The simplest and dumbest idea any 12-year-old fan could have come up with -- Palpatine never died and has been manipulating everyone all this time.
Yeah, Star Wars is hard, Kennedy.
Yeah, Star Wars is hard, Kennedy.
Honesty TFA is really not that aesthetically pleasing either, pretty bland actually.
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Favreau has arrived Ms. Kennedy
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That tells me she doesn?t feel very confident in Episode IX by already coming up with an excuse.
Creating a good story is really hard because we have no source material in which to cull from.
So in other words, play the victim role and get people to feel sorry for you because you had it so hard being that you didn?t have anything in which to use as source material.
The simplest and dumbest idea any 12-year-old fan could have come up with -- Palpatine never died and has been manipulating everyone all this time.
Yeah, Star Wars is hard, Kennedy.
I tried hard to accept TFA -- it was beautiful to look at and I wanted to look past the two most glaring issues -- the ANH re-tread and what I saw as the cynical disposal of Han's character.
I guess I didn't want to be *that* Star Wars fan, holding tight to childhood memories from the '70s and '80s, unwilling to allow new stories.
I was willing to see what happened to Rey, and thought Finn was one of the most interesting character ideas in a long time.
Then I watched TLJ, and actually watched it a second time to be sure.
So. Our last chance to see the OT characters together and you don't bother...then you completely negate good's triumph over evil in the OT completely, give heroes -- pop-cultural icons -- garbage lives, and kill 'em all off to sell 2-dimensional knock-offs wrapped in pretty FX?
I don't know what I was expecting but they failed on respecting legacy, failed on delivering compelling characters, and failed on delivering an engaging story. I ain't gonna lose any sleep over it, but come on. Kathleen Kennedy, JJ Abrams, Rian Johnson and their "Story Group" all ******ed up a once in a lifetime opportunity.
It's all making money but that's not the measure of quality nor charm in our world. That's just algorithms and the lowest common denominator in an artistically bankrupt marketplace.
And yet...there are good stories. We find them in books, we find them in small movies, we find them outside of blockbuster marketing exercises, we -- so far -- even find them in The Mandalorian.
So I'll let the ST sink into the obscurity and amnesia it so rightly deserves.
The wreck of the Star Destroyer on Jakku is one of my favourite Star Wars images -- probably the most evocative visual in TFA. I did like some of the characters in Maz's castle, reminded me of ROTJ when I was a kid, maybe Jabba's palace meets the Cantina in Mos Eisley.
Coming up with stories is hard HEY MEMBA PALPATINE?
The simplest and dumbest idea any 12-year-old fan could have come up with -- Palpatine never died and has been manipulating everyone all this time.
Yeah, Star Wars is hard, Kennedy.
People like JJ are like ride designers that IP owners come to connect their product to what their marketing dept wants. [...]
What an ironic visual - a scavenger picking through the glorious artifacts of the OT, right?
[...]And I'm surprised you thought of the Cantina and Jabba's Palace with Maz's Castle.![]()
I see the ending to all Disney Wars now...
Mandalorian ends with Palpatine surfacing, having secretly run the crime rings and underworld for all time.
Solo The Trilogy ends with Palpatine surfacing when he unzips out of his Jabba suit and confronts his old nemesis Han Solo... who doesn't even know who Palpatine is.
The entire ST is just Robot Chicken with a really big budget.![]()
[...] the rapid rise of identity politics along with social media (that brought in a deluge of agendas, casting pressures, story pressures, new "perceptions" of fans, of gender etc etc) but also of a hyper-corporate take on movies companies like Disney were at the vanguard of. [...]
It really is at this point. But without the laughs.
If you want to see something hilarious, skip to the 5:30 mark of this link...
Wow. Lucas literally called out the "treasure trove" of "comics, novels, and story treatments" that he was handing to KK and she had the gall to not only throw it all away but then turn around and say woe is me when it backfired on her. Yep she knows she blew it and I think she fears the heightened humiliation of blowing the finale in the same year that Endgame nailed theirs so she's throwing some shade on Feige by implying that her road was more difficult than his because they weren't adapting an established story.
Too bad the internet doesn't forget that you *had* established stories and pissed them all away KK.