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What’s crazy is that before TLJ RJ was loved and respected in the broader geek sphere the guy was rapidly climbing the ranks of respected directors.

Then Rose/Holdo happened lol

SW is well know for destroying most careers of the people involved.

:lol :lol
I'm still mystified by how much of a rallying cry Rose has become for people who hate TLJ and RJ. She was annoying, and really served no purpose to the larger story, but damn!, get over it. She doesn't even matter in the grand scheme of things, so who cares?
Amy’s spiritual brother from another mother.

Sent from the inside of a giant slug in outer space.....
Yes but still when you say it like that :thud: lol

Codenamed "1313" I believe?

No 1313 was a cancelled video game, the series was this one:

It's incredible that this series (which was abandoned in 2010 after many years of serious development) has been largely forgotten. It was massive, they had dozens of scripts written and they had spent millions on it at the time they abandoned it.

It seems pretty similar to Mando so Mando's existence probably means the series will never see light of day.
I think that Rose hate is overblown. Just this past weekend the same crowd that openly laughed at digs against KK and RJ gave her a standing ovation. She has some of the silliest lines and attitudes in the movie but you're right, like Jar Jar and Pod Racers she's completely compartmentalized away from the top tier heroes and villains and doesn't diminish them. Also for her part Kellie Marie Tran turns in a decent performance.

She's just fun to call out and post gifs about on forums like this. I'm not annoyed at all that she'll be returning and think she even has a good look for the next film.

Compared to Jango Fett and AOTC Boba who I loathe entirely and whom I refuse to acknowledge even exist, lol.

There is that one guy in this forum always posting Rose memes I like that guy hope he continues it lol

I will never look at that kid as growing up into Fett I cringe when Jango calls him Boba...

“Fire dad Fire!”

ughhhh wtf was Lucas thinking.

No 1313 was a cancelled video game, the series was this one:

It's incredible that this series (which was abandoned in 2010 after many years of serious development) has been largely forgotten. It was massive, they had dozens of scripts written and they had spent millions on it at the time they abandoned it.

It seems pretty similar to Mando so Mando's existence probably means the series will never see light of day.

I wonder if Mando will visit the Coruscant underbelly where Lucas’s show was going to be centered at.
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Rose better than the Fetts? Every word of what you just said was wrong.

Sure, seeing Boba as a child seemed as wrong as seeing Vader as a child. But I thought his link to the clones was a pretty cool back story.

On another note, if it's time for the Skywalker saga to end, does that mean Kylo has to die? And Rey can't be a Skywalker?
I've said it repeatedly here: this was always going to be a trilogy, and therefore can only be fairly judged when all three parts can be seen as one full story. As a planned trilogy, it only makes sense that Act One would set things up and create mystery about what will happen; Act Two would then need to turn things a bit upside down (while dropping a few hints) and leave the possible outcome wide open to offer suspense; and Act Three brings it all together to give purpose and resolution to what came before.

This surely has to be the most impressively worded summation of TLJ to ever appear... anywhere.:lol

I think RJ got more freedom than most would, but I think he was working under the general parameters that LFL had in mind for where this ST story was going. By all accounts, he worked very closely with KK and the LFL story group, but was being allowed to shape certain elements that wouldn't interfere with the key aspects of how Episode IX would end. I don't think he was going rogue with TLJ, or with where the end of the saga was meant to go; KK isn't shy about firing writers/directors if he were.

We must acquit RJ.:lecture


If it’s not in the movie it doesn’t matter.


It does seem that the ST has introduced this truly bizarre idea that you need to cover-to-cover several Disney SW novels and reference books to understand what's going on in the movies.

Back in the day books and reference books were fun additions for those more serious fans interested - now they're what amounts to essential reading for serious fans.:slap

I find it kind of funny that this has only become a reality since the founding of the so-called "Lucasfilm Story Group" - that the story was clear before a "group" was formed to make it clear... and now its not. :rotfl
On another note, if it's time for the Skywalker saga to end, does that mean Kylo has to die? And Rey can't be a Skywalker?

I think the answer should be "yes." Otherwise, saying the Skywalker Saga is over would be short-sighted. If the lineage started with Anakin, and he was conceived "unnaturally" to influence the balance of the Force, than any living descendant would also have the potential to extend the story of the Skywalkers. If they truly want to end it in any substantive way, they would need to clear the playing field of any living descendant, imo.

If "Rise of Skywalker" is metaphoric in nature, or refers to a new type of Force-wielders not named "Jedi," then the Skywalker legacy can carry on in the future of the SW timeline while still having an actual finality to the Skywalker Saga itself.
Like Disney would ever end the Skywalker line.

I do wonder about that. :lol But I think saying "the Skywalker Saga is officially over," yet leaving Skywalkers alive at the "end" of TROS would be somewhat laughable.
Are actually claiming you cannot enjoy a story without a lead male character?

Sent from the inside of a giant slug in outer space.....

C'mon - his name is Jabba. Sheesh.:lol

I think that Rose hate is overblown. Just this past weekend the same crowd that openly laughed at digs against KK and RJ gave her a standing ovation. She has some of the silliest lines and attitudes in the movie but you're right, like Jar Jar and Pod Racers she's completely compartmentalized away from the top tier heroes and villains and doesn't diminish them. Also for her part Kellie Marie Tran turns in a decent performance.

She's just fun to call out and post gifs about on forums like this. I'm not annoyed at all that she'll be returning and think she even has a good look for the next film.

