Yes, they exist. I also follow NBA and NFL religiously so I can have conversations with the other 99% of people in my life who don't like Star Wars. [emoji38]Incredible but true.
I know a few people who only know how to talk about sports and 'business'. They are called adult men. A rare, and dying, breed these days.
After rewatching TFW and TLJ, had JJ written TLJ, what reason would he have given Luke Skywalker to go into hiding? While everyone rips Johnson a new one for the 2nd movie, that story was started in TFA?
But yeah, Johnson ****ed it up royally. Subvert this, mother****er
I think the original ending of ROTJ had Luke leaving into exile. I guess having Luke go into exile to learn more about the Jedi would have made more sense I guess? I also rewatched TLJ and noticed there was no true lightsaber fight in the entire film, there was no contact between two sabers the whole time , um I mean lazer swords, lol.
It’s very John Williamsy. Track titles don’t fill me with hope.
Yeah, exile to learn rather than exile to wait and die would be more in line w luke
I am not bothered about 'streams not crossing.' I did love in TLJ how Luke was messing with Kylo Ren, but Ren is to self-absorbed to notice. Killing him in editing was not cool though
Where? Can't find link.
Partial Soundtrack is up on Youtube if it hasnt been posted yet.
It?s very John Williamsy. Track titles don?t fill me with hope.
Yeah, they only leaked a few titles, but here's what I found. Doesn't fill me with hope either.Except one of them.
Walt Disney Records 2019
3. Leia Extended Hug Theme
4. Women of the Resistance - Main Theme
7. Return/Death of another OT icon
8. Memories of a Sith Grandfather
9. The Force of Inclusion
12. Horse Stampede in Space!
16. Rose's Ultimate Sacrifice
17. Rey Owns Kylo. Again