I understand loud and clear that *you* think all of the Jedi were helping Rey. I just don't agree with your interpretation.
At the beginning of the movie, Rey was trying to commune with the voices of the dead Jedi. She was having trouble doing it. Leia told her that it will come to her. It's something that Yoda did in the PT and CW. It's not a new Jedi ability, jye. Do you think it meant that Yoda and Rey were trying to absorb all of the Jedi into them?
At the end of the movie, Rey specifically recited the same meditation about "let me hear the voices." That's *all* that happened. She got a pep talk from them. That's it!

I'm not gonna tell you to stop interpreting it your way, but you can at least try to understand that I'm not ignoring anything that happened. I'm also not ignoring where they got that "communing with past voices" thing. I just don't think it means what you think it means.
And I don't mind if Rey has different skills. But does one of them have to be the one that turned Anakin to the dark side because it was impossible to learn?
Plus, this whole conversation is ignoring the stupidity of the writing that goes way beyond Rey and the climax of the movie. If you think it's a great movie, that's awesome! I'm happy for you. But *I* think it was awful for LOTS of reasons; both structurally and thematically.
Just because I love SW like I would a friend or family member doesn't mean that I have to look the other way when one of them comes to my house and takes a dump on my living room floor. I don't need to make excuses for anyone/anything taking a **** on what I value.