Prime Clone
Super Freak
Finn ends up with a different woman every film. Either he's the biggest lothario since Han/Lando (Hando?) or he's in denial about his true sexuality.
It does, but only because it's so prolific on every forum I go to.
People honestly don't seem to understand that "should of" is not the same as "should've" or "should have." The first few times I saw it, it didn't bother me, but now I can't unsee it. It's everywhere. It's like dozens of hands scraping their fingernails down a chalkboard.
The other error I see far, far more prevantly, that drives me even more nuts, is "loose" instead of "lose." People are either so dumb or so lazy that almost every time I see someone intend to write the word "lose" they write "loose." This is worse than nails on a chalkboard. Every time I see it, it's like a white hot jackhammer being driven right into my skull.
I have no doubt that within a few years time, "loose" will be an acceptable alternate spelling for "lose" and maybe in a few decades, we won't even use "lose" at all, anymore.
Anyway. That's enough grammar Nazi for today.
No need to get personal. I only said your idea sucks.
Personal? It was a joke? You honestly thought that was serious? Sheesh
Is Rey doing what I think she?s doing in that last pic?
Finn ends up with a different woman every film. Either he's the biggest lothario since Han/Lando (Hando?) or he's in denial about his true sexuality.
Oh okay. Your idea did suck though. That wasn?t a joke.
That's his sister.
Lol ok? Come up with a better idea then George Lucas.