I don't know why they're resurrecting the old-school Star Destroyers for this flick.
that last shot of rey looked pretty bad as far as effects go. This type of thing used to have me all hyped up, but Rian Johnson's TLJ really ruined my anticipation of SW for me. I just want this to be good, but having zero expectations is a good thing for once.
Rey turns evil.... 3PO turns evil.... everyone turns evil... massive battle
Looks like Jawas![]()
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I don't know why they're resurrecting the old-school Star Destroyers for this flick.
Anyway here's my commentary on everything...
The scene with Ray chopping a tree looks like Endor.:
I'm taking a direct quote from you: Hope something cool happens here.
I think that can be applied to every shot and the entire movie. Nuff said.
Looks like Jawas![]()
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So now that strange darkside cave scene in TLJ may make a alot more sense. When rey looks to the crystal mirror in the cave she sees nothing but herself, then a bunch of rey's appear behind her. This wtf moment of all those rey's snaping in unison combined with this new sith rey reveal probably indicates she is a clone (one of many) by Emperor Palpatine in order to make the perfect sith for his essence to leach off of and possess.
He probably killed all the clones that did not live up to his standards except for two of them. The sith rey that we see in the trailer is Palpatines success, his new vessal for his essense, and the Rey we have followed thru the last 2 movies is still a jedi but she was saved by someone before palpatine could kill her, or someone that was supposed to kill her that changed sides (so palps think she is dead) which is why she was hidden on Jaaku much like luke was hidden on Tatoonie so the Emperor and Vader couldn't sense him. Lukes fear of Rey would also make sense because he felt something was off about her since she is a clone using even either some of Anakins or palps dna (most likely Anakin's).
The end battle will be Resistance Rey vs Darkside Palpatine Rey. Kylo will probably be killed by the dark side Rey that is possessed by Palpatine. It was probably Palpatine not snoke messing with Kylo's mind, because as far as Palpatine was concerned he was the only threat left to his master plan (since good Clone Rey had not revealed herself yet). Based on the movie Title its more probable that she is a clone using Anakin's DNA, which is where we get Rise of Skywalker title from. The fact that Luke says a thousand Generations of jedi live in you now also supports the clone theory of some sort, although Anakin wasn't around that long the training in the academy did use the old ways that had been around for 1000 years. She definitely didn't learn that from the tree or those books she stole haha
This would be a very poetic ending, considering that Palpatine Created Anakin using the force and that creation killed him, Palpatine creates clone rey and his second creation kills him. Guy never learns I guess, his overconfidence is always his weakness
Hmmm it just dawned on me that Rey and Kylo are fighting above ginormous waves right.
What other planet had ginormous waves?
That?s right Kamino.
What were created at Kamino?
That?s right clones.
After reading through a lot of the reactions to the latest teaser here, I'm sadly coming to the conclusion that I'm not the audience for this anymore. Nothing in either trailer is making me want to see this. I still can't make it through a viewing of TFA again (I've tried)...
It was hard watching scenes from the original movies in this teaser, especially considering that the sequel trilogy has worked overtime to render the characters impotent and their accomplishments meaningless. And I hope that it doesn't turn out that Rey is just a clone (one of many). It's a weak solution for a character that also just isn't interesting. I haven't seen Abrams show us anything here that seems inspired. I want to be wrong here, I want to like the saga again.
Right now, I'm finding the upcoming streaming series hold more intrigue and interest for me than the saga movies.
After reading through a lot of the reactions to the latest teaser here, I'm sadly coming to the conclusion that I'm not the audience for this anymore. Nothing in either trailer is making me want to see this. I still can't make it through a viewing of TFA again (I've tried)...
It was hard watching scenes from the original movies in this teaser, especially considering that the sequel trilogy has worked overtime to render the characters impotent and their accomplishments meaningless. And I hope that it doesn't turn out that Rey is just a clone (one of many). It's a weak solution for a character that also just isn't interesting. I haven't seen Abrams show us anything here that seems inspired. I want to be wrong here, I want to like the saga again.
Right now, I'm finding the upcoming streaming series hold more intrigue and interest for me than the saga movies.
Great ad campaign: Screw it -- go for the air conditioning!