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The only way to explain Palpatine's utter stupidity in TROS is that he went senile after ROTJ. :lol Everything involving Palpatine in this movie makes zero sense. None whatsoever! I'm not being hyperbolic here; every scenario that I can remember falls apart upon trying to make any sense of it.

He's an idiot right from the opening crawl. The crawl says that he broadcast a message across the galaxy to let people know he's back. Apart from wondering *how* that would even be possible, the bigger question is: why!? What purpose does it serve? If you've got a secret Sith Fleet, why would you want to alert people to its presence before the Fleet has had a chance to navigate out of Exogol? And why would you risk the transmission being traced back to its source before you're ready to execute your plan?

Which brings up the question of why he would leave the possibility of his Fleet being sitting ducks by having them all rely on *one* central navigation signal to even get out of there.

And that in itself makes no sense because navigating out of Exogol is something that ships clearly must've been doing all along to go recruit staff and procure supplies from around the galaxy.

Every nonsense plot point just leads to another logic hole, which in turn leads to another one. It was a 2+ hour exercise in plot conveniences that all fall apart without even needing to apply much scrutiny, and the Palpatine parts are probably the most illogical of all. They brought him back without explanation, and compounded it by not bothering to provide a logical foundation for anything that happens which involves him.

And you made a great point in an earlier post about the Knights of Ren immediately attacking Ben Solo when he gets back (magically) to Exogol. Did they know he was no longer on their side just because he was wearing a different shirt? :lol

Wait, they didnt know, WE knew from the crawl, they found out because Hux told them.....

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Audience: TLJ sucks. Let's see how JJ fix this.
Audience: JJ tried to fix TLJ. Why didn't he continue the story?

Audience accepted Dark Empire, but mourned when Palpatine returned in the movies.

Speaking for myself, I liked TLJ and thought JJ continuing the story would have been the less messy of two evils.

And I loved Dark Empire but didn't like Palpatine being shoehorned in at the end, out of nowhere.

Meanwhile this LFL-approved book only came out last year:


two hours of nonsense for a conclusion that just undermines the GL movies and their Anakin story and leaves a Palpatine as the ultimate victor

Phew, fortunately I don't agree that the ST did that at all. :yess:

Reactions for this flick really are all over the map aren't they, lol. Can't wait to hear TaliBane's take.
Saw it. It was a steaming pile. I'm done with Star Wars.

Not mentioning any names (just the very classy guy with the Sonic icon)... still think the people on here who can't leave those who like something alone are pretty low. So you were right about the film, doesn't make you right in your behavior. Done with this place too.
Saw it. It was a steaming pile. I'm done with Star Wars.

Not mentioning any names (just the very classy guy with the Sonic icon)... still think the people on here who can't leave those who like something alone are pretty low. So you were right about the film, doesn't make you right in your behavior. Done with this place too.

Stop messeging me and stop announcing you gonna leave and just go. How many times are you gonna say your gonna leave? Your like a broken record. Just shut and leave then. No one cares about you crying. Don't message me again saying your leaving just go.

I thought the film was ok to. And I haven't said anything in this thread negative in a while so I don't know what your smoking
Why SW can't be like Marvel?
Marvel distinguished its movie universe from comic books right at the beginning. And they build movies on good comic book storylines, they tweaked them when necessary.
In SW universe, though movies are the main canon, other media are canon too, at least they were until Disney's acquisition. You can't build a movie inspiring from several comic book storylines. Apart from it is not suitable for SW structure, fans would have striked back.

Luv. Srsly IMO that's the short answer. The film that kicked off the MCU had Favreau with clearly a passion for the character. RDJ fought to play the character. TFA and first Thor may or may not be MCU highlights but geez look at the cast and care put into 'em. Feige - another geek - fighting his BOSS for his vision.

Don't know all the ins and outs but apparently the guru Lucas was sufferin' burnout AND, not getting the impression Disney had those geeks on board with years of childhood passion for SW. MCU had comic book lovers who had tears in their eyes after filming CW fight - dunno if there was that atmosphere during SW. Personally can't imagine a hard core SW fan wanting Palpatine back (I didn't want him back) for obvious reasons re Vader's actions.

WTF u had an actor on hand with enough presence to have a NEW iconic villain and then *whoops*. What a waste.:Flush

E.g. hiring non SW-geeks showed IMO. It's not that Abrams doesn't have a skill set, but it's not like someone where a story is flowing organically, or RJ - who does have a skill set as well - saying lets *&^% this up for fun.
Abrams is more like checking off boxes - and lots of STUFF. I gotta watch this again just to figure out what the lava light cones were for, and the Morgul blade.:cool:

And just sayin' IMO Kylo *&^% off - IMO another waste:pfft: 'coz he could've just done the "go into exile become antihero trope" but at least there was a chance to see a multilayered character in a future film. Tho no-one stays dead anyway so whatever.:chug

Reactions for this flick really are all over the map aren't they, lol.

IMO 'coz there's good stuff and less-good - sort of like a Xmas buffet.:fest
I never would have believed 7 years after the Disney purchase the most valuable film franchise on the planet would crater and become worthless.

Typical apologist talking point. In total denial of Star Wars losing money. A quick Google search will reveal a number of CEOs commenting on how Star Wars branded revenue is way down from previous years, specifically after the release of TLJ. TFA made 2.5 billion dollars at the Box Office and four years later the last movie of the saga will be lucky to make 1/4 of that. Anyone who thinks that's OK does not understand the film business at all or how media franchises work. You are supposed to trend in the opposite direction like the Avengers. Going from revenues of 2.5 billion to 700 million is cratering. Disney shareholders are not happy.

Bringing Luke back to life as the badass Jedi he is supposed to be would have to put a lot more ***** in theatre seats this weekend.

You said the franchise was worthless. That's hyperbole.

Terminator 2 - the last movie I saw in a cinema

Dammit, Asta, come on out of there! It's 2019!


Luke's retreat as a hermit hit a little to close to home for Asta :lol

Which brings up the question of why he would leave the possibility of his Fleet being sitting ducks by having them all rely on *one* central navigation signal to even get out of there.

And that in itself makes no sense because navigating out of Exogol is something that ships clearly must've been doing all along to go recruit staff and procure supplies from around the galaxy.

Stop it, you are giving away the plot of Rogue Two.
Have they even recouped yet? I wonder what the interest rate is on 4.5 billion over how many years...?

I doubt they recouped the money after adding the costs of the movies with their percentage of the Box Office. Solo lost money and merchandise sales is WAY down. There is no way any company today would buy Star Wars for 4.5 billion American dollars. TLJ killed, skinned and BBQ'ed the golden goose and now Star Wars will never return to the fiscal glory days just before TFA came out and people were throwing money at this franchise.

The more I think about TROS, the more I like it. It's the best of the worst Star Wars movies. It's such a train wreck.