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Re: Star Wars: Episode IX - December 20, 2019

I still to this day can’t sit thru the entire TPM/AOTC.

Oh god those Gungans.

OH GOD those silly Jedi’s in the arena.
Re: Star Wars: Episode IX - December 20, 2019

Yup lol

All adults had to make that horrendously difficult choice from 99-05.

Do we sink in our seats to hide from the embarrassment of being a SW fan that worshipped Lucas’s 2nd coming then watching the horror of it all unfolding before our eyes OR do we join the laughing and pointing.

TPM I chose the former but by AOTC I had fully embraced the latter lol

Yeah I didn't laugh at TPM in the theater but I fully embraced the Dark Side opening night for AOTC joining those doubling over in laughter during the Anakin/Naboo/Romance/Nightmare masturbation sequences, lol.

And I actually don't mind Gungans and Pod Racers. Yeah they're silly but they're their own thing and not "ruining" something cool from the OT.
Re: Star Wars: Episode IX - December 20, 2019

Rey escaping a desert planet and then later reaching out to let rain fall on her hand and smiling compared to Anakin escaping a desert planet and whining about how sand is course and gets in his butt crack is a perfect example of why the ST is vastly superior to the PT.
Re: Star Wars: Episode IX - December 20, 2019

Rey escaping a desert planet and then later reaching out to let rain fall on her hand and smiling compared to Anakin escaping a desert planet and whining about how sand is course and gets in his butt crack is a perfect example of why the ST is vastly superior to the PT.

Lol rots ****s all over ST. Especially TLJ. Don’t even
Re: Star Wars: Episode IX - December 20, 2019

Yeah I agree that ROTS really ****s all over the SW Saga which is why I ignore it, lol.


ROTS was nothing more than just the best of three awful prequel movies. It's like having to choose between one of three STD's: they're all something you should want to avoid at all costs - but if you'd absolutely have to choose one, you go with the least harmful. Episodes I and II are like HIV/AIDS, but Episode III is more like . . . what, Syphilis maybe? No matter what, it's best to stay away from all of them.

ROTS is bad, just not as bad the other two. Watching it again recently was startling! You get tempted because you think it'll be great, but then she . . . uh, I mean "it" . . . just leaves you sick. Never again, I tell you! :lol
Re: Star Wars: Episode IX - December 20, 2019

Here's my review of ROTS: There's a whole lot of stuff going on that'd you'd think should be cool; but when watching it, you realize that it's just embarrassingly silly.

So, it's a lot like this:

Re: Star Wars: Episode IX - December 20, 2019

Not saying rots is a perfect movie but it’s miles better than the ST lol. Atleast rots didn’t destroy the franchise. Lol

I beg to differ.....the only reason feel
It didn’t is because the precious OT 3 big characters we not some eyes.

They PT is worse than ST in many ways.....

Just one man unimportant opinion.

PT=elementary school play
ST=High school play where parents helped with the sets and acting coaching was used.

Sent from the inside of a giant slug in outer space.....
Re: Star Wars: Episode IX - December 20, 2019

Not saying rots is a perfect movie but it’s miles better than the ST lol. Atleast rots didn’t destroy the franchise. Lol

:slap :slap :slap

The PT is the womb Lucas impregnated with Kennedy.

Hereditary Light and Magic

All hail king Paimonedy. :lol
Last edited:
Re: Star Wars: Episode IX - December 20, 2019

I beg to differ.....the only reason feel
It didn’t is because the precious OT 3 big characters we not some eyes.

They PT is worse than ST in many ways.....

Just one man unimportant opinion.

PT=elementary school play
ST=High school play where parents helped with the sets and acting coaching was used.

Sent from the inside of a giant slug in outer space.....

A high school play that tried to copy the original at first but then everything caught fire during act 2 and the play can’t be saved
Re: Star Wars: Episode IX - December 20, 2019

:slap :slap :slap

The PT is the womb Lucas impregnated with Kennedy.

Hereditary Light and Magic

All hail king Paimonedy. :lol

For all it’s faults it still had memorable moments. Characters and scenes. I don’t see any of these characters or stories being remembered in the next few years.