Broke and happy
Well, see, I don't agree. Keeping in mind I like visuals that strike me, and get a lot from that. Also re any movie there may or may not be a lot to cram in within 2 hours - which is why I like the new streaming shows like Good Omens and Mandalorian so much. (E.g., u can binge watch a *really long movie*. Or not. These shows to me are able to do what's essentially a loooooooong movie that hopefully is well edited for break points or chapters. )
ANYWAY within the time frame of TFA I think a good job was set up for Finn - the visual of the bloody hand slipping away against white; he's breathing hard, the dark line of anonymous Stormtroopers, the ominous silhouette of Kylo, the flames, the obvious slaughter of entire village. And THEN Phasma *metaphorically* trashes him. Later he's even described as a number - almost like the First Order is talking about a robot that went haywire.
I hear yah about DETAILS but *family audience*. Off the top of my head, Bucky in Civil War with the other Winter Soldiers is about as harsh as I remember for family audience movies, or the torture in WS. Rey's tortures don't get that dark, visually. The MCU/SW/Disney are pretty bloodless.
Also I saw Finn as one of those more resilient people - a nobody janitor/stormtrooper/number, but just one of those people who can keep a good heart, (like even thru a &^%$ job and poverty etc). I don't d*mn Boyega for being able to pull off humor - IMO it's one of the hardest things to do for an actor. Laffed my *ss offat that scene between Han and him "we'll use the Force!" I mean, not everyone has to be Chadwick Boseman (who can also do humor).
Also I thought the scene where he gets honest with Rey and asks her to come with him was really well done. It's good IMO she instantly isn't fazed, as *realistically* she too knows what it's like to be a nobody; maybe to lie just to be SOMEONE, anyone, and not disposable nothing.
So, overall, for me TFA is "alright". Lot of re-hash and fan service, but acceptable. Some refreshing new characters and some great visuals.
And then - well - some spectacular visuals. Some interesting ideas. And IMO strained writing and lots of stupidity, including the unbelievably forced relationship with Rose. IMO BS where I, personally, can seen how life might have disillusioned Luke - especially since a lot of students died at Kylo's rampage *guilt* - but I don't believe he would've turned his back when Rey said she needed help. Especially when an untrained Force-powerful would be so much worse left untrained, and she flat-out says she's afraid. WTF. And Luke knows Kylo is already aware of her e.g. left wandering around of course she'd be a target. WTF.
Re Finn and Rose - well, yeah, OK, fangirl, except through their whole interaction, there's no sidelong looks from Rose that I remember at Finn. Ok, maybe when they are both gonna die, but that'd be pretty normal with prisoners who are even total strangers. Heck, even Finn looks kinda blank and baffled at the end over it. She's pretty business-like. Also IMO it gets patronizing, really, lecture, lecture, lecture. This is NOT establishing chemistry. WTF. (Long way away from the almost quasi-seduction re Kylo when Kylo meets Rey in TFA.) It's more like "Rose luvs Finn, cool, yah?"And if u wanna support feminism, why did Rose have to be in luv with anyone at all?
Never mind Poppins-Leia and the nonsense of not just telling THE PLAN.![]()
Sorry for bein' long-winded - just I don't d*mn characters that I thought got good intros in TFA for the &^% writing that showed up in TLJ - 'coz thank gawd there was gonna be another movie. But yeah, TLJ should've been, like, the Two Towers or something; maybe one of the best of a trilogy. (Still can't believe with some stuff that an editor didn't call it out during TLJ filming). But, gonna be a bit optimistic that some of the backlash and complete logic breakdowns were heard for ROS.![]()
It didn?t hurt that Finn-Rey first meet up was immediately followed by an amazing Falcon escape sequence especially in Imax 3D that was and remains incredible.
Don?t get yourself caught up with the individuals here who hate every single second of TFA-TLJ it?s a very boring discussion path to find yourself on.
I learn more from those that present balanced views usually literally with a 50/50 love hate relationship with the ST.
Hell I even find good stuff in the PT like the music and end credits.
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