True, but full disclosure: globally AEG will make A BILLION DOLLARS more than TFA did.
Yes. And more than half of that global difference will be from China. I'm not going to dispute that the MCU is more popular than SW overseas (and especially in China).
Star Wars, as you and I agree, is unusually reliant on nostalgia to drive the fan enthusiasm. The majority of that nostalgia comes from what the OT did for us. In places like China, they weren't exposed to the OT when it was being released, and didn't get swept up in the phenomenon. But with the MCU, they got to be there from the beginning. That connection with a franchise from the start matters in terms of maintaining fidelity for the franchise moving forward. No one in charge at LFL would've been able to change that.
But globally... so did Minions, a couple of Transformers and Beauty and the Beast.

And don't get me started on Furious 7.
You're making my point for me. With GL's first two SW films since the OT, and plenty of goodwill with the fans in the figurative bank at that point, he couldn't match the audience grab of what even lesser franchises could eventually get. The ST, following the less-than-stellar PT, has managed to do better at bringing in paying customers.
AOTC wasn't even the highest-grossing film in the year of its release. Both TFA and TLJ were! Just look at the list of franchise films that TLJ had to contend with in 2017 to get the #1 crown! And the only reason TROS won't be #1 too is because AEG is the global monster that it is. GL's second trilogy, even when just getting off the ground with TPM, didn't grab fans the way the ST (especially TFA) did. Why not credit LFL/Disney for that, instead of saying that other people could do better? Lucas himself, when given a prime opportunity, did really well financially . . . but not as well as the current LFL has done with the ST.
So... why is that the super low TLJ Rotten Tomatoes audience score thing got tons of media/fan scrutiny, when the other side of that disconnect - the seemingly sky-high, uniformly glowing reviews of TLJ (in the context of what emerged as a lot of very negative opinion) - didn't?
All I can do is give you my opinion, TaliBane. And as I see it, critics aren't fans. They judge a film by what it achieves as a cinematic entry. Fans judge a film by how it makes them feel, and whether their favorite characters/storylines got treated properly.
Critics appreciated TLJ for filmmaking criteria that most fans couldn't give a **** about. Conversely, fans are much more likely to be turned off when they hear Mark Hamill questioning the characterization of Luke; while critics aren't likely to factor that in to their view.
We're supposed to take these reviews of TLJ at face value and ignore that social context elephant in the room?
I'm a white, conservative, straight male. I am everything that Hollywood and mainstream media says is wrong with the world. But I still saw TLJ the way the critics did. My experience watching TLJ was the same as theirs, without any of the agenda that they might've had. I don't know what to tell you.
Yup. And ESB
adjusted (minus re-releases) = Furious 7
And yes, that's a fact.
And Minions > ESB (which Minions
easily does,
even adjusted and including all re-releases) only gets you so far in the "significant" and "popular" and "fan loved" and "will endure" stakes.
You seem to think that I'm conflating "popularity" with "quality." I assure you that I am not. My pointing out the box office success of the first two ST movies versus any two other SW (outside of ANH) movies is just to highlight how remarkable of a job I think Disney/LFL did in capturing an audience. That counts for something, right? It may say very little about quality, but does say something about financial success. That was my point.
All of my box office stats were in response to the idea that someone else running LFL would *make more money* with this franchise. All I'm saying is: why should I believe that if George Lucas himself couldn't do it? Simple.
Um, excuse me - a flurry of news stories at the time of TLJ's release dug up several "selected" quotes from Starlog in 1980 (whose head writer at the time despised SW over Trek, which he'd written for - but that was never mentioned in the 2017 articles) to suggest that
ESB was maligned by critics and disliked by a lot of the fanbase, "at least as divisive as TLJ."

What I remember of the reception for ESB was all positive. But then again, I hadn't even turned 4 years old when it came out, so I wasn't in tune with mass fan sentiment. I certainly wasn't reading Starlog yet.