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Oh, I wouldn't go to the theater to see this. And I didn't.

I think I figured out the premise for the FT (Future Trilogy):

Palpatine was clearly a puppet on that big arm on Exogol... in the FT, we discover the puppet-master -- Nute Gunray -- the real Nute Gunray who started it all, not the fake that Anakin struck down.

I can hear the transmission sent through the galaxy: I am back! And I am raising taxes on ALL of you!

Its a democratic nightmare!
That too!

Does need an update:

Wait, they didnt know, WE knew from the crawl, they found out because Hux told them.....

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Here's the opening crawl, xip:

"The dead speak! The galaxy has heard a mysterious broadcast, a threat of REVENGE in the sinister voice of the late EMPEROR PALPATINE.
GENERAL LEIA ORGANA dispatches secret agents to gather intelligence, while REY, the last hope of the Jedi, trains for battle against the diabolical FIRST ORDER.
Meanwhile, Supreme Leader KYLO REN rages in search of the phantom Emperor, determined to destroy any threat to his power?"

When the movie opens with, "the galaxy has heard a mysterious broadcast," there's no ambiguity there. It wasn't just the FO who would've heard a private transmission. Palpatine was announcing his presence and intentions to EVERYONE.

Phew, fortunately I don't agree that the ST did that at all. :yess:

That is indeed fortunate for you. :duff As for me, Rey (daughter of Palpatine) healing Kylo, and Ben Solo giving his "life force" to resurrect Rey from the dead, made it impossible for me to just ignore how that totally undermines the story of Anakin (the son of *the Force itself!*). His whole turn to the dark side started because he couldn't keep his mom from dying via her injuries. And then he turned all the way to the dark (and set up the Skywalker tragedy) because he couldn't think of a way to save Padme if she died during childbirth.

Anakin Skywalker - The Chosen One (with higher Force capacity than even Yoda; and with 10+ years of training) - couldn't heal those he loved, and turned to the dark side as a result. But Rey Palpatine just magically knows how to heal? And for good measure, lets have Ben Solo instinctively know how to resurrect someone from the dead. "Sorry Anakin, you just weren't as good as these two."

Anakin Skywalker - The Chosen One - became one with the Force in ROTJ. He then chose to speak to Rey Palpatine for encouragement and guidance. He didn't reach out to his son Luke to prevent the loss of Ben Solo to the dark side, and to prevent Luke from having to go into exile. He didn't reach out to his grandson Ben to keep him from helping Snoke/Palpatine destroy five planets. He instead chose Rey. So she's the true Chosen One in the Skywalker Saga? Yuck!

Anakin didn't intervene by reaching out to his grandson. Instead, he let the actions of his grandson lead to the deaths of his twin children and a son-in-law (and billions of others). But then decided to get involved to influence Rey The Chosen. I can't justify any of that if I want to preserve the point of GL's story in episodes 1-6. For those of you who can, that's awesome; more power to you. But I can't.

Then there's the whole fact that Anakin never really killed Palpatine or eradicated the Sith.
Oh my goooooood! :lol

"I don't want to say that if you legitimately liked this film you have a low IQ, but if you legitimately liked this film you have a low IQ."

Damn, man; that's just brutal. That's such an a-hole thing to say, and if I was a fan of this movie I'd hate that guy for saying it. But it does speak to how insulting TROS was for anyone who appreciates cinematic storytelling, rather than just watching a collection of pew-pew "isn't this cool?" moments cobbled together.

This movie felt like the really bad music videos that were made for MTV back in the day. Just cut away from one shot to another without any cohesive vision whatsoever that would actually tell a worthwhile story to accompany the pretty music. It's so frustrating.
"I don't want to say that if you legitimately liked this film you have a low IQ, but if you legitimately liked this film you have a low IQ."

Damn, man; that's just brutal. That's such an a-hole thing to say, and if I was a fan of this movie I'd hate that guy for saying it. But it does speak to how insulting TROS was for anyone who appreciates cinematic storytelling, rather than just watching a collection of pew-pew "isn't this cool?" moments cobbled together.

This movie felt like the really bad music videos that were made for MTV back in the day. Just cut away from one shot to another without any cohesive vision whatsoever that would actually tell a worthwhile story to accompany the pretty music. It's so frustrating.

