Maybe not in the sense of an "official" review, but I've posted a lot about my reaction to TROS. I found the constant procession of contrivances and plot conveniences to go way beyond the bounds of acceptable limits. The writing was extremely lazy, void of virtually any substance, and lacking much thematic cohesion. I wasn't prepared for that extent of narrative flaws with a film this highly "important" to both the saga and the studio. The fact that they fired one writer/director (Trevorrow) for an underwhelming script and then gave this one a thumbs up is mind-blowing to me.
In much the same way as Prime Clone has stated, I could probably find a way to forgive all of those structural problems if not for a few unacceptable plot points. His problem is Rey being a Palpatine, but my biggest issue goes beyond that with how TROS positions Rey relative to the *actual* Skywalkers from the Lucas movies. The plot drivers in TROS glorify Rey in such a way as to take a complete dump on the Anakin setup from the PT, and then have her inherit and overshadow everything from the OT heroes. Rey becomes the linchpin centerpiece of the saga at the expense of three generations of Skywalkers.
Not only was Rey the one who defeated the saga's main villain (after Yoda, Luke, and Anakin all failed), she was also handed nearly everything (both literally and figuratively) that once belonged to the OT heroes. Luke's lightsaber, Leia's lightsaber, Luke's X-Wing, the Falcon, the Lars homestead, the "Chosen One" status, the Skywalker legacy . . . all basically handed over to SuperRey. But at least Maz gave the medal to Chewie, otherwise SuperRey would've gotten that too.
. The key problem with it is that it's all still far too unearned as far as I'm concerned. It was too easy for Rey. And, much like the TROS plotting itself, it was all too convenient.
So the saga ends with a Palpatine inheriting things from the Skywalkers that represented their heritage, their struggle, and their hard work. But, in contrast, Rey got it all by having almost everything just come to her by way of convenience or coincidence. She was able to do things by instinct that the alleged "Chosen One" could never do (and fell to the dark side over!). Even the final victory was achieved by simply crossing two lightsabers together after getting a Jedi pep talk.
And since Palps told Rey that killing him would allow his spirit to inhabit her body, I have no reason to believe that he's not inside there cackling maniacally at having ended three generations of Skywalkers. After all, with the remnants of the FO (largely unseen in TROS) still viable, what is preventing the Reign of Palpatine II? Skywalkers had the struggles, and a Palpatine gets the rewards.
As for the positives, most of them are either superficial or tangential to the main plot. The Han and Ben scene worked for me. Having Luke catch the lightsaber to give his FU line actually worked for me too. A lot of Poe's humor (and Threepio's) landed with me. I liked the Sith Temple on Exogol, and a few other visuals. But not much else. The whole endeavor was mostly a mess, even after watching it a second time to see if I was overreacting the first go around.
To sum things up: I didn't like it.
I think Khev is guided by heart when it comes to SW. It's a quality that I envy because I really want to like movies like TROS. I just can't reward poor writing and storytelling by making excuses for a movie that I want to enjoy. Not saying that's what Khev is doing; just saying that's what *I* would have to do. There's just too much saga-wrecking nonsense for me in TROS.