Super Freak
Especially that last pairing where would his tool go?
Who says it's Lando's tool? Maybe L3 has the tool that disappears.

Especially that last pairing where would his tool go?
"It goes where!?"
Not sure if this has been mentioned already, but according to the TROS Amazing Sticker book...
The Sith Troopers are Kylo's not Palps's. So much for letting go of the past.
I've read a few fan theories and some spoilers by folks who either had good guessing or some real sources on previous films and if even half of them are right, this movie is going to disappoint even more people than TLJ seemed to. It sounds like a dud creatively speaking (think another white board exercise with name swapping and recycled story elements like TFA/ANH only it'll be ROTJ v2 without the teddy bears).
The only thing that will keep SW alive and viable are the TV shows at this point.
While it's clear that Rey should have had some connection to the Skywalker line to make the ST work, the need to connect people up as relatives just seems to have gone a bit haywire in TROS.
There's also a lot of "aww I don't believe it, they've died... oh wait, no they actually didn't!" (that happens 3-4 times)
There also doesn't seem to be that magic bullet explanation of how Palps could possibly have survived the shaft fall and the DSII explosion that followed. Though the leaked story doesn't go into huge detail.
But the most head-scratching aspect of the leaked story I thought of was how Leia seems to have a huge role in TROS. I was expecting a short cameo mostly based on unused TLJ footage and a bit of CGI to plug the gaps. BUt what's described seems to have a lot more than that, which brings up CGI human issues like the Leia seen in RO. Tarkin kinda worked because it was dark and his face is sort of villain-cartoonish but you have to wonder how the close-ups of Leia will work.
I wonder if that ties intoKylo rant to Hux in TFA regarding going back to clone troopers vs the FO using non loyal individual ones
BUt what's described seems to have a lot more than that, which brings up CGI human issues like the Leia seen in RO.
I wonder if that ties intoKylo rant to Hux in TFA regarding going back to clone troopers vs the FO using non loyal individual ones
BUt what's described seems to have a lot more than that, which brings up CGI human issues like the Leia seen in RO.
I've read a few fan theories and some spoilers by folks who either had good guessing or some real sources on previous films and if even half of them are right, this movie is going to disappoint even more people than TLJ seemed to. It sounds like a dud creatively speaking (think another white board exercise with name swapping and recycled story elements like TFA/ANH only it'll be ROTJ v2 without the teddy bears).
The only thing that will keep SW alive and viable are the TV shows at this point.
When Carrie died LFL pledged there would be no CGI Leia.
Speaking of ROTJ re-hashes, I was watching it last night and realized what could've course corrected a lot of my disappointment in TFA. During the scene where Han says he has a team but no flight crew and Chewie and Leia say they're in. Then Luke walks in and says "I'm with you too". If they could've done something similar when they're going to rescue Rey, it would've given us the heroes reunion in the Falcon one last time and Leia and Luke could've also witnessed Kylo killing Han, making TLJ a different and likely better story. Instead of having to find Luke on the island, Luke comes to them, sensing the disturbance (or whatever). Would it have rehashed a little from Jedi? Sure, but the one thing I'm most bitter about is they never had our four main heroes together during the entire damn ST...
Yep KK said that right after promising to honor George's characters and story. Oh wait...
Speaking of ROTJ re-hashes, I was watching it last night and realized what could've course corrected a lot of my disappointment in TFA. During the scene where Han says he has a team but no flight crew and Chewie and Leia say they're in. Then Luke walks in and says "I'm with you too". If they could've done something similar when they're going to rescue Rey, it would've given us the heroes reunion in the Falcon one last time and Leia and Luke could've also witnessed Kylo killing Han, making TLJ a different and likely better story. Instead of having to find Luke on the island, Luke comes to them, sensing the disturbance (or whatever). Would it have rehashed a little from Jedi? Sure, but the one thing I'm most bitter about is they never had our four main heroes together during the entire damn ST...