Laughed as much at their review as I did during the film!


And so spot-on!
Here's the opening crawl, xip:

"The dead speak! The galaxy has heard a mysterious broadcast, a threat of REVENGE in the sinister voice of the late EMPEROR PALPATINE.
GENERAL LEIA ORGANA dispatches secret agents to gather intelligence, while REY, the last hope of the Jedi, trains for battle against the diabolical FIRST ORDER.
Meanwhile, Supreme Leader KYLO REN rages in search of the phantom Emperor, determined to destroy any threat to his power?"

When the movie opens with, "the galaxy has heard a mysterious broadcast," there's no ambiguity there. It wasn't just the FO who would've heard a private transmission. Palpatine was announcing his presence and intentions to EVERYONE.

That is indeed fortunate for you. :duff As for me, Rey (daughter of Palpatine) healing Kylo, and Ben Solo giving his "life force" to resurrect Rey from the dead, made it impossible for me to just ignore how that totally undermines the story of Anakin (the son of *the Force itself!*). His whole turn to the dark side started because he couldn't keep his mom from dying via her injuries. And then he turned all the way to the dark (and set up the Skywalker tragedy) because he couldn't think of a way to save Padme if she died during childbirth.

Anakin Skywalker - The Chosen One (with higher Force capacity than even Yoda; and with 10+ years of training) - couldn't heal those he loved, and turned to the dark side as a result. But Rey Palpatine just magically knows how to heal? And for good measure, lets have Ben Solo instinctively know how to resurrect someone from the dead. "Sorry Anakin, you just weren't as good as these two."

Anakin Skywalker - The Chosen One - became one with the Force in ROTJ. He then chose to speak to Rey Palpatine for encouragement and guidance. He didn't reach out to his son Luke to prevent the loss of Ben Solo to the dark side, and to prevent Luke from having to go into exile. He didn't reach out to his grandson Ben to keep him from helping Snoke/Palpatine destroy five planets. He instead chose Rey. So she's the true Chosen One in the Skywalker Saga? Yuck!

Anakin didn't intervene by reaching out to his grandson. Instead, he let the actions of his grandson lead to the deaths of his twin children and a son-in-law (and billions of others). But then decided to get involved to influence Rey The Chosen. I can't justify any of that if I want to preserve the point of GL's story in episodes 1-6. For those of you who can, that's awesome; more power to you. But I can't.

Then there's the whole fact that Anakin never really killed Palpatine or eradicated the Sith.

Yeah I get that, but it didnt say what his plan was?

I mean an all powerful arrogant Sith lord probably would announce his plan for revenge to scare people into compliance.

That was the point of the fleet, to have DS like ships in every quadrant to keep them in line.

I think it was an attempt to be sure that the systems would NOT come to the rescue if the Final Order plans got out.

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I can?t help thinking Rey?s lineage was chosen for its sheer shock value rather than for any satisfying/logical conclusion to the ?Skywalker? Saga.

I prefer predictable to illogical.
Remember the traitor stormtrooper from TFA? I think that?s the last time star wars made everyone happy
"I don't want to say that if you legitimately liked this film you have a low IQ, but if you legitimately liked this film you have a low IQ."

Damn, man; that's just brutal. That's such an a-hole thing to say, and if I was a fan of this movie I'd hate that guy for saying it. But it does speak to how insulting TROS was for anyone who appreciates cinematic storytelling, rather than just watching a collection of pew-pew "isn't this cool?" moments cobbled together.

And this is the problem with a lot of the online discourse regarding Star Wars (and pretty much anything) as a whole now. It's not that there aren't good points, or that criticism isn't valid, it's that there is a focus on being hateful, nasty and insulting to anyone who immediately doesn't "side" with the opinion being expressed. As a result, any good arguments are easily dismissed as just another "butt hurt rant" or "apolagist rant".

I get that so many are angry, hurt and feel betrayed. And if all they want to do is lash out, I get that too. No one was ever converted to another way of thinking by being insulted though.

Case in point I won't even watch this video now because I dismiss it as just another rant with no purpose other than to make the ranter feel better.

