Super Freak
Now that there is peace the only thing left is to cut toast with a lightsaber
Or a Christmas ham.
Now that there is peace the only thing left is to cut toast with a lightsaber
I found the ST very meaningful, and it challenged some messes from the previous 2 trilogies...
Sith rising beneath the Jedi's noses and the creation of a clone army and whole fleet of ships. Luke has a problem with that, and he should.
The Force is supposed to be more powerful than a planet killer. The fleet-wide force lightning, remote distance saber battles, bringing back the dead - now THAT is the Force I was waiting for, otherwise it was so much lip service with no real substance (lifting ships or rocks, lightsaber battles... big deal).
Rey challenging Grandpa Palpatine - and the fact that Palpatine created the Skywalker line anyway (so they were ALL his offspring)... it was poetic, balance that Luke, Anakin, AND Rey are the one - I loved the elegance of that!
Seeing Han Solo and Leia bring their child back at the cost of their lives... that in itself is a love story worth telling, very Shakespearian.
Luke going from rebel hero to disenchanted, to wise Force Ghost mentor... brilliant!
The way that it concluded in an unexpected and more interesting way with this last trilogy is far more interesting and entertaining than I appreciated until seeing this last movie.
Yup, it has flaws. They all do. It is also a beautiful thing. That's my experience, and while I'm sorry it wasn't some other individuals' experience, it doesn't change mine, nor my new love and appreciation for this Trilogy going further than I ever imagined it would.
JJ has my gratitude.
Like I said in the other thread, I went expecting to hate this film, and was shocked when I felt like I was in a Star Wars movie again for the first time since I can't even remember. It was a much needed bright spot after a very long, hard dark year. I never did share my own personal stand-out moments, and since so much happened I know I will have forgotten a few. But the moments that really shine to me are (In no order, except the first one for sure):
flying a salvaged OT TIE Fighter to Exegol after it has long been established ever since ANH that they don't have hyperdrives.
Han, Leia, Luke... It was a fitting final to them all. The saga now feels complete for these characters.
The ST makes sense if the blue energy in ROTJ was Palpatine force-teleporting and ending up in an alternate universe.
Oh no it isn't.
With it's laughable dialogue and plot holes TROS is a prime candidate for Mystery Science Theater 3000.
see here come the nit picks.....SW fans cannot seem to put two and two together unless its spelled out for them.
Maybe the fixed it?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
That Mandalorian fellow basically puts his ENTIRE ship back together after it was completely ripped apart.......
No one even blinked at that
And this is what you decide to run with....try again
According to leaks JJ reached out to him for story advice for the first cut of TROS, which Disney promptly threw in the trash because the villain wasn't a huge Sith Lord like Palpatine. It's rumored that's who Matt Smith was playing before they cut him from the project. Originally Palpatine wasn't going to have a physical presence in the movie at all, but would still be referenced.
There's allegedly six different cuts of this movie. Six.
The convenience though, was that Rey just happened to be standing in the correct place (angle and distance) when the idea dawned on her how the dagger was supposed to be used.
My full Discussion until it is safe to post without tags
Ok, as with most of my reviews. The easy to read part first , then an analysis.
The Good:
The relationships between the ST cast
Baboo and DO
New force powers.
Backgrounds revealed.
Fast and furious story telling.
Reys answers.
Kylo (drivers) Arc
Lots of Pew pew and vroom vroom.
The Bad
Still unexplained Palps resurrection
Finns Secret?
the Goonies Sith Dagger.
Stupor Duper Force Lighting
The Analysis: More like random brain droppings.
Fast and furious pacing is the key here. I did like TLJ, especially Luke's story, but this film is a direct snub of most of that film. And as a result, pretty much invalidates it as a needed watch. While I am sure that makes alot of people happy, it actually makes me a bit frustrated that we pretty much got a wasted SW film.
No SW film will every bring back the spectacle and magic of the viewings most of us had as children, and I never expect them to any more. I am approaching 50 and now all I want is good story, fun characters and an escape to that Galaxy Far Far away.
To me the peak of the SW films will always be ESB, and the end of ROTJ. No film has come close to those moments, this on is no exception.
