Quiet honestly, I would never and have never entered into a Prequel quality conversation with a fellow fan who hates the movies.
But I would offer up this. The prequels felt like George Lucas. They felt like an almost cartoon version of a big story plan. I couldn't possibly say they were well made movies, but they offered up so much creative and artistic vision that they merited a lot of love from a lot of fans. The dialogue, acting and plotting was generally atrocious. But I am still are excited by watching the trailers for the PT than the entire ST so far. Dual of the fates? Battle of The heroes? Memories. New Sw that wasn't about making money. I still have a real soft spot for about 75% of Revenge of the Sith. It was like a glorious cartoon, like Clone Wars or the better spin off media.
In short they didn't damage SW for me. I never thought of them as interfering with the untouchable classics, just some great moments of VFX and music.
I loved McGregor as Obi-wan, I loved Maul, Grevious and some of the Yoda scenes. A mixed bag of quality that existed within the SW Lucas world.
TLJ was something abhorrent. Rogue One was great but a little messy. Solo was fine, fun but way too flat. TFA was exciting and promised so much more. A reboot that could have gone somewhere new - that's why most fans gave it a chance. It was cynical and an almost remake - but it set up things that were interesting - a possible new direction. Thanks to baby Rian - millions of voices cried out and then died in december. It was just wrong in so many ways, tonally, emotionally and had no basis in Lucas reality. It was the most cynical piece of SW media produced since the SW holiday special. And despite having some good moments (it did) and a fantastic role for Hamill - it was so anti-Lucas. It was a movie of our time - phone jokes and forced sex and race elements. That's not SW. Somebody should have called George and asked his opinion. I guess that sums it up really, the ST are so far a rip off of Lucas or Lucas denier in tone.
In JJ we trust (hope).