Re: Star Wars: Episode IX - December 20, 2019
Some of his points were off base like complaining that the FO just magically knew where the Resistance base was (the entire third act of TFA was about the FO trying to blow up the Ilinium System with Starkiller Base so obviously they knew where they were, duh!)
And he complains about why the FO is even bothering to chase down Leia and her tiny Resistance (because they supposedly don't present a threat). Yeah, the same tiny Resistance that blew up Starkiller Base . . . a costly, time-consuming, and pivotal battle station for the FO. Brilliant analysis there, bud.
Then he complains about why the Dreadnought fired at the base instead of at the ship that was prepping to go to light-speed. Well, maybe because the mission was to take out the base . . . because for every second that they didn't fire at the base, more ships would take off from it and need to be chased down. The f'ing FO had just shown up there seconds earlier; why would they immediately deviate from their intended target (the base) and let other ships (and communications) continue to leave from it in order to fire on one single ship (that can read the charging canons pointing at them and just, ya know . . . move)?
Then he complains that the Resistance must be comically stupid because they were dumb enough to get decimated and only end up with a dozen or so members at the end of the movie. This comes while simultaneously complaining that the FO should have been able to wipe out the whole Resistance if they weren't so comically stupid. WTF!? How can you simultaneously complain about two opposing concepts? Now
that's comically stupid.
Then the complaints start being about why the Resistance would even bother going to Crait. Answer: to reach out to sympathizers and hope that they'd come help after the First Order blew up a bunch of planets in the previous film (which this film starts off from in terms of how much time passed).
Then asking why Holdo didn't ask for advice from the crew. Answer: why would she? She had a plan that could've worked well enough if DJ hadn't ratted them out. And how was DJ able to rat them out? Oh yeah, because Poe communicated the plan . . . which goes to a previous complaint about why Holdo didn't tell anyone (like Poe) about her plan. Maybe out of fear that someone like Poe knowing about the plan would compromise it (which happened). Maybe because she knew that some might think the plan would end up being a deathtrap (as Poe did). Or just didn't want to risk mutiny (which happened), or communication of the plan to be intercepted (which happened). Had Poe never learned of her plan, it would've actually worked better. Sometimes that's how leadership executes strategy; it's not a new (or dumb) concept.
Then suggesting the Resistance should have gone in and out of lightspeed to divide their forces/targets. And this complaint comes while the whole underlying premise is that there isn't enough fuel for anything remotely resembling that strategy.

Is it really that hard to follow what's being explained on screen!? And the inane complaints just keep going and going. I really hope this dude never watches the OT (or any movie he actually likes) with the same mindset. His desire for both the protagonists and the antagonists to simultaneously be using flawless logic will end up leaving him hating just about every movie ever made in this genre. FFS!
But I can't disagree with him about how cool it would've been to end the movie at Kylo asking Rey to join him. Oh well.