While its a fun ride , and a nice closure to the ST story line, its not really much of an ending to the "Skywalker Saga". We do get Bens redemption and Reys linage, along with great battles and light saber fights, but the overall reveals feel a bit flat, especially in a "Skywalker Saga" type environment. It all fine and good to have Rey a Palpatine, but I mean did we need that? to me , no not really. If Palps needed an heir, why does he need a family member. The Sith did not need family connections , so why does Palps? In my mind, the whole idea of stealing a body by possession is a cool idea for Sith Masters, and maybe thats a requirement for what Palps was doing. Perhaps those unnatural abilities , are what he was referencing to in ROTS.
I really loved the zombie like Palps, but I really want to know how he is alive.
The out and out ***** slapping this film gave to TLJ....was.....distracting. I mean , we got...Lightsaber insult, X-wing raised,Holdo maneuver too difficult, writing out Rose entirely....and of course, Reys past. It also kinds sad that they have to literally spell out some stuff for today's fans, as they cannot make ANY logical leaps. Do we really need a explanation that Han is NOT a force ghost? Apparently yes to quash the future complaints. SO much of this film seems like a repair letter to the backlash of TLJ. It could have been a smoother run without much of that.
Bens redemption happened the only way it could, the Dark in him had to die. Having HF come back as Han was a welcome surprise, and his rebirth from Rey was the link he needed to see what he was missing. And his following Sacrifice makes his redemption complete and a selfless act. I liked the light saber projecting to him, and the resulting change in his fighting style. Driver really sells the transformation, something that should have begun in TLJ, so it could have been explored more.
This film is REALLY good looking as well. If you cannot give JJ credit for anything else, at least have the ability to grant that he can really direct a film to capture the shots ni the best way possible. Its a gorgeous film , especially in IMAX.
Seeing Luke train Leia was a great scene, short as it was....and again, totally out of order. Highlighting why you map out a plan for the biggest sequels of all time. BIG fail in Disney planning there.
Mark Hamill looked really unhealthy.
The 3po plot line was great, and glad to see he didn't go all AOTC battle droid (god was that the worst scene in any SW film ever). Poe little arc was really cool and the new characters Zorii and Jannah were tastefully used. Can we say spinoff series for Lando helping Jannah find the lost Stormtrooper boys and girls? I am sure thats coming.
Finns Secret< He IS force sensitive. BUT talk about dropping a plot line?
I must admit, the passing of Leia was heartbreaking for me. The reality of her actual death is still shocking to me, as is Peter, and Kenny and David. Time is marching on, and our childhood heroes are leaving us one by one. Really touching they gave her top billing in the credits.
I stayed away from any leaks, and was rewarded , as to me most of the plot was a nice surprise and a really fun ride. I kinda suspected Rey would be related to someone, as as Palps made a return , he was a possibility. To my family , who are SW fans by extension of my fandom, they were REALLY shocked by this. They all loved the movie as well. Most of my sons friends who saw it , liked it as well.
As a contrast, the nit picking "true" fans will tear it apart as they always do. There is alot in here for them to hate on, new force abilities, new characters, new heroes. Lately, I understand the people who have the true level of venom for the ST. They are incapable of seeing anything new that was not in the OT. If it did not exist in the 6 hours of the original story, then its impossible and stupid to them. Well, my Galaxy far Far away is much bigger than that, and has much more to show us, and I am glad. Let the purists keep watching the OT over and over, and I will keep deriving joy from the expanding Universe as a whole. I will take more movies and more films any day.(Madalorian!) They will not all be great, and none will every reach the level of OT, but I remember all to well being a kid and wanting more SW in my life and getting nothing for over a decade. Of course your mileage may (and will ) vary.
These are first impressions as there is ALOT to sort through here. Supplemental materials will fill in the holes, and will some just plain old common sense (yes Palpatine could have had a wife and kids, we do not need a real explanation for that, maybe that story explains his turn to the dark side...but we really do not need it.)
Overall I am going to try to see it again, but being an adult right now is taking up loads of my free time. I hope to squeeze in a viewing the week of January 1st. But this one was up there in the Star Wars Adventure series of films
Obligatory list in order.
ROTS/TLJ (tough comparison for me)
I'm wondering, can this just be a Duology with TFA and then TROS without needing to see TLJ to make sense of it all?
