Re: Star Wars: Episode IX - December 20, 2019
I'll take a Team Khev (L) t-shirt only of it comes with his smiling face on the front.
I'll take a Team Khev (L) t-shirt only of it comes with his smiling face on the front.
Everything since the OT is gravy anyway
With Khev next to Felicity in a Khev t-shirt also.I'll take a Team Khev (L) t-shirt only of it comes with his smiling face on the front.![]()
With Khev next to Felicity in a Khev t-shirt also.
Well JJ Abrams joined Instagram today. He said before he was too secretive with TFA, hopefully he'll have more and more news from the set.
I agree that the PT felt like George Lucas. But it was the wrong George Lucas, a mere shadow of his former self.
Yea many SW fans look at the PT with rose colored glasses.
I want to love the PT.....
I really do...but I just cant. These days I cant even bring myself to watch TPM due to Jake Lloyds acting and Gungans.
AOTC I stopped watching before that, for so many reasons but bad CGI, horrible production and stupid plot were the main ones.
I still like ROTS , for the most part. The production was decent and the story was not to ham fisted, although much of it feels rushed.
With ST , the production was great, as are the effects and acting. So your left with do you like the story? I do. Its a bit thin for the most part, but SW was never Shakespear. My guess is that I will be watching ST much longer than PT.
Sent from the inside of a giant slug in outer space.....
jye the next time your wife has guests over I dare you to just be sitting by yourself watching AOTC when they enter the room, lol.
jye the next time your wife has guests over I dare you to just be sitting by yourself watching AOTC when they enter the room, lol.
I want to love the PT.....
I really do...but I just cant. These days I cant even bring myself to watch TPM due to Jake Lloyds acting and Gungans.
AOTC I stopped watching before that, for so many reasons but bad CGI, horrible production and stupid plot were the main ones.
I still like ROTS , for the most part. The production was decent and the story was not to ham fisted, although much of it feels rushed.
With ST , the production was great, as are the effects and acting. So your left with do you like the story? I do. Its a bit thin for the most part, but SW was never Shakespear. My guess is that I will be watching ST much longer than PT.
Sent from the inside of a giant slug in outer space.....
Man did you hit the nail on the head.
Put it this way.
Even WITH the Mary Poppins moment with Leia I can still easily watch the ST as real films with real feeling drama where with the PT I can barely sit thru them alone because I literally feel embarrassed while watching them FORGET experiencing the PT with others that was torturous with people pointing at the screen and laughing at it so hell no never again!
I just feel uneasy watching them they’re like really bad cartoons or something.
For me, the PT was a little like watching family members get so embarrassingly drunk that you lose a little respect for them based on just how goofy and humiliating it got. Yeah, it can be entertaining on certain levels; but ultimately I'd just prefer that I'd never seen it.
By contrast, the ST has been somewhat like when friends started having kids and settled into the "family man" role. Sure, maybe it's not as cool as it used to be - and a lot of the ongoing connection is based on the good ol' days - but there's still some value in it without being humiliated by the changes.
Damn that’s a mighty fine post there by ajp4ever.
Wow man, that might be the most perfect analogy of watching the PT vs. the ST yet!![]()
Damn that’s a mighty fine post there by ajp4ever.
There are members here who literally hated TLJ because a female actress had a big nose I kid you not
See that mindset just doesn't make any sense to me at all. Not that it has to make sense to me since it's your opinion but still. The ST is an addendum to the "complete" story of the OT so it's easily compartmentalized away. No revelation in the ST retroactively changes any aspect of the OT. But the PT changed a crapload of the OT and took many awesome characters and made them so utterly lame. OT Luke is now the grandson of midichlorians, OT 3PO is now ESB Vader's pet droid, Fett is a lame daddy's boy with a lame new voice, OT Old Ben became a pathological liar, Yoda became a massive hypocrite and so on, I could go on for hours.
It truly boggles my mind that any self-respecting SW fan could be blind to the the unforgivable taint of the PT while loathing newer films that do none of the above. Even if you think that Old Luke is lame it's still *Old Luke.* TLJ doesn't retcon a single thing about who he was in the OT. And like I already said if you *do* hate Old Luke then just say that the story ended with ROTJ and no harm no foul.
That was my reaction going on the original Star Tours ride for the first time in the late 80's. I never thought I'd ever see new live-action X-Wing/TIE Fighter footage again after ROTJ and was absolutely blown away.
Then in the early 90's watching the "From Star Wars to Jedi" video with new *old* footage (the original Han and Jabba scene) I was blown away all over again.