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That's appreciated. My fall back bet was Wor-Gar's collection, but I'm not sure if he (or she no offense meant by my assumptions) keeps the HT shippers or not.

I did save them all, until I moved 3 years ago and had to throw them all out. And there were a lot of them.

I've been keeping them again since but its just a matter of time before the Great Second Purge.
Or him flying a salvaged OT TIE Fighter to Exegol after it has long been established ever since ANH that they don't have hyperdrives. I guess Obi-Wan's line about an original TIE not being able to go that deep into space on their own is just one more lie that we can attribute to him now, lol.

I actually didn't notice it was an OT Tie. Will need to look more closely on my second viewing.

One thing that did bother me a little was the Hyperspace hopping (was that the term?). How did the FO Ties follow the Falcon? Do they now have miniature hyperspace tracking that is instantaneous? I think I can forgive an OT Tie with a hyperdrive more than that. Perhaps the only working Tie to survive the DSII explosion was an experimental long range Tie :lol

2. TROS wiped away everything Lucas wrote wholesale. The Skywalkers don't matter. Their lineage lasted a blink of an eye and are now all dead and had absolutely no impact on the overall narrative. It took a Palpatine to destroy a Palpatine. The Skywalkers are just a footnote in their own saga... *snip*

To be fair, the third film was always supposed to be Leia's film. Carrie's untimely death, and the last remaining Skywalker, Ben, at that time being beyond redemption, put the conclusion in a very precarious place for the Skywalker family. Although, maybe they could have had Ben destroy Palpatine instead, saving Rey and dying in the process. Of course then it would have been a carbon copy of RotJ.

I felt as if we were only shown a little bit of the Force, and that it was so much bigger and more powerful by the way everyone talked - I was like, stop telling me how amazingly powerful the Force is and SHOW me (enough with just levitating rocks, ships, choking people, lightning and saber fights - lets see some REAL power!) - this is FILM after all!

To me, this was a disappointing aspect of the the PT. Instead of really showing the true power and capability of the Force at the height of Jedi power, the PT instead showed Lightsaber skills. I feel the OT gave us a hint of what the force and the Jedi could do, building to what we saw in RotJ but limited by technology and practical limitations. The PT then showed us impressive lightsaber and acrobatic Jedi combat prowess that the OT alluded to and as young children we dreamed of seeing from those OT hints. The ST then showed us the Force was beyond what we had seen before, living up to the boasts of the OT.

I'll be all in SW if they make films about force user characters. I don't like regular characters without powers in SW. The only one that worked for me was Han Solo, but it was mainly because of Ford. I don't necessarily want the new characters to be jedi or Sith. Instead, I'd like new interesting force user characters with flaws, clear and precise character arcs, in simple but well told stories. The prequels made me dislike the Jedi because they were such weirdos, devoid of emotions, relationships, or any kind of identity since they all acted and dressed the same. They were basically monks. The one thing I liked about Rey was that she wasn't really a jedi in the traditional sense, and the same for Luke in ROTJ. They were like Christians who are believers, but don't subscribe to any form of organize religion, church or cult, which is exactly what the Jedi were in the PT. It's like the Asian guy from Rogue One, he believed in the force, but wasn't a jedi. Unfortunately, he had no powers.

If you didn't watch Rebels, I have a feeling you would like the character of Kanan. He really was an "everyman" Jedi. Not a master or in any way special or gifted, but a regular Jedi with flaws and weaknesses doing his best to live up to the Jedi code. At first I wasn't a fan of his, but by the end of the series I really appreciated the character as a true representative of what the Jedi could and should be.

Interesting that TROS's opening weekend was scaled back to $175m. $75m short of TFA's opening and nearly $50m from TLJ's (not even adjusted) is kinda significant. Though I've always had the opinion that sequel movies perform based on how the predecessor was received - so TLJ benefits from the largely positive view of TFA (as the palate cleanser for the PT), while TROS suffers from a deeply divided response of TLJ.

Two years ago people paralleled TLJ and ESB as the "middle film dip" thing in terms of performance being under the original (as a defense of TLJ falling quite a bit short of TFA,) but ROTJ far outgrossed ESB and was closer to the realm of SW/ANH - don't think TROS is going to outgross TLJ by much, if at all. Based on this, it's possible TROS might even struggle to cross a billion, but that would be pretty surprising.

The critical badmouthing of the film won't help. We have seen in recent years films with bad critic reviews don't do as well at the box office. I don't understand why the general public listens to critics at this point as I think their credibility is about as good as that of the average politician, but there does seem to be a correlation.
That's appreciated. My fall back bet was Wor-Gar's collection, but I'm not sure if he (or she no offense meant by my assumptions) keeps the HT shippers or not.

I did save them all, until I moved 3 years ago and had to throw them all out. And there were a lot of them.

I've been keeping them again since but its just a matter of time before the Great Second Purge.

You could throw in your Vulture/Iron Scavenger to sweeten the deal. Oh wait....
I really want to see this fabled Lucas/JJ cut that is rumored. It got canned because Disney marketing was terrified no one would buy toys of Son of Mortis.
I'm waiting for SNIKT's return to this forum like.


Box office opening audience demographic.

67% males :lol
33% females

56% - (White) None Hispanic
19% - Hispanic
10% (Black) None Hispanic
8 % Asian/Other

But if they fall short of their opening weekend goal, it’s the fault of white males because they’re not ready to see a female in a hero role yet. :lol

Is that an actual image from TROS? If so he looks pretty good there - like ROTJ Palps had some day-spa facial treatments.:lol

McDiarmid, as always, is FANTASTIC as Palpatine in this movie.

Kennedy's agenda is not working.

She should refund their toxic white male money since she abhors them so much.
It was a recent object, made to line up with the Death Star wreckage.

The convenience though, was that Rey just happened to be standing in the correct place (angle and distance) when the idea dawned on her how the dagger was supposed to be used.

Actually, there were a bunch of conveniences in that sequence. First, they all landed on the quicksand, then they just happened to stumble onto the buried artifact in a cave, followed by a snake thing conveniently creating a hole on a wall for them to escape, so that they can take a ship that just happened to be abandoned for a decade, but ready to be used, yet no one saw it or stole it. :lol
Was this movie part of the MCU? Felt like a marvel movie.

I was waiting for a full on Sith army versus a Jedi army with force ghosts of Maul, Mindu, and Qui Gon. On one side there was Palpatine with his force lighting looking down at Rey. On the other side was the lone female Jedi standing there by herself. Under her breath she whispers that she?s all alone. Then Luke?s force ghost whispers backs ?the force will always be with you.? Then Jedi ghosts appear from everywhere and suddenly there is an army around her. She calls her lightsaber to her and says ?Jedi Assemble!?
Well, it's getting absolutely savaged by the general media. Even those that lauded TLJ, hate it for "selling out." And those that didn't like TLJ, don't like it because it had nowhere to go, and therefore feels like a complete mess.

Box office is badly down, and the prediction is it will have a severe 2nd week drop off, and may even struggle to reach the billion dollar mark, as the casual movie-goer has no interest in seeing it.

Not to mention these sorts of articles, heaped on top of the bad reviews.

Oh, my...