But you're crossing out China because they don't get it (and I think it has more to do with a different cultural view of fantasy/sci-fi versus the "arrived too late" hypothesis the entertainment media like to repeat - the Chinese have TOTALLY different takes on zombies, vampires and ghosts to Westerners for example) while ignoring a host of factors that make TPM vs TFA less apples to apples.
While the number of screens in the U.S. hasn't grown hugely in the past two decades, globally it's grown much more (especially since digital in 2007) - Asia especially obviously, but also other places like Eastern Europe/Russia (Russia emerged from the cold war just before TPM but in TFA era has over 4000 screens) and even fairly mature markets like SW-loving Australia have grown from a bit over 1000 screens in the mid 1990s to over 2000 screens today. In the UK it's like 2500 to over 4000 from 1990s to today. You can't look at GL vs Disney BO in the UK and Australia (two of the bigger SW markets) and ignore that screen growth.
And what about the radically different media landscape that shapes releases today (mag/newspaper advertising still ruled in 1999...

) and the skyrocketing of branded IP that has grotesquely distorted film-going (Marvel represents HOW MUCH of total yearly BO?!) where mega-hyped mega-brands seem to be all anyone wants to see in this era. A LOT has changed in those GL vs Disney eras.
And finally, people like to say the "arrived too late" thing to explain TLJ's collapse in China but adjusted, TPM made double to three times as much as TLJ and TFA in other Asian countries like Japan and Taiwan (in Japan it's staggering -
adjusted TPM made $200m+ whereas TLJ made $66m and TFA made $97m.) That's a whole lot less butts on seats and Japan is SW crazy.
Never place me in a position to defend the PT

lol) but GL was
trying something different to the OT. Yes, we get Palps and Yoda overkill (and a Ben who's not "our" Ben,) and R2/3PO, but GL had no Han/Luke/Leia, no Chewy (cameo only,) no new Death Star, no Falcon, no TIEs/X-wings, no stormtroopers, very little OT goodies and a quite drastically different overall look. That was his choice and whatever, but to compare what Lucas tried (and yes, in my eyes too, failed spectacularly) to a trilogy that has Luke/Han/Leia, a new Vader in mask, a new girl-Luke (...Skywalker) complete in desert dweller duds and no parents, a new DS, a new Boba Fett, TIEs/Falcon/X-wings and a new AND old Palps

slap) plus all the rest... is not really fair.
For better or for worse, the ST is a 100% retread (story and visuals) of the OT, whereas Lucas went in a different direction when he could have done what Disney did.
Knowing what we all (including GL...) know now - at its core that SW is a nostalgia-driven OT-linked experience - would GL have done what he did in the 1990's? Maybe not. But Disney certainly knew that all they had to do was photocopy the OT however imperfectly and funhouse mirror-like and the fans would go crazy. Corporations are experts at distilling appeal and delivering it just as the consumer wants.
They delivered something that "looks" and "feels" like SW which after the experimental migraine and associated trauma of the PT, was exactly what everyone wanted. Mac & Cheese SW - comfort food.
You umm... carefully removed the meat from the sandwich and then bit into it.
We're talking about the frenzied identity politics context of "inclusive" TLJ's release and what that effect it might have had on (overwhelmingly) white male CRITICS - not you, average white boy.

You with pony tail and your far right views and living in your Mom's basement can just shut your privileged misogynistic mouth and stop hacking Rotten Tomatoes.
To try to say there wasn't a very powerful drive to give a SW film that's cleverly (they knew what they were doing) sold as "newly" progressive and inclusive a positive review is utterly false. We're in an age where a critic doesn't like a certain movie and there's at minimum a question as to "the real reason" why they didn't like it (ie. not female, not POC, not transgender, insert any group etc.,) at maximum an instant social media campaign to get that pale, male and stale ass fired.
The KK thing to me is that she's neither here nor there - she wasn't a genre fan growing up like Feige but also wasn't a strong development producer. And even more than Marvel (which has a steady stream of comic stories to intertwine) SW needed someone who knew story and development - a vision. It's not like running a movie studio, which she might have been better suited for. The job she was tasked with was far more difficult than anyone imagined, and the appeal of SW far more fickle than anyone imagined.
Would SW have made more money under someone more suited? No. But better movies? Probably. Great movies? We'll never know. Anyone that calls the ST great filmmaking doesn't know a great filmmaking.
Corporations love the likes of JJ (and KK) as franchise chameleons, and that's why KK hired him (and Disney hired her,) but to me they are the antithesis of great movies and are part of the reason movies are in the sad state they are in. Give me a ST directed by Fincher (who was an FX cameraman on ROTJ as a teen) and Nolan. But a KK would not hire them, and neither would Disney. We have what we have, and we will never know what we might have had.
It was just a tiny part of an at-times repulsive (oh, so we don't like inclusiveness, hmmm...?) and staggeringly massive media machine that was on the hunt for anything that would bat down the idea that a TLJ "backlash" even existed, and if it did, then ways to re-contextualize, deflect or downplay it. Russians, alt-righters, racists, misogynists, old people... oh, and SW fans.
Solely because TLJ was selected as the latest progressive/identity-politics friendly vehicle that needed to be cloyingly but bitterly defended to the very end from the jackboots. That Starlog one struck me as especially false because I knew that magazine well, but it worked well as click-bait for a few days, and that's the main thing.
Yup... ESB was just so DIVIDED THE FANBASE in 1980. Just like 2017!!