Prime Clone
Super Freak
No way. Say it isn't so. I loved Solo Lando. I want a Donald Glover spin of series.
He was mainly referring to the pansexuality - and references to human-cyborg relations.
No way. Say it isn't so. I loved Solo Lando. I want a Donald Glover spin of series.
Nah once you include ROTJ you open the door to a whole world of craziness, lol.
"ROTJ is a pathway to many sequels that some would consider to be unnatural..."
I think now that we have so many genuinely good (or at the very least entertaining) movies (plus Mando) the whole "what's canon/what isn't" is starting to mean less and less to me.
I'm starting to simply look at AOTC or TLJ as the "Karen Paige goes to upstate New York" episodes. Kind of annoying to watch but ultimately harmless to the greater series. Do we worry about "purging" the subpar Mandalorian episodes? Nah, we just see him traveling through the desert with a kid who can't act and then move on, lol.
Yeah screw it what the hell does Clown know about SW anyways i?m with you all the way lol
Hell I even enjoyed watching my new TLJ 3D disc a few nights ago I still find that movie oddly entertaining.
I?m perfectly ok with the ST.
It?s really the PT that stresses me out when I get the urge to watch them I start getting night sweats.
I watch TLJ again last night. I never took Kylo's comment as "the effort would kill you" to be confirmation that force projection is always lethal, but rather only the strongest force wielders can use it (which also limits it's in universe usage).
I'm also not convinced it was the projection that killed Luke. Yes he was visibly taxed from the effort, but in no way did he look like he was about to die. In fact he pulled himself up onto his rock and sat calmly in a meditative pose. The more I watch that scene and think back to Obiwan in ANH, the more I think they both chose to become one with the force and move to the next plain. Vader's sabre didn't cut Obiwan. He didn't get "struck down" (despite his taunt to Vader) and then fade to the force. We have seen many become one with the force after death. Their body dies and then shortly after it fades. Obiwan's body was gone in the same instant Vader would have hit it. Likewise Luke seemed fine and then, he made the choice and became one with the force.
Now I'm not saying I'm right, but I'm leaning more to it being a choice with the evidence on screen. After all, as obiwan says and I paraphrase and contextualise, as one with the force he will be more powerful than Vader could imagine. Of course that leads to the fair argument, if they are so powerful and can interact as shown, why don't they do more. To which I'll take a lead from the ascended in Stargate, once they reach that plain, they are opened up to so much more and as such choose to interfere only when absolutely required. As one with the force they can likely see all the outcomes so only need to nudge the living towards the outcome they desire.
Kylo began to piece together what was going on as the movie progressed. In one of their later "Force bond" conversations, Kylo asked, "Why is the Force connecting us?" He knew it wasn't projection, but he knew it involved the Force, and he was invested in trying to figure out the specifics.
One of my favorite aspects to how Kylo behaved during his Force bond scenes was how different it was than Rey's behavior. Kylo was deeply curious. He asked her things like, "can you see my surroundings? I can't see yours." Rey, on the other hand, couldn't seem to give a crap about the logistics. The Force was new to her, and everything probably seemed equally possible as impossible. She was just raw emotion, rather than contemplative and studious.
Kylo was a long-time student of the Force. He knew what the rules were. This Force bond thing was something new that he wanted answers to. I found that juxtaposition a fascinating little wrinkle in the whole thing.
But, I think it was purposely intended for the audience to understand at the end of the movie that Kylo and Rey were not projecting themselves. Their minds were linked through the Force via their unique bond, but no one else could see them. Luke's projection on Crait was entirely different. And his Force projection being something rarely ever used by Jedi makes sense since it has to cost them their lives. How many situations would be worth dying over just to perform that illusion?![]()
Epic post is epic.
Great read.
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I also really enjoyed the juxtaposition of their reactions and that it was something that JJ built on with TROS. Like all Snoke wanted to do was connect their minds but he did it so often that Kylo was able to connect dots that Snoke didn't even know he was capable of. Like the water drops (which I personally really like.) Since Snoke (or Palps if you will) wasn't anticipating the bond between Ben and Rey to be so strong (that he would later exploit at the end of TROS) he didn't realize that connecting their minds would give them significant access to each other, and new powers that even he didn't anticipate.
In other words he connected their minds but the bond became so instantly interwoven that Ben (who was more attuned to the logistics of the experience as you mentioned) was able to take it a step further and actually connect not just with Rey but her surroundings (the water.) Then later Rey herself with the fingers touching.
Ben held onto that knowledge for the years separating TLJ and TROS and assumedly taught himself how to become more proficient with it, hence him being able to voluntarily snatch Rey's necklace. She then realized that if he could take her necklace then he could also take her weapon so she connected with him mentally on Exegol and offered up the lightsaber so that he could use the power (that she had yet to learn herself) to take it from her hand.
That's one of the things that impresses me so much about TROS. It wasn't a wholesale rejection or reboot of TLJ, instead it merely retconned the majority of the junk while building on the good stuff.
Love the discussions and theories.
At any rate, TROS has managed the impossible: I'm finding new respect for some of TLJ. Not enough to make me want to watch it again, but I can see more clearly the good bits in it. And all of this despite (or maybe because?) of TROS' bad bits...![]()
This. RJ has been the object of ridicule/derision for much of TLJ (IMO some warranted, some not), but when I read thoughtful discussions such as these, it reminds me not to judge things too quickly. When I view some of his choices in conjunction with TROS, I really think he deserves credit for forcing JJ and others out of their collective comfort zones. Instead of playing it safe and following the OT blueprint like he did for TFA, JJ had to expand on the concepts that RJ introduced, and in so doing gave us new Force powers that provided different story ideas & possibilities. Maybe that flies in the face of what many consider SW "canon", but if the SW universe is going to survive/thrive under Disney I think its canon will need to evolve along with everything else. The irony is we demand fresh stories/ideas but are the first ones to criticize them if they're not what we are expecting.![]()
In the dialogue right before this he specifically mentions training Jedi for 800 years and how he had a council.
this one, a long time have I watched, all his life, as he looked away, to the future, the horizon
Could mean any one of his students in those 800 years, from Obi-Wan to Anakin himself. Before TLJ, you would never interrupt that he was watching Luke grow up. It was always meant to be interrupted as a student Yoda had that Luke relates to. Yoda even looks up to Ben as he says this and Ben is constantly reminding Yoda that he was once like Luke as well as a green, impatient youth.
And if I'm wrong and Yoda was somehow keeping tabs on him, then I'd chalk that up as is using foresight and sensing Luke's feelings in that moment, reading his heart and mind. In Empire Yoda IS watching him for a awhile before revealing himself. Luke tells him so much while in the guise of a crazy old creature. To think he projected himself at Lars Homestead and studied Luke is just absurd, and missing the point of the scene entirely. TLJ and ROS are a farce when it comes to time and space.
Lets not twist and warp the OT to fit the horrible sequels. I don't want Disney getting ideas of going back and tinkering with them even further after the damage sustained by the PT.
RJ is hands down a better writer and director than JJ but his social etiquette is trash.
That being said nothing can save that Canto casino scene or broom boy scene and a few other character mistreatments and that?s all on RJ.
I?m actually shocked that JJ stuck the landing though. Leia, Han, Kylo and Rey arcs were stellar in TROS as was the main saber battle.
I wonder if they do a ST Disney + show will we see that DJ character again because poof he was gone lol
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This. RJ has been the object of ridicule/derision for much of TLJ (IMO some warranted, some not), but when I read thoughtful discussions such as these, it reminds me not to judge things too quickly. When I view some of his choices in conjunction with TROS, I really think he deserves credit for forcing JJ and others out of their collective comfort zones. Instead of playing it safe and following the OT blueprint like he did for TFA, JJ had to expand on the concepts that RJ introduced, and in so doing gave us new Force powers that provided different story ideas & possibilities. Maybe that flies in the face of what many consider SW "canon", but if the SW universe is going to survive/thrive under Disney I think its canon will need to evolve along with everything else. The irony is we demand fresh stories/ideas but are the first ones to criticize them if they're not what we are expecting.![]()
Excellent points, but we still got death star (destroyers). Guess he could'nt quite let it go...
Well, I said he introduced new Force powers - I didn't say he came up with a completely original plot.
WHaT?!?? You must be joking.
Its totally obvious, even way back when it was released that Yoda was somehow watching Luke....
He says ?THIS ONE?....looks at Luke ?A long time I have watched?
He literally pokes him with his cane when he says, ?never HIS mind on ....? poke poke ?where HE was? poke poke? what HE was doing.....?
He end by saying to Luke ? YOU are
It is made abundantly clear Yoda has been watching Luke on Tatooine , and his lack of focus on his chores and his general attitude since then.
I cannot see how anyone could interpret that scene any other way....
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Obi Wan wasted 20 years of his life in Tatooine since Yoda was keeping an eye on him from a swamp. The Jedi are truly lying pieces of ****. I bet Yoda laughed when Vader took Luke's hand, "Hrrmmm. His hand there goes. Hehehe."