With all due respect, a-dev (and I do respect you a *ton*), I wouldn't go into a PT thread to repeatedly bash the PT there. I'd give my point of view, discuss it a bit, and then be done with it. I know that there are PT fans who enjoy those films, so I'd have to wonder what my goal was if I specifically went into where they'd be most drawn to in order to repeatedly just trash what they appreciate.
I visit PT figure threads quite a bit (because I think all of those HT releases have looked fantastic), but I make it a point not to post there and ridicule those movies or characters in those threads. I failed twice that I can remember, and felt like an a**hole both times. But everybody's different, and I understand that. It's just, when you say "we," I wanted to note this distinction (albeit a subtle one, admittedly).
When it comes to SW, the PT isn't the only thing that I find frustratingly bad. But unless I'm specifically asked about Solo, or Rebels, or the comics, you might not ever know it. Same with poor movies in other franchises (MCU, Terminator, Predator, Aliens, Die Hard, Indy . . . they all have at least one crappy movie, imo): I just don't get the appeal of going to where those fans have a thread for the latest film just to keep taking a dump, over and over again, on it. Sure, I might strongly prefer the earlier stuff. So what? Why continue to beat the same drum for people who are interested in the new stuff?
If there was an NFL forum, with one thread for each of the 32 teams, and every thread was almost nothing but other fans crapping on that thread's team, I'd find it just as peculiar. But I'd have no interest in trying to change how these threads operate, my post was just a product of being exhausted by more of the same. Pay no mind.