Broke and happy
Re: Star Wars: Episode IX - December 20, 2019
But but but borgullet lol
But but but borgullet lol
There goes the pidgeon population at his school
Just watched Hereditary the other night. Last third = crap, meet pants!
I can't believe you didn't watch Solo my friend. I saw TLJ on the big screen three times and Solo four times. That blows me away, I literally paid to see non-Ford Han more times than Hamill Luke and Fisher Leia, lol.
See this is why the hate train gets such a negative rap....because of statements like this.
And this
No offense if you have not met anyone who liked it the odds are you don’t know alot of people.
He is not the only person, he is not even the only person on this board.
I understand the passion with which the haters have for this film, but reality is not everyone.
I will assume are blissfully unaware of the reality that this film was more like 50/50. Or that you are intentionally unaware. If its that latter , here is a few examples of the reality of the reviews.
Do MOST people like it ? No , that would imply greater than 50 percent......
Sent from the inside of a giant slug in outer space.....
SW was the best- by a mile. ESB is overated but still great.
I used to feel the same away about Kenobi played by someone other than Guinness. I was wrong about that one, so who knows?
The L3 droid, though, will likely annoy me to no end.
I don't think the 2 million videos on youtube qualifies as indifference, I could be wrong.
What if SW died and current SW is an imposter taking its place? Notice how you never see SW and new SW in the same room together...
Hmm I smell a cover up.
Glad you found something to like in the PT!
If you believe Han was an idealist at the start, that means he goes from idealist to cynic to idealist to cynic in the course of the saga.
lol at thinking SW is dead.
OT trilogy will always exist by being passed on to future generations.
If SW could survive 99% hate against the prequels it can survive 50% hate against TLJ, lol.