I am looking forward to the Mr Plinkett review though. Agree with the points or not, those are funny.
Here's the opening crawl, xip:

"The dead speak! The galaxy has heard a mysterious broadcast, a threat of REVENGE in the sinister voice of the late EMPEROR PALPATINE.
GENERAL LEIA ORGANA dispatches secret agents to gather intelligence, while REY, the last hope of the Jedi, trains for battle against the diabolical FIRST ORDER.
Meanwhile, Supreme Leader KYLO REN rages in search of the phantom Emperor, determined to destroy any threat to his power?"

When the movie opens with, "the galaxy has heard a mysterious broadcast," there's no ambiguity there. It wasn't just the FO who would've heard a private transmission. Palpatine was announcing his presence and intentions to EVERYONE.

That is indeed fortunate for you. :duff As for me, Rey (daughter of Palpatine) healing Kylo, and Ben Solo giving his "life force" to resurrect Rey from the dead, made it impossible for me to just ignore how that totally undermines the story of Anakin (the son of *the Force itself!*). His whole turn to the dark side started because he couldn't keep his mom from dying via her injuries. And then he turned all the way to the dark (and set up the Skywalker tragedy) because he couldn't think of a way to save Padme if she died during childbirth.

Anakin Skywalker - The Chosen One (with higher Force capacity than even Yoda; and with 10+ years of training) - couldn't heal those he loved, and turned to the dark side as a result. .

But but - and not being up to speed with the lore - anyway tho just based on the movies IMO thought that was the thing - Anakin WASN'T the Chosen One. Not the way anyone thought. Yoda even alludes to whether the prophecy was correct or really being understood. Anakin DID bring balance to the Force but it would be ultimately through Luke and Leia. E.g. the prophecy was never understood correctly in the first place but only Yoda really suspected there were deeper undercurrents.

At least that's the way I always interpreted the saga e.g. in effect Luke was the Chosen One, in the end. Unless u accept Rey, which personally, OK, the movies were gonna try to make her an icon, but IMO for me it just doesn't work as well as the farm boy hidden from his father.
George has confirmed Anakin was the Chosen One, and current LFL literature says so also.

But I admit the films don't spell that out, so maybe JJ took advantage of that.
Remember the traitor stormtrooper from TFA? I think that?s the last time star wars made everyone happy

One of my favorite parts of this ST was that Finn was a traitor stormtrooper, had friends who were stormtroopers, knew others were stormtroopers against their will, met another group of renegade stormtroopers that helped/saved him and when needed, gleefully guns down as many other stormtroopers he can all the while yelling "WHOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!" as only a walking racial stereotype can. The characterizations in this clown trilogy are soooooooooo goooooooooood! No wonder people here love these movies.
Just got back from seeing it. And honestly, not bad at all.

Not terribly amazing either. And I wish the basics of Palpatine and his new sith order was set up a bit better. And there's also that dangling plot thread about what Finn wanted to tell Rey. Im also not a big Kylo/Rey fan so I wish they hadn't gone through with that one.

But overall probably the most solid of the three and not a bad conclusion to this story. While it does feel a bit "too little, too late" considering this film didn't have a lot to work with, its at the very least a pleasant surprise to see them stick the landing.
George has confirmed Anakin was the Chosen One, and current LFL literature says so also.

But I admit the films don't spell that out, so maybe JJ took advantage of that.

Current literature also says that x-wing was missing a wing and that Rey is a nobody. This is why I take the literature with a grain of salt. It's all canon until it's not.

To be honest, the Mandalorian reveal of healing powers actually undermined TRoS to me. Palpatine made a point that the convergence of Rey and Ben was a power greater than even he imagined possible - and then he immediately used that power to restore himself. Baby Yoda bringing Greef back from the brink of death really hurt that. If it was just fixing a minor wound, like he tried with the Manadalorian, that wouldn't have been so bad. Rey healing a non-vital wound on the snake reinforces that Jedi can force heal, but it is really just superficial. That in no way hurts previous entries as a plot hole "why didn't X just heal X" because it's no difference than basic medical treatment. Rey and Ben together though, have the power to bring life back from the brink, or even reverse death...but at great cost.