Broke and happy
Wait wait wait….
They went with JA Bayona to direct the first 2 episodes on their 15 billion dollar LOTR
They went with JA Bayona to direct the first 2 episodes on their 15 billion dollar LOTR
Has Abrams ever delivered a satisfying end to any story he ever started producing?
Khev you little devil lol
All you want is for me to hate, but I won't. Not even you.
Khev, I can understand your hatred you have for me. After all, I destroyed all your arguments with facts and logic and continue to do so as more and more information is released backing up my side. But deaf ears? From the guy who STILL thinks the ST had a plan? After JJ said it didn?t. Hell I was so right I have jal, where we usually disagree with each other and have some fun back and forths, agree with me too! You are so wrong you unite ?rivals?
Regardless, I?ll be destroying these arguments shortly. Damn it feels good to be back in the ST combat arena!
As I have predicted. Good to see yet another toy executive crap all over the ST.
Who is Malgus?
Ninth Circuit Court Judge Kenneth K.taking aim at the latest two instalments of the franchise.
" That is like George Lucas promising no more mediocre and schlocky Star Wars sequels shortly after selling the franchise to Disney. Such a promise would be illusory."
At one time, Star Wars success was pop culture legend... now its failures are pop culture references. Star Wars has lived long enough to become the villain.
Star Wars is dead.
You can visit its grave by watching Season 1 of The Mandalorian.
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As a slight tangent but still following on from the discussion. Before the PT, when you first saw the OT did you ever wonder why Old Ben was just there on Tatooine and Yoda on Dagobah. Did you view them as sitting out the fight, hiding and reactively waiting for the Skywalker children or did you imagine something else? I saw the OT and PT so close together that I can?t really remember a time when it was just OT but I am curious to hear the thoughts of those who were there at the beginning and had years to meditate on this?
Well, we assumed Obi-wan was too old to be an active combatant. He even says as much in ANH. That went out the window when George had Count Dooku taking on young jedi and doing somersault flips through the air.
Yoda was also assumed to be too old - and also not an actual fighter - until George decided he would be in AOTC, and well capable of kicking ass even when he was relatively close to his OT age when his entire lifespan is considered.
I'll spare you yet another diatribe about how the PT reframed everything. For now.![]()
Oh boy did it reframe things. The PT bears out almost none of that dialogue. Now Obi-wan just made all that stuff up - some of it totally superfluous as far as what he really needed to convey to Luke. So he wasn't just lying but really going to town with it.
...Yoda's *second* choice to defeat the Emperor with the "other" being his first choice. But the other was far away (or not yet born) and Luke was right here and willing so...against Yoda's preferences he agreed to train Luke.
Kind of easy to be the "best" under such circumstances.
The key here is the past tense of "was once." That implied that whatever a Jedi Knight was, Obi-Wan was retired from duty.
Old Ben: "Darth Vader betrayed on murdered your father."
Luke: "Hmm, and what's that?"
Old Ben: "Your father's lightsaber--"
Old Ben thinking to himself: *oh what the hell, in for a penny, in for a pound..."
"--and your father really wanted you to have it. He said those exact words to your uncle."
*what am I doing, for what purpose am I saying these lies*
"I'm getting too old to fight, and your father absolutely adored sand--"
*may the Force forgive me I can't stop*
"--Did I ever tell you about Yoda, my ONE master? AHHHHH, AIIIIEEEEEEEE!" *runs out of hut and leaps off cliff in order to stop himself from lying any further*