minutes before Holdo arrived?
Why did Luke throw away his father's lightsabre with such carelessness? It's like he did it for a laugh - but Rey didn't find it amusing (neither did anyone else in the cinema). Even if he was pissed at the Jedi it makes zero sense that this would';t have significance for him.
How did Luke hand Solo's dice to Leia given that neither of them were real?
Why did the soldier on Crait stick his finger into the footprint of his boss and then taste it? It could have been sulphuric acid or Taunton piss.
How did Finn fly his little fighter straight through the beam of the giant First Order laser cannon on craft for minutes without taking damage?
How did BB8 get up into a chicken walker..
Where was Holdo in TFA? A famous general who wasn't at the Starkiller Base briefing? Probably dying her hair..
How was Maz in the middle of a whole new adventure hours after her castle was blown up in TFA?
Where did all the women come from in the resistance ship?
Is Holdo sexist? Certainly seemed like she was an equal opportunity employer.
I could go on.. and on.. and on... it's just moronic all of it.