Compared to Jango Fett and AOTC Boba who I loathe entirely and whom I refuse to acknowledge even exist, lol.

Rose is so hated mostly because fans were "supposed" to like her, but when people responded negatively to the character's cloying/annoying moments (a long list) they were ruthlessly targeted by even MSM as misogynist, racist etc. (some most definitely were - however most were not.) That's what escalated the hate. She was a bland, often stupid character that fans were not allowed to not like.

It was this dynamic - of creating a fool character we were supposed to love, except this one had an element of race and gender in a polarized era ultra sensitized to those topics - that yes, does make Rose a bit like the Ewoks or JarJar, but far more complex and bitter as identity politics dimension supercharged the debate.

And JarJar had a racial element too but was the reverse - liking JarJar opened you up to criticisms of embracing a racial stereotype - the reason Ahmed Best had so many personal issues. Imagine what he would have gone through if JarJar appeared for the first time today.

Rose better than the Fetts? Every word of what you just said was wrong.

Sure, seeing Boba as a child seemed as wrong as seeing Vader as a child. But I thought his link to the clones was a pretty cool back story.

On another note, if it's time for the Skywalker saga to end, does that mean Kylo has to die? And Rey can't be a Skywalker?

I was waiting for Prime Clone to swoop in on that one.:lecture:lol
No 1313 was a cancelled video game, the series was this one:

It's incredible that this series (which was abandoned in 2010 after many years of serious development) has been largely forgotten. It was massive, they had dozens of scripts written and they had spent millions on it at the time they abandoned it.

It seems pretty similar to Mando so Mando's existence probably means the series will never see light of day.

Oh okay I remember that just couldn't remember the name. Interesting that if Lucas had stayed in charge we would have gotten his version of Han meeting Chewie and winning the Falcon albeit on the small screen. I can't imagine him topping what we got on a much smaller budget.
On another note, if it's time for the Skywalker saga to end, does that mean Kylo has to die? And Rey can't be a Skywalker?

I don't think that Kylo is going to be redeemed anymore with the way Daisy Ridley answered that "Reylo" question at Celebration (thank God) so yeah I'd say that smart money is on him kicking the bucket. But Rey can still be a Skywalker. I think once Palpatine is gone for good then the Skywalker Saga will be considered finished. It doesn't have to mean that there is no one living by that name.

I mean until the ST came along ROTJ had pretty well ended the "Skywalker Saga" at least on film and Luke and Leia were obviously very much alive. I think that KK just keeps calling it that to infer that future films simply won't feature the Skywalker family any more.

I was waiting for Prime Clone to swoop in on that one.:lecture:lol

Yeah I figured he wouldn't let that go unchallenged, lol.
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I don't think that Kylo is going to be redeemed anymore with the way Daisy Ridley answered that "Reylo" question at Celebration (thank God) so yeah I'd say that smart money is on him kicking the bucket. But Rey can still be a Skywalker. I think once Palpatine is gone for good then the Skywalker Saga will be considered finished. It doesn't have to mean that there is no one living by that name.

I mean until the ST came along ROTJ had pretty well ended the "Skywalker Saga" at least on film and Luke and Leia were obviously very much alive. I think that KK just keeps calling it that to infer that future films simply won't feature the Skywalker family any more.

The Skywalkers as we know them (Force-sensitive, and quite powerful) came to exist by way of Anakin's conception. So, their lineage was created to bring some type of balance to the Force. If there are still Force-wielding Skywalkers at the end of this trilogy, what actually ends the Skywalker Saga where it can't just be turned into yet another extension of it?

Even after the saga first "ended" with ROTJ, several EU stories effectively extended the saga (using Luke and Leia - and even Palpatine). Then the ST happened, again extending the saga after it had "ended." Killing Palpatine in 1983 didn't keep it from coming back; why would it now?

Isn't it the case that the Force-sensitive Skywalkers exist only to play a role in affecting some sort of "balance" in the galaxy? If any of them live after this trilogy, what actually *stops* the saga?
Isn't it the case that the Force-sensitive Skywalkers exist only to play a role in affecting some sort of "balance" in the galaxy? If any of them live after this trilogy, what actually *stops* the saga?

Not having an Episode X that features any Skywalkers. Pretty simple. :)

I think you're just overthinking it. Can Disney and/or LFL simply change their minds after however many years and make more Skywalker movies? Of course. Which would be no different than Lucas saying that the Saga was 100% done after ROTS and that it was no longer Luke's Saga but Anakin's until...he decided to come up with his little microbiotic trilogy that all of a sudden "would have ended the story that I began." Yeah okay George, lol.

All these "endings" are to be taken with a grain of salt but lots of films and series "end" without the title characters having to die.
Not having an Episode X that features any Skywalkers. Pretty simple. :)

I think you're just overthinking it. Can Disney and/or LFL simply change their minds after however many years and make more Skywalker movies? Of course. Which would be no different than Lucas saying that the Saga was 100% done after ROTS and that it was no longer Luke's Saga but Anakin's until...he decided to come up with his little microbiotic trilogy that all of a sudden "would have ended the story that I began." Yeah okay George, lol.

Yeah, but this new "end" of the Skywalker Saga will just be begging for someone to eventually come along and revive it. I understand the point you're making, but I'm talking about an *actual* end, with no ambiguity whatsoever.
Nothing ends. They remade "The Little Rascals" for God's sake. Come on, man. Nothing is over.

If I had jye's talents with Photoshop, this is where I'd insert John Rambo with Palpatine's face superimposed over Stallone.