OK, I'll burn on this hill

- I liked Rey and Finn's TFA intro to each other a lot. It was fun, good chemistry, and great to have 2 have-nothings run into each other. One didn't even have a name, one scrabbling by getting cheated by some grungy slob (+ there was that nice shot of Rey with the old sunburnt women, probably thinking that was her fate). Didn't see it as pathetic.
IMO their dynamic had so much potential. Not romance exactly - tho could've been - but at least there was this brother/sister vibe early on. I thought Boyega had a great moment too when he said "you don't know anything about me. Where I've been...what I've seen".
I really bought that Finn had seen some terrible, terrible things. I REALLY liked the idea of a lowly Stormtrooper - characters that never get any attention - wanting out. So cool! So original!I could believe in these two 'coz they both are have-nothings. Disposable beings probably worth less than a used speeder. I like they more or less stand together against Kylo.