Nah, I think this is one of those times I have to respectfully disagree.
I imagine people had heard of Vader and there were rumours about him being scary and some kind of war veteran; and I imagine people knew there was a crack pilot named Luke Skywalker who fired the kill shot that took down the weapon that destroyed Alderaan.
What I don?t buy is that everyone knew what they did and that they were space wizards proficient with esoteric melee weapons.
What I find harder to believe is that the Jedi Order itself was so quickly forgotten; but given that context I?m not expecting the general galactic population to know details about Commander Skywalker and Lord Vader.
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So these galactic hicks didn't notice all the brutal stormtroopers suddenly occupying their hundreds/thousands of dusty home planets (like even backwater Tatooine) and weren't curious about the people who got somehow rid of those stormtroopers? I mean the sense you get is that maybe thousands of worlds/systems fell under the grip of the Empire. Right?
This isn't a situation of "hey I live in rural Kansas and wasn't aware a world war was going on" - that celebration Lucas added at the end of the ROTJ special edition (yes, horrible I know) certainly seems to suggest that a whole hell of a lot of people were aware of what happened and were mighty happy about it.
With talk of Iraq, you seem to be missing the scale/scope of what happened in the OT. Or did you always view it as this sort of skirmish involving a few dozen worlds, ignored or not known by the vast majority of the galaxy's occupants?
I can find you adults right now that have no clue who those people you mentioned are or the events they participated in.
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I can find you adults right now that have no clue who the current president is. And that's quite a feat, right?
And those names I listed were in action
75 years ago. The time gap we're talking about here - 30 years ago - would mean the equivalent of a total war all across the globe claiming millions of lives taking place in 1990. That few have heard of to a point where they think it's... a myth??
WTF did the New Republic even do? All we?ve seen in this trilogy are people living in poverty/servitude and a casino. No wonder nobody answered Leia?s distress signal.
We?re part of an Empire, clean up that bantha crap.
Some bombs went off. Republic. Clean the crap.
Hey, supposedly that Luke Skywalker guy showed up and they couldn?t kill him with lasers.
But coincidentally he died of natural causes moments later. Anyway, that crap ain?t gonna shovel itself.
This is part of the point I'm making - the Empire was defeated and freedom restored to the galaxy. The yoke of terror and oppression was lifted after a long war, but... ummm... 90% of the galactic population weren't even aware the war was going on (WTF was the point of the rebellion then???

,) had barely heard of Vader or the Empire, and in hindsight, weren't even sure the war was even real.
And presumably the new galactic leaders, savoring that new freedom, did nothing to express gratitude to the brave people who had achieved so much and ensured they were promptly forgotten. To a point where a person born only TEN YEARS after the DSII explosion - Rey - believes it was all a myth? "All of it..."
I can't believe people are defending this idiocy.

It renders pretty much pointless (or at least a storm in a teacup) the whole story of the OT, right?