Haven't seen TROS and probably won't until it ends up on TNT, but from all the leaks I read/heard it seems to me that you can erase the memory of TLJ and still have a decent "coherent" story from just the Abrams SW films. Forget TLJ.
Can you give some examples, or have you already? I'm just genuinely curious to understand other points of view. I do mean specifics, not generalizations - which tend not to be very useful for creating understanding.
Thank you, and I hope you enjoy the holidays more than you did the movie - Happy New Year as well!
The first trilogy made of two films.
see here come the nit picks.....SW fans cannot seem to put two and two together unless its spelled out for them.
Maybe the fixed it?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
That Mandalorian fellow basically puts his ENTIRE ship back together after it was completely ripped apart.......
No one even blinked at that
And this is what you decide to run with....try again
I did like a thousand pages ago... lol.
No, thank you! It's refreshing to see someone who wants to engage in discourse instead of immediately jumping to accusations like you are just a racist/sexist/mysogynist/moron/hater/salty whenever anyone criticizes these movies. When I say these movies are trash I am not insulting anyone other than the creators of these movies, but a lot of people on this board take it personally as if they own a stake in Star Wars. You can't have constructive discussions with fanboys and apologists who are easily distracted by lightsabers and spaceships, so I don't bother.
Contrary to popular belief (and I do realize most of my posts come off like this), but I don't hate these movies per se, rather, I experience pure disappointment at what should have been; especially after watching TROS. I never said these movies were not well made, my objections with the ST (and PT for that matter) have to do with the overarching 40-year-old narrative and character arcs and how they have been discarded/wasted/ruined along the way (which makes sense given my professional background in a creative industry).
I have two primary problems with TROS:
1. This movie seems like a rushed jumbled mess because it's actually two movies in one. It's JJ's Episode 8 & 9 mushed together because of Ruin's folly. TLJ was the lore-breaking end of a series and closed most of the narrative threads leaving no where for the story to go. Ruin is an incompetent writer even though his direction is beautiful. JJ had to setup an entire previous movie in TROS in order to continue a story and it shows. For example, all the stuff about getting a transmission from Palpatine and Kylo eventually finding him should have been the plot of 8. The end of 8 should have been Palpatine telling Kylo to find Rey. Skipping over massive plot points like that is dissatisfying. This trilogy would have been so much better had JJ made all 3 movies.
2. TROS wiped away everything Lucas wrote wholesale. The Skywalkers don't matter. Their lineage lasted a blink of an eye and are now all dead and had absolutely no impact on the overall narrative. It took a Palpatine to destroy a Palpatine. The Skywalkers are just a footnote in their own saga. Vader/Luke/Leia/Ben were not the chosen ones or brought balance to the Force - that was all Rey Palpatine who was born completely independently of the Skywalker brood. I think Obi-Wan's voice during the final battle even tells Rey to "rise and bring balance to the force". Talk about pissing all over Lucas' creation. This entire saga turned out to be the "Rise of Rey" and is the natural outcome of Kathleen Kennedy's misandrist agenda and not 40+ years of science-fantasy storytelling.
This entire debacle lies at the feet of Kathleen Kennedy. She had one job - grow the brand to include young girls and women, visible minorities, and the Chinese market because the more people that love Star Wars, the more money Disney stockholders will make on merchandise sales. But through her gross incompetence she has actually shrunk the original consumer base, shooed away a large number of OG fans, failed to attract a new, young generation of fans (Marvel has taken over the hearts and imaginations of younglings today) and women, young girls and minorities still don't care about Star Wars. The brand is DOA in China and has only appealed to virtue-signaling twitter mobs who want to be perceived as SJWs without actually doing anything concrete to help marginalized populations that need it. I don't see these loud-mouthed a***oles volunteering at women's shelters or coaching at-risk youth, but I do see them vomiting insults and stupidity all over social media. These are also people who have no interest in buying expensive Star Wars dolls like us or any other merchandise - no more sweet sweet SW money for you Disney; that honeypot has dried up. Lagging merchandise earnings and flopping movies prove this point.
And of course, Lucas has no love for these movies, so I will join the creator of Star Wars on that side of the fence.
Sorry for writing all this crap no one wants to read and I also wish you a happy and safe holiday!