Kylo is temporarily beating up Rey but Finn and Poe distract him by making out.
Kylo ignites his saber threateningly.
Poe and Finn's lips part. Finn glares back at Kylo: We're not done yet.
Kylo is temporarily beating up Rey but Finn and Poe distract him by making out.
Everyone seems to have forgotten that in TFA, Finn and Rey had chemistry
The OT was pretty devoid of romance too truthfully. That first kiss and later "I know" really doesn't constitute much romance as far as time goes.
Yeah but at least they kissed, when we saw han and leía reunite after who knows how long they just hug, I mean wtfffff lolol, Disney makes all interactions seem child like and bland with zero kissing
Have y’all seen this bs hahaha
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1 Million
The old "Snoke was really Palpatine all along" theory?
You just wake up from a 5 year coma, man? People have been saying that since before TFA came out.
Just so long as Broom Boy is front and centre!
Didn't many say SKINT's theory was better than what we got in TLJ?
STAR WARS: The Ancient Fear
I even like the title.
Then it would have been: TFA and TAF
My favorite theory was the ancient vampire known as the ancient fear and that whole magical tree thing.