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Those imperial class star destroyers were all brought in by Thrawn per Palpatine's request. Can you imagine? I like the idea though that it's more of a graveyard than a true fleet.
After 30 seconds of footage? You literally have almost nothing to base that on.After seeing that, I?m fairly comfortable saying the future of Star Wars is on TV. Looks as crappy as the first two ST flicks.
Me too! Im not a naysayer, everyone just jumps on the hate bandwagon and criticizes every little thing, I'm not going to let that infect my soul. I still have the capacity to enjoy things, I refuse to give in to the hate.
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ajp be like:
im in charge of the ST narrative in this thread
Khev be like:
of course....then whispers.....of course
It wasn't just Han saying it. The whole premise of TFA proved it. From Lor San Tekka, to Leia, to Han . . . and more importantly, to the fact that it was very clear that Snoke and Kylo were building an army that would go on to destroy five planets, the Senate, and the whole Republic with it. And all with no Luke anywhere to be found. No Luke rushing in to save the day like he always had.
How would you go about explaining why Luke didn't have the "let's go get this son of a *****" moment earlier? Because of an inoperable X-Wing? How stupid is Luke not to have an astromech droid with him to help him do repairs? And why wouldn't he have reached out to Leia? Why not use the Force to send a message to her, or have one of his Force ghost buddies do it?
For me, having Luke exile himself from his sister and her Resistance (for at least a couple of years) in order to "learn sweet new powers" would be absurd.
n his mind, he wasn't taking himself out of the equation just for failing. He was ending a cycle that seemed to repeat itself too specifically,
So now that strange darkside cave scene in TLJ may make a alot more sense. When rey looks to the crystal mirror in the cave she sees nothing but herself, then a bunch of rey's appear behind her. This wtf moment of all those rey's snaping in unison combined with this new sith rey reveal probably indicates she is a clone (one of many) by Emperor Palpatine in order to make the perfect sith for his essence to leach off of and possess.
He probably killed all the clones that did not live up to his standards except for two of them. The sith rey that we see in the trailer is Palpatines success, his new vessal for his essense, and the Rey we have followed thru the last 2 movies is still a jedi but she was saved by someone before palpatine could kill her, or someone that was supposed to kill her that changed sides (so palps think she is dead) which is why she vessel was dropped off on Jaku to hide her from the emperor much like luke was hidden on Tatoonie. Lukes fear of Rey would also make sense because he felt something was off about her since she is a clone using even some of Anakins or palps dna.
The end battle will be Resistance Rey vs Darkside Palpatine Rey. Kylo will probably be killed by the dark side Rey that is possessed by Palpatine. It was probably Palpatine not snoke messing with Kylo's mind, because as far as Palpatine was concerned he was the only threat left to his master plan (since good Clone Rey had not revealed herself yet). Based on the movie Title its more probable that she is a clone using Anakin's DNA, which is where we get Rise of Skywalker title from.
This would be a very poetic ending, considering that Palpatine Created Anakin using the force and that creation killed him, Palpatine creates clone rey and his second creation kills him. Guy never learns I guess, his overconfidence is always his weakness
How was any of that made clear by TFA? Leia's Resistance had never even heard of Starkiller Base until after it fired. There's literally a scene of Poe showing them a hologram for the first time and explaining what it is. So there's nothing in the movie that told us Luke knew about it either. Old Ben didn't know a Death Star existed until they were captured by one so there's no reason for us to believe that Luke would have had any inside knowledge himself. For all we knew he was aware of Snoke and Kylo's turning and so went off to get some necessary bit of information or lore in order to help him strategize how to deal with the situation.
And by the way, I'm not arguing against the FO/Resistance backstory of TFA being half-baked *at all.* But one aspect of it being half-baked is that more could have (and should have) been fleshed out in TLJ. Fleshed out in a way consistent with the characters we already knew.
Well like I said if RJ needed an excuse as to why he didn't use the Force to contact Leia he could have simply written one. The island being a Force deadzone would have been as good an excuse as any as to why he couldn't contact Leia. And then possibly throw in the broken X-Wing (astromechs are handy with wiring and computer terminals but they ain't re-attaching a wing) and then you've got a reason he didn't leave of his own accord. Or maybe his X-Wing was fine and with him not knowing that entire planets were in danger he didn't have quite the urgency to return at that point. Take your pick.
I guess the entire Dagobah sequence in ESB must have been absurd for you then because that's quite literally exactly what he did there.Okay not for years on end but still.
I'm not sure how a side quest to gather what was needing to retaliate against evil would be some offense to the story but hey I suppose we disagree there and for whatever it's worth I'm glad TLJ delivered in that regard for you.![]()
It didn't have to repeat itself that specifically though. As I said RJ had full control over whether all his other pupils really were dead or not. Luke could have seen the Vader situation repeating itself and heroically *saved* any number of students before retreating to the island which would have set himself apart from Obi-Wan and Yoda who weren't able to prevent the Emperor's massacre. But...RJ just wanted to repeat the past, note for note, despite advocating killing it, lol.
Khev thanks for proving us with another enjoyable analysis.
I?m ready for a full time Khev video series.
Hopefully DiFabio starts one as well.
Watching the trailer I'm reminded of TLJ trailer, which I actually liked and had me going for TLJ.
But having watched TLJ, I'm completely burned out on SW. I don't care about any of the new characters and any references to the OT in the new trailer just confirm how weak the ST movies are. They're desperately trying to piggy back off of those superior films because the ST has nothing